May your generosity be paid back 100 fold

You have shown your love and compassion for people. You are not solely in business for the money. You have a genuine care for people. You surprise me above the other programs.

May your generosity be paid back one hundred fold.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hi, there.

I have been using the EOC CDs for three weeks and felt depression free for three days last week!

Note: My anxiety + my sleep have continued to be much much improved and I am very grateful for that.

Thank you so much…

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I spoke too soon, it came just hours after sending the email. And after my busy day yesterday I went into a dark room to listen with my stereo headphones. It was GREAT and by the time the CD was finished my body/mind were completely relaxed. I will use these CD’s daily!

We are all on this planet together; therefore, any positive changes you make in your life will indeed affect those around you…

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello Friends,

I have had the EquiSync CD’s now for a week. I totally believed that they did what you said because I had experienced the whole brainwave phenomena, sensory deprivation, mind expanding culture back in the 70’s and 80’s.

Needless to say life got in the way and I got distracted and sidetracked, you know how it goes. Lost track of who I was and was called to serve life in other ways.

Using your system I am sensing a redistribution of energy within my head. I am attracted to the comfortable chair, the ear buds, the disc player and the whole meditative experience. This was not so prior to your entrainment.

So far I am pleased at my body’s response to it all. There have been some impressive shifts in energy and frequency. I truly have a long way to go before I can say I have any mastery reaching my potential but thanks for the ‘leg up’.

Best regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear EOC Staff,

As you well know, the most effective form of marketing is word of mouth. I have a powerful testimony to the efficacy of EquiSync!

I have only been using the EquiSync cd’s for three weeks, and I haven’t even gotten to the Equisync III CDs yet. But I have had the most remarkable results. Please do read this in its entirety, although it is long, because I have a proposal for you in the end.

As somewhat of a modern mystic, I have studied altered states of consciousness, but due to my monkey mind, I have only been able to experience them to a very minor degree. I have tried so many methods of meditation to little avail. But I became aware that I would not be able to progress in my spiritual life if I could not achieve at least a modicum of success in meditation.

Then in my own research regarding my life-long hypertension and its resistance to medication, I became very concerned when I learned that 145/95 is the gateway to dementia. At that time my BP was consistently 145/95. Then, even worse, it started to become routinely 161/106. I was simply unwilling to take more medication with all its attendant side effects, so I started researching natural solutions. I became aware of a breathing apparatus which sold for $300 that would help me train myself to deep breathe, thereby reducing my blood pressure. $300 seemed like a lot, but not in the scheme of saving my life. I started thinking. I already knew how to breathe from my brief studies in Chi Gung. I simply needed something to help me focus my mind. I tried using the Chi Gung breathing while simply counting 200 breaths. It worked for a short while, but I quickly became far too bored, even though I knew it could be a lifesaving measure. I had been considering EquiSync for sometime, and realized it was much less expensive than a $300 breathing regulator, and that it might serve a dual purpose. So I purchased the entire suite.

I became aware of two things from the very first time I used Equisync I first, I could literally feel what was going on my brain. Second, I achieved a meditative state from the very first use. And third, my BP dropped to 116/76 immediately after use.

By the end of just a few short days (3 or 4 of use), my constant “on edge” feeling completely dissipated. I had changed my lifestyle drastically to a very low-stress environment. All feelings of anxiety disappeared rapidly, but I was still experiencing something “physical.” I had trouble explaining it to anyone. I lashed out immediately at the slightest frustration. I tried to explain to those around me that it was something physically happening in my brain, but they were skeptical. Within less than a week of using the EOC cd’s, I noticed my tolerance level for dealing with people and situations had increased tremendously.

At the end of just two weeks of use (I was now into the Equisync II cds), I experienced for the first time ever, what my partner described as Nirvana. I experienced a complete dissolution of individual consciousness, felt at one with everything, and felt the deepest peace, love, and complete bliss I had ever, ever experienced in my life. Since you do all the research on this, you know what I’m describing. Unfortunately, language does not express it. I have never experienced mind altering drugs, but I recall watching a documentary of LSD research, and one of the subjects described the exact same “feelings” as I had when she had received a micro amount of LSD.

I honestly believe, and I”m sure you do, too, that EquiSync can be a part of the next stage of psychological evolution for humanity.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Greetings EOC,

I have been meditating for decades, but so far, using the demo and now the full version of Equisync, I have already experienced mind awake/body asleep and it feels so good.

I would like to thank you for your dedication to your work and the level of caring for humanity. I don’t have a blog but I do email and I will be applying to join your affiliate program.

Again, thank you so much for allowing me to keep the extra CDs. I am overwhelmed by your most kind gesture.

I am very excited about your program and I look forward to journaling my results.

Kindest regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

While I’ve got your attention I’ve just gotta say… I LOVE your product.

It’s literally changed my life. I had a stroke a few years back and lost a lot of cognitive ability, a lot of which has returned after just a few weeks of using this technology!

[Note: We make no promises of medical miracles.]

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

You are awesome! Slept great and woke up refreshed. Will do 2 sessions a day. This is good stuff !!

My only regret I did not know about this years ago.

Telling my friends about EquiSync.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Right now I have been listening to the Cd’s only when going to bed…I have been using Equisync 1 and it is wonderful, it really helps my brain calm down and stops the chatter when I go off to sleep… so I listen every night.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I am an Exercise Physiologist from Australia; I specialise in Hydrotherapy (specific exercises in the water to heal patients pre and post surgery). I have started playing Equisync during my 30min Hydrotherapy sessions.

The patients love it, and I certainly see a change in their mood and attitude. I’d recommend EquiSync to any treating therapist dealing with patients who are in pain, anxious and stressed.

Yours in “Hydrotherapy”!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I have purchased many products from you in the past and have been delighted with the results! Most of the CD’s I have are old and not reliable anymore, so I would like to buy the fully updated meditation set. Please let me know the details.

Thank You!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I have been meditating for nearly 40 years and have been doing the equisync for about a month. I haven’t slept this well in a decade. I am happy with your discovery and I feel much more optimistic for Humanity. Keep up this wonderful work.

In light and love

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I’m amazed at what just one week of using the equisync tracks has done for my focus!

Thank you!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


My mother, who suffers from insomnia was recommended to try your products by her primary provider, Dr. [name removed]. Which one is best for sleep?

Thank you very much!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I’ve used the demo twice now, the first time I had a bad headache which disappeared, the second time I felt much calmer and more positive. Now looking forward to receiving the package.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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