This program is great, I will always use it!

I will opt out of the emails for now because I’ve already ordered and received the entire program, I love it.

This program is great, I am enjoying it, and I will always use it.

Happy Holidays

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Thank you for a great product.

Some years ago, I bought your programme -possibly around ’06. I’ve meditated for 25 years and have learned with many masters.

In my experience, your programme is useful for not only those just starting out, but also for the more experienced. It really helps me “drop into” higher awareness quickly and reliably, even when tired.

With the goal of helping people transform their lives, I work as both a healer and meditation teacher, instructing both beginners and advanced practitioners.

I am interested in promoting your programme for the reasons given above. Over the years I have recommended your CDs to hundreds of clients and students. Please let me know how to do this…

Thank you for your care and attention.


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To whom it may concern:

I have experienced a huge benefit from using Equisync. And, as a therapist I witness fast improvement in my clients who use your program.

Some of my clients, however, do not sign up for one reason or another. They don’t even visit the website to learn about meditation’s many benefits!

Would you be willing to send me 20 copies of the small booklet (that comes with the CD pack)? I would hand these out to people who could be persuaded to then purchase the program.

Let me know if you can do this.


[Name removed], LICSW

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I had gotten your recommendation from a book “How To Stop Drinking On Your Own” [personal questions removed]

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Hello, I am [name removed], from [city, state removed]. I would like to say thank you for making the CDs. They’ve really helped my friend get over years of abuse and the sadness of loosing the only good friend he had after he moved to [city removed]. I plan on getting the cds for myself, once I get to working, and seeing if they will help me with my problems caused by [condition removed]. But, if you had seen my friend before, and compared it to now you would be amazed.

I am however feeling more alert, calm, focused, better thinking, so I love Equisync

Ever since I started using equisync, I no longer have to use [removed] to go to sleep. IT’S WONDERFUL! Thank you. Have recommended it to many of my friends.

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Dear Friends at EOC Institute,

Hi i’m just writing to let you all know that your Equisync CD’s are amazing! Just last night i was meditating to “Equisync II”. The one that has mostly theta binaural beats in it. I gotta tell you i have never had a meditation like i experienced with this CD. At certain points during the meditation it felt like my whole damn body was vibrating! That very night when i went to sleep I also had lucid dreams! It was so relaxing! I’ve tried “Equisync I” too, that one is amazing as well! I haven’t tried “Equisync III” yet. I can only imagine what that is going to be like!

Looks like “EOC Institute” has a winner with the Equisync CD’s!

Well, I finally listened to “Equisync III” after listening to “Equisync I” & the “Equisync II” several times. Let me just say that this put me in another state of consciousness within 7 minutes(guessing) it was beautiful! I meditated throughout the entire 70 minute CD set! It didn’t feel like 70 minutes. I could feel energy in my neck, my solar plexus area and at the brow of my head! Definitely NOT for beginners!

Those DELTA binaural beats are very powerful! These CD’s are definitely working. I can feel myself becoming a new person as i listen to the different CD’s. Situations that i would normally lose control in don’t bother me at all anymore!

Peace & Harmony

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To start with, I would like to mention that your EquiSync CDs have ‘shifted dimensions in my brain and mind’.

When I started listening to the recordings I could feel physically things happening in my brain…

I have done lots of work on myself over the years, but your product is just something else!

Thanking you and sending kind regards

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My name is [name removed]. I recently purchased the program, and will first and foremost say that I am most impressed. It is a lot more advanced than I anticipated, having only been familiar with the brainwave audio options from other companies.

The Equisync program however, is the “real deal,” for sure. I will recommend it to anyone who simply wants to improve themselves in any fashion.

Be very well

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Hi I have been using your original Cds that I bought 3 years ago…

I am a Vibrational Medicine Practitioner and have a very busy clinic in [city removed]. I have a long list of clients, some or which are well known VIPs.

I have been recommending my clients to buy your cds over the last 3 years (which they have), as I feel they are some of the best brain wave meditations I have come across. All my patients love them too.

I play the CDs to them during my sessions so that they relax and benefit more from the healing and show them what your CDs can do and so encourage them to do self healing in their own time, with the help of your audio.

Adding to what I already do for them. I would like some further info on what I should order apart from the ones I have now.

Thank you in advance

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Hi there,

I’ve just started listening to the wonderful EquiSync CD’s we purchased. The EquiSync 2 program is working nicely with my healing. Thank you very much – so far the experience is wonderful…

Kind regards

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I have your Equisync II and can feel a difference after only a couple of weeks. I feel calmer and more settled within myself and at the same time less willing to be imposed upon.


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I had bought your program in 2011… Your programs are excellent and I have reaped enormous benefits from them.


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My recently ordered CD set arrived sooner than promised, in good shape, downloaded easily to my iTunes and sounds excellent. All for so much less than what I was paying for your high priced competitor. I feel good listening and I look forward to enjoying this technology over and over again.

Thank you for your good work

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Thank you. This was very helpful. My mind chatter was better last night and I am sleeping better. I now do my morning meditation sitting.


[Name removed]

P.S. I absolutely love, love EquiSync!

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Having had experience with meditating in the past, I ordered Equisync II a few weeks ago. I listen to it with Bose Noise Canceling headphones and everything you claim on your web site is true!

I meditate in the morning (and get a wonderful start to my day) and at night (for a better night’s sleep). I look forward to both these sessions. It’s like floating in a pool of bliss!!

My only problem is when to know that I should graduate to Equisync III. Could you give me advice on that?

I don’t remember how I found your web site, but am so glad I did. Thanks for a wonderful product!

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