These sessions are knocking me on my rear end!

I started your Equisync program about three and a half weeks ago. I decided to take each section and spend a week with it for the whole 27 weeks. A slow and steady approach. I listen to each program at least two times. Three times if I am falling asleep. But basically I am doing two sessions a day with very little falling asleep now…

First a couple notes. I know the whole purpose is to achieve an altered state. And I know that the ability to do that increases in both depth and intensity over time. I figure if I get into a good state, then I am doing it right and will trust that over time the desired results will occur.

And I have been getting into some good states since the beginning. There were only a couple days where a good, deep altered state did not occur. But even then, something did happen.

And I am taking my time and working through the whole series. That is the only way that it will work for me. So that is what I am doing. And I am getting some significant results already.

I have a history with trouble sleeping. Now, I am not sleeping longer just yet, but I seem to be sleeping deeper. So I am a bit more rested when I get up. I did not expect miracles in a week or so. Slow and steady wins the race.

I am presently doing Equisync 1. I have been doing this for 4 days now. Through the first three sessions over the last three weeks, I have been experiencing some good results in terms of getting into a much deeper meditative state.

This is where it gets a little weird. Ever since I started the Equisync 1 session, the responses have become extreme… [sensitive personal experience removed]

These sessions are knocking me on my rear end!.. Any ideas? Any suggestions?


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Dear friends at EOC Institute,

Just letting you know that I received my order yesterday, and am very pleased with the prompt service and also the beautiful presentation of your product, EquiSync I,II, and III. I ordered all the downloads also, and have just finished listening to all of the 3 tracks on the first disc.

I absolutely love listening to the EquiSync meditation tracks. The results are immediate – a state of calmness, clarity, and inner joyfulness. I have been feeling refreshed with lots of energy while needing less sleep than usual. I can feel a sense of openness and connectedness with people at the heart level. That’s just to mention a few benefits off the top of my head.

I have been practising meditation and following a spiritual path for over 40 years now, and have also tried other brainwave entrainment products in the past with beneficial results, but not as pleasant, powerful, immediate and effective as Equisync.

I would also like to thank you for your service to humanity in helping to bring about improved inner peace, harmony, spiritual awakening, physical and emotional health, and so on to those who have been drawn to practicing meditation. Your website and product make it so easy.

So I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for your beautiful product, at such an affordable price. You are truly under the radar with your contribution to real peace and goodwill on this planet.

I would say that Equisync is compatible with any spiritual or non-spiritual path, because it is in itself neutral. It stands alone as a simple, easy to use powerful meditation tool.

So thank you again, with much appreciation and gratitude

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I’m working as a consultant for a new and growing holistic wellness company. I am responsible for determining which products would be the most advantageous for both our patients and for retail sales. I have personally purchased the Equisync I CDs to test them. My daughter suffers from major anxiety. The CDs helps her to relax and be less anxious. I tried it myself one time and it was very effective at putting me into a deep meditative state. I believe that your product works and I would like the wellness company to carry Equisync for patients to use and purchase.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

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Equisync has been very effective – I now have two inventions in mind which I want to get started working on ASAP…

I wanted to know if you have a bumper sticker for your company or website EOC INSTITUTE.ORG? I want to tell the world to meditate starting with the impatient guy behind me stuck in traffic 🙂

Your product was also endorsed by a doctor I know who published two books on the BRAIN, by the way…

I am now purchasing an EquiSync 1 set of three for a friend…

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Hi I have been using your original Cds that I bought 3 years ago…

I am a Vibrational Medicine Practitioner and have a very busy clinic in [city removed]. I have a long list of clients, some or which are well known VIPs.

I have been recommending my clients to buy your cds over the last 3 years (which they have), as I feel they are some of the best brain wave meditations I have come across. All my patients love them too.

I play the CDs to them during my sessions so that they relax and benefit more from the healing and show them what your CDs can do and so encourage them to do self healing in their own time, with the help of your audio.

Adding to what I already do for them. I would like some further info on what I should order apart from the ones I have now.

Thank you in advance

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Two years ago I ordered from you… I am very happy with Equisync because it really changed me, I’m in awe…

Thank you for all!

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I’ve been using equisync first thing in the morning after I get up, and listen to all three tracks in a row. I again listen to all three tracks in the late afternoon. If I don’t have that much time available, I will start on Track 2 or 3, as necessary. I have really started to focus on my breathing, and notice the difference – I finish the session in a DEEPLY relaxed state.

Thank you for your wonderful product

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Thanks again for the prompt reply.

I have done the Monroe Institute program back in he early 80s but really like your program…

Sometimes I have tears of joy when I finish.

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To whom it may concern;

I just wanted to thank you guys for having such an outstanding product available. I used to meditate when I was younger but got away from it over the last 7-8 years. I had difficulty starting back up, but since I started using your cds I have no difficulties getting back into it; and am now meditating 2 hours per day and have never felt better. I have only been using them for a couple weeks but have already noticed a difference. Thanks again for creating such a wonderful product and I will be sure to recommend it to everyone.

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Just a quick note – this new offering is simply outstanding!

Working my way through and love everything. Well done…the sounds on level II, CD II are simply mesmerizing. Currently my favorite.

Thank you for your excellent products!

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Thank you SO much for your fast response AND great product. I have spent too much money on meditation techniques that frustrated me and I was unable to stick with them.

Your program is effortless, I will share your information with my clients!

Where other methods always seem to fall short of delivering the goods, thanks to EOC I am now able to meditate!

Thank you very very much!!!!!

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Hello EOC Institute!

First of all thank you very much for the amazing brain synchronization music! I bought EquiSync II as a download a couple of weeks ago, and I quickly experienced positive changes in my mood, thought patterns and energy level…

Kind regards

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Thank you. This was very helpful. My mind chatter was better last night and I am sleeping better. I now do my morning meditation sitting.


[Name removed]

P.S. I absolutely love, love EquiSync!

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I have been listening to equisync for about 6 weeks and love it.

I have been regularly meditating for a few years and find the benefits achieved with equisync to be more helpful in my daily life… The first 2 cds produce calm and relaxed states that follow through the course of the day…

Many thanks

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Yes it [Equisync] is absolutely fantastic.

I laughed, I cried, I imagined the reality of the rain coming down from the ceiling into my room. I felt like someone was hugging me at times with reaffirming love, inner peace, happiness, and serene health.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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