Your product was endorsed by a Doctor & author

Equisync has been very effective – I now have two inventions in mind which I want to get started working on ASAP…

I wanted to know if you have a bumper sticker for your company or website EOC INSTITUTE.ORG? I want to tell the world to meditate starting with the impatient guy behind me stuck in traffic 🙂

Your product was also endorsed by a doctor I know who published two books on the BRAIN, by the way…

I am now purchasing an EquiSync 1 set of three for a friend…

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I received my order today. I especially appreciate the download, I was able to get started right away. I’ve been very stressed out at work, stuck in the ‘irritable / negative thinking’ mode. After using Equisync for just 3 days I’ve noticed real improvement.

Also, I’m a musician. I’m already seeing increased focus and feeling more relaxed. I’m hoping this helps improve my creativity.

Thanks again!

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I must tell you this…(and you may use it in your marketing if you like)…I have never tried meditating before buying your product. I am currently suffering life altering physical problems and almost penniless at this point. I am looking for a new direction in my life…a new life.

For the past 3 days I have used EquiSync and meditated. But the most remarkable news is that for the past 3 nights, I have slept through the night each night without waking up once! I woke up earlier than usual in the morning and was ready to stay up! You may not think this news is remarkable but it very much is because I have not been able to sleep through any night for years!

I usually need to wake up to use the bathroom or my husband’s snoring wakes me. If this keeps up, the benefit for investing in your product will be worth every penny even if nothing better happens!

Thank you!

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I’ve been using equisync first thing in the morning after I get up, and listen to all three tracks in a row. I again listen to all three tracks in the late afternoon. If I don’t have that much time available, I will start on Track 2 or 3, as necessary. I have really started to focus on my breathing, and notice the difference – I finish the session in a DEEPLY relaxed state.

Thank you for your wonderful product

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I’ve been using the discs for about a month. So far so good. I am having some positive changes in my sleep. I sleep deeper and better…

Thank you

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Hello again,

I just want to write another email about how happy I am with your product, Equisync I, or the alpha waves. I dont think I have never been so relaxed in my entire life. When I get sink into the state, it feels like a huge electric blanket is pulsing through my body, a really warm, swirling feeling, and my mind is very inactive. I am a meditator without your product. I am able to enter witness consciousness fairly easy on my own sometimes during the day in activity. This isnt the heart oriented feeling of bliss or expansion, but it still is great for the body/mind. This is great though, as it seems to fully relax me. I still believe, that for one to really see dramatic results, meditation should be a way of life. Considering how many of us, spend most of our day unconscious, not aware of the witness or the self, an hour a day is better than nothing, but would be best to be proactive during the day, watching. Keep up the great work and thank you for your product and research.

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Oh my God!

I’m having tears and goose bumps all over and a lump in my throat.

Wow how incredibly generous and beautiful you are to feel where I’m coming from and to understand and care enough to do this for me. I pray it goes through me, bares fruit and that I will bloom and be of far greater capacity to give and to help as my full potential emerges finally.

Am still having waves of good chills all over my arms and legs.

Maybe its like “when the student becomes available, present and ready, the Master appears…

Thank you with all of my heart!!!

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I have your Equisync II and can feel a difference after only a couple of weeks. I feel calmer and more settled within myself and at the same time less willing to be imposed upon.


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I’m working as a consultant for a new and growing holistic wellness company. I am responsible for determining which products would be the most advantageous for both our patients and for retail sales. I have personally purchased the Equisync I CDs to test them. My daughter suffers from major anxiety. The CDs helps her to relax and be less anxious. I tried it myself one time and it was very effective at putting me into a deep meditative state. I believe that your product works and I would like the wellness company to carry Equisync for patients to use and purchase.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

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You have shown your love and compassion for people. You are not solely in business for the money. You have a genuine care for people. You surprise me above the other programs.

May your generosity be paid back one hundred fold.

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I bought the EquiSync 1 online the other day and I’ve used it 3-4 times. It makes me feel really relaxed which is wonderful since I’m really stressed out… I haven’t experienced anything this relaxing before and am totally going to tell everyone about it.

Thanks again! 🙂 glad

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I have been using your 9 CD set and have found them to be very helpful in my everyday life.

I am a cranial osteopath and have recommended your CDs to many of my patients. I plan to spend some more time navigating your website so I can recommend more precisely…

I have many different patients from stressed teenagers doing exams to chronic pain patients. My question is do you recommend a CD I can play in the clinic while treating patients? Most of your CDs require headphones to work…

Now that I have found your approach, I wish to play something in the clinic that will create a resonance to focus me and relax the patient. I know it is a big ask but do you have any suggestions?

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Customer Support,

Firstly I would like to let you know that I am loving the new program even though I have only used two tracks to date.

It is very different to your previous program. I have already noticed the effects of the design upgrades with my thoughts becoming easier and clearer…

I would like to point out that during my use of EquiSync for over 4 years, the programs have become more powerful with each upgrade. I deeply appreciate your dilligence.

Kindest regards

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Hello !

The demo was just amazing and I got a little carried away. I need to help my son right now so have to wait on this very wonderful series. This is quite an amazing experience listening just to the demo ! My brain really was rewired.

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I have recently started to meditate with the assistance of your program. I have found that I feel I can meditate much better whilst using the Equisync 2 rather than 1. Is it okay to go onto this level even though I have hardly done any meditation before using your program? …

I love the feeling whilst I am meditating… During my meditation is it okay to be almost “dreaming”? I do become very relaxed each time I meditate.

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards.

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