I’d recommend EquiSync for any therapist

I am an Exercise Physiologist from Australia; I specialise in Hydrotherapy (specific exercises in the water to heal patients pre and post surgery). I have started playing Equisync during my 30min Hydrotherapy sessions.

The patients love it, and I certainly see a change in their mood and attitude. I’d recommend EquiSync to any treating therapist dealing with patients who are in pain, anxious and stressed.

Yours in “Hydrotherapy”!

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I have been listening to equisync for about 6 weeks and love it.

I have been regularly meditating for a few years and find the benefits achieved with equisync to be more helpful in my daily life… The first 2 cds produce calm and relaxed states that follow through the course of the day…

Many thanks

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Hello EOC Institute!

First of all thank you very much for the amazing brain synchronization music! I bought EquiSync II as a download a couple of weeks ago, and I quickly experienced positive changes in my mood, thought patterns and energy level…

Kind regards

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I just received my EquiSync Cds and listened to the entire first CD. I’ve never had such an experience before. It was amazing feeling the different parts of my brain engaging with the sound tracks.

Literally, I felt at one point the corpus collosum connect both sides of my brain and create such a deep sense of stillness. I felt my pineal engage and my frontal lobe light up.

What fun! Thank You So Much!

I will be referring my clients to your products when they are in need of this type of healing assistance.

Have a blessed day!

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Thank you so much for your amazing cds.

I firstly bought your Equisync 1 and it changed my life. I used it every day and it really helped. I sadly however lost it. I have ordered the new Equisync 1 set which is very different from the first but is still fantastic…

Many many thanks

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Hello Friends,

I have had the EquiSync CD’s now for a week. I totally believed that they did what you said because I had experienced the whole brainwave phenomena, sensory deprivation, mind expanding culture back in the 70’s and 80’s.

Needless to say life got in the way and I got distracted and sidetracked, you know how it goes. Lost track of who I was and was called to serve life in other ways.

Using your system I am sensing a redistribution of energy within my head. I am attracted to the comfortable chair, the ear buds, the disc player and the whole meditative experience. This was not so prior to your entrainment.

So far I am pleased at my body’s response to it all. There have been some impressive shifts in energy and frequency. I truly have a long way to go before I can say I have any mastery reaching my potential but thanks for the ‘leg up’.

Best regards

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Greetings EOC,

I have been meditating for decades, but so far, using the demo and now the full version of Equisync, I have already experienced mind awake/body asleep and it feels so good.

I would like to thank you for your dedication to your work and the level of caring for humanity. I don’t have a blog but I do email and I will be applying to join your affiliate program.

Again, thank you so much for allowing me to keep the extra CDs. I am overwhelmed by your most kind gesture.

I am very excited about your program and I look forward to journaling my results.

Kindest regards

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Hi, I’m totally loving the meditations. I have previously used Holosync, but I find that I crave doing meditation now rather than it being a chore…

Many thanks.

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Regarding your program, I am noticing some positive results. I feel more peaceful, clearer thinking, and a better sense of expression…

Thank you

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I am extremely pleased with your product. The impact of Equisync on my life has been incredible. I have never felt better in my life. Thank you very much.

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Thanks for the great answer.

I really do notice a big difference after meditating with EquiSync. Not sure how to describe it quite yet but it’s good! I have a home studio and a recording studio I go to so I might have to try adding some affirmations after I get familiar with all the tracks. I’m actually reading “Think And Grow Rich” now. I’m halfway through. My goal is to get my health back to normal.

EquiSync rocks!

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Dear Customer Support Team at EOC Institute,

I ordered your product the day before yesterday, and used it for the first time on my birthday yesterday! It felt amazing. Thank you so much for creating this, and I’m looking forward to meditating with another track shortly.

Thank you

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Dear EOC Institute,

I am writing to you from New Zealand. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!

I have tried your CDs from a friend of mine and I have been so impressed! I am wondering if there could be potential for me to distribute this product for you throughout New Zealand?

Although my primary business is [business removed] another deep HUGE passion of mine is consciousness development. I teach a regular group on Thursday nights about this exact topic!

I would so love to be a part of bringing a “tool” to others that doesn’t require any particular effort on their part, but that will help to raise their consciousness and improve their health and wellbeing. I see this as a way that I could play a part in assisting to deliver/offer something else that could be of such benefit.

Thank you so much, I will look forward to your reply.

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Thank you very much for your comprehensive and detailed instructions/ recommendations. Extremely helpful. Thank you also for your incredible product. I found it when I really needed it.

I have serious health issues and through meditation I am beginning to re-align my thinking which was becoming extremely negative. I have been recommending Equisync to everyone I know.

Yours with thanks

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Hi, I have a question about usage…

I have been meditating for about 30 years, and after using it about one week for an hour in the morning, and sometimes at night, I am experiencing [personal detox experience removed]…

I love using the program to go deep and to uncover the cause of stuck issues and beliefs. Everyday I seem to uncover another gem which has been buried at the subconscious level for so long…

Thank you very much for a wonderful product

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