This experience is changing my life dramatically

Dear EOC,

I started with Equisync III and then Equisync I.

This experience is changing my life dramatically. I can not thank you enough.


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I am so proud to say I am progressing myself both physically and mentally at a path so fast that I could never imagine it would be possible.

…I got curious about the Equisync II CDs and it was the 2nd track that started giving me some body signs that revealed me I was in the alpha state. I never practiced meditation before, however, I follow the Gurdjieff and Ouspensky teachings which, if you are not aware, tell us how to do quite the same thing as meditation in our everyday lives while performing our daily tasks. I also believe that Equisync II was more appropriate for me because my life is also dedicated to collective causes, my personal life is totally under control, but your CDs were able to relieve my severe depression after only 3 days of practicing, my chronic insomnia condition which had been lasting for over 27 years seemed to be finally healed. I am truly amazed, really.

I will be more than happy to spread these wonderful news in some blogs as I noticed there is no concrete input so far about the effectiveness of your product.

Last, let me compliment you on the low price of your product which allowed me to purchase it and be healed already from depression and insomnia in three sessions basically, two things that prevented me to attain emotional control because both interfere with our neurological system.

Thank you again. You have my permission to post my input (pls correct my English wherever it’s necessary) and my email address. I will be more than happy to testify the effectiveness of your CDs.

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My name is [name removed], I am 33yrs old, and just this last weekend I purchased the full EquiSync entrainment mp3s… b/c I’m a veteran meditator and felt sure that the introductory tracks were for beginners. As indeed they were but I listened to them anyway.

Admitted, I haven’t listened to all the tracks yet, but while listening to the demo alone over the course of a month-and-a-half I, too, had a transcendental experience that was amazing! So I determined pretty quickly to save the money and buy your product, even though I really can’t afford it. Yes, over the last 3 years meditation has become that important to me.

When I had this experience while using your product, I had been listening to the demo on repeat for around 3 hours or so. Thus, after purchasing your product and reading the material, I was a bit shocked to see the warning “Not to be used for more than 2 hours.”

So my question is: Why? When I read it, I had a bit of a fear of brain aneurysms. Therefore, 1. could someone contact me to tell me why use of your product shouldn’t continue past 2 hours? [I probably won’t heed the reason unless it’s a life or death warning: I love this product that much!] 2. Please feel free to post my letter in your testimonials, if you ever decide to post such customer comments.

Thanks a lot and ROCK ON EOC!!!!

A friend in the lotus position

a concise P.S. I was in a horrible car accident when I was 18 and had to learn to read and write and walk and talk all over again. It was long ago and I’m pretty well over it, but such an injury has lifetime repercussions. The neurological damage sustained causes my left arm to shake uncontrollably anytime I use it in a situation requiring precise coordination. From simply listening to the demo, the shake [though not disappearing completely in the last 2 months] has lessened dramatically. I had been wondering for years what kind of neurological exercises I could undergo to help it…

Well, now I’ve found it!

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I love equisync! It works wonderfully just like the Integration sound bath in Landers, California. You folks should hear what it does.

The Integratron was engineered to focus Lobachevskian trapezoids in sound with some sort of highly advanced tech by George van Tassel.

The sound reflection transforms the source signal into a unidirectional awareness of reverberation that makes sound sound like it’s coming from inside your head from all directions. Its an absolutely ethereal experience because the resonance is tuned through the binaural distance between one’s ears.

I am hoping that some of your research staff might be interested in coming down to check this phenomena out if they haven’t already. It is amazing and perhaps your crew could have some fun figuring this out.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that Equisync reminds of this amazing piece of technology.

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I’m working as a consultant for a new and growing holistic wellness company. I am responsible for determining which products would be the most advantageous for both our patients and for retail sales. I have personally purchased the Equisync I CDs to test them. My daughter suffers from major anxiety. The CDs helps her to relax and be less anxious. I tried it myself one time and it was very effective at putting me into a deep meditative state. I believe that your product works and I would like the wellness company to carry Equisync for patients to use and purchase.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

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Thank you. This was very helpful. My mind chatter was better last night and I am sleeping better. I now do my morning meditation sitting.


[Name removed]

P.S. I absolutely love, love EquiSync!

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I think a problem occurred because I have not been getting the newsletter. Please send it to [email removed]…

BTW, Equisync is awesome!!

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I bought the Equisync II program. I have already become calmer and more confident. I also went into a euphoric state many times….

thank you

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I recently purchased the full system with the instant download and am enjoying it…[personal story removed]

It has so changed my life in just the short period that I have used it. I no longer think of suicide as the only option, I am now recommending it to a friend who is going through a horrible divorce.

Life is awesome, live it to the fullest.

Have a blessed day.

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I have had the pleasure of your tapes for 9 days now, and I am pleased to report that the benefits are incredible. My major issues have been for years the lack of quality sleep. Resorted to sleep aids 12 years ago and the depth of sleep has not been there.

With Equisync as my partner, I have some hope to get off of this stuff and sleep deeply and naturally, eventually. So far I am far more relaxed while awake. I notice more pleasant dreams, but have a long way to go.

Do you recommend emphasizing EII and EIII since they go into the deeper brainwaves? So far, EI has apparently been the best one for me overall.

I deeply respect your business and will also spread the word for purchases.

Thank you for what you have created.

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I just had to let you folks know how impressed I am with your Equisync CD’s, (Equisync I, Equisync II, & Equisync III). I just received the last two yesterday. I tried them both with amazing results. Especially the final CD, Equisync III. It creates a tone that is like a plane of sound that exists between the eyes all the way through your brain to the back of your head in the center. It is a tone, that if concentrated on purely, is the most amazing thing I have ever felt. I firmly believe it is some kind of door the the other side. It is like walking into a Lucid Dream. I am amazed many do not or know not about your technology and it’s wealth and value in understanding the self as well as our place in the Cosmos. I have recommended your product to others and will continue to do so. It is the first product, that has literally blown me away, and without the usual hype of products, such as these. It is it’s pureness, and it’s simplicity, that enables one to help oneself and others in this life. Using the CDs, at least initially, as almost entirely eradicated the intense pain I have felt for years. I have many forms of arthritis, all of which are degenerative, and incredibly intense. I have been able to work in my garden almost all day, without the usual restriction of pain and fatigue. I truly applaud you folks, you are definitely a Godsend….


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Dear friends at EOC Institute,

Just letting you know that I received my order yesterday, and am very pleased with the prompt service and also the beautiful presentation of your product, EquiSync I,II, and III. I ordered all the downloads also, and have just finished listening to all of the 3 tracks on the first disc.

I absolutely love listening to the EquiSync meditation tracks. The results are immediate – a state of calmness, clarity, and inner joyfulness. I have been feeling refreshed with lots of energy while needing less sleep than usual. I can feel a sense of openness and connectedness with people at the heart level. That’s just to mention a few benefits off the top of my head.

I have been practising meditation and following a spiritual path for over 40 years now, and have also tried other brainwave entrainment products in the past with beneficial results, but not as pleasant, powerful, immediate and effective as Equisync.

I would also like to thank you for your service to humanity in helping to bring about improved inner peace, harmony, spiritual awakening, physical and emotional health, and so on to those who have been drawn to practicing meditation. Your website and product make it so easy.

So I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for your beautiful product, at such an affordable price. You are truly under the radar with your contribution to real peace and goodwill on this planet.

I would say that Equisync is compatible with any spiritual or non-spiritual path, because it is in itself neutral. It stands alone as a simple, easy to use powerful meditation tool.

So thank you again, with much appreciation and gratitude

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I have to say thank you because Equisync has made a big difference in my life and I’ve only been using it for six weeks.

Loving it!.. Smiles

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I love your tapes! I bought them a few weeks ago and have greatly benefited. I’m also a holistic practitioner and have recommended them to a number of patients. And today when I made my last referral to your website for them to purchase from, it occurred to me that perhaps you have referral discounts, or wholesale prices for practitioners, and that I should ask?


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