The tracks work amazingly well


The tracks work amazingly well, and I wish to first thank you all for your effort to make such a beneficial product!

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I have had the pleasure of your tapes for 9 days now, and I am pleased to report that the benefits are incredible. My major issues have been for years the lack of quality sleep. Resorted to sleep aids 12 years ago and the depth of sleep has not been there.

With Equisync as my partner, I have some hope to get off of this stuff and sleep deeply and naturally, eventually. So far I am far more relaxed while awake. I notice more pleasant dreams, but have a long way to go.

Do you recommend emphasizing EII and EIII since they go into the deeper brainwaves? So far, EI has apparently been the best one for me overall.

I deeply respect your business and will also spread the word for purchases.

Thank you for what you have created.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hi, I have a question about usage…

I have been meditating for about 30 years, and after using it about one week for an hour in the morning, and sometimes at night, I am experiencing [personal detox experience removed]…

I love using the program to go deep and to uncover the cause of stuck issues and beliefs. Everyday I seem to uncover another gem which has been buried at the subconscious level for so long…

Thank you very much for a wonderful product

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Thank you SO much for your fast response AND great product. I have spent too much money on meditation techniques that frustrated me and I was unable to stick with them.

Your program is effortless, I will share your information with my clients!

Where other methods always seem to fall short of delivering the goods, thanks to EOC I am now able to meditate!

Thank you very very much!!!!!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

The CDs did the trick, I experienced very deep “mind awake body asleep” on the second and third use of all three CDs.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I have had your Equisync CD’s for a little more than 2 years. Some recent stresses prompted me to start listening to them again. Wow……these cd’s are no joke. I have been playing them consistently for the past 2 weeks and they are a tremendous help. I have to ask about the Equisync III cds. Can this elicit a detox reaction? I played it in its entirety one night and the next morning I felt like I was having a healing crisis. I am not complaining ? I believe these particular cds allows tremendous amounts of healing light to enter the body through the higher chakras.


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My wife and I have started listening to the programme, and find it not only helpful, but also delightful…

Dr [name removed]

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My name is [name removed] and I purchased the full Equisync set about 2 years ago and I’m very happy with this product. I still feel and notice euphoric and life changing effects to this day and I’m so grateful for this fact. I continue to follow the research on this subject and know that as science and technology advances a more quality product can be produced.

Thanks for your time.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I just wanted to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude and appreciation for your amazing system.

I can’t begin to tell you how this series of meditations has changed my life. I am happy, I have joy, I have peace.

The doubt and fear in my thought patterns have been removed in a relatively short period of time.

I especially enjoy the emails you have forwarded about remaining calm etc.

I am so grateful that you cared enough about others to keep this system at a rate that anyone can afford. God and the Universe will continue to bless you for this act of kindness.

I would appreciate it so much if this email can be forwarded to the person or persons responsible for creating this awesome gift, along with a reply so I may know you are in receipt of this correspondence.

Again, I AM grateful! Namaste!

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I want to thank the EOC Institute for your EQUISYNC. My spiritual development has been my goal now for 30 years, what a journey.

Two years studying with the Monroe Institute. Three years with CenterPointe just prior to EOC Institute.

The CDs are helping daily. All of my training has lead me to this point in time. Will stay tuned for the alignment to come.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Equisync has been very effective – I now have two inventions in mind which I want to get started working on ASAP…

I wanted to know if you have a bumper sticker for your company or website EOC INSTITUTE.ORG? I want to tell the world to meditate starting with the impatient guy behind me stuck in traffic 🙂

Your product was also endorsed by a doctor I know who published two books on the BRAIN, by the way…

I am now purchasing an EquiSync 1 set of three for a friend…

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Hi Guys,

Love the messages. Food for thought and positive reinforcement.

Having purchased Equisync, I find E3 most useful at the present time… Do I process my thoughts as they arise, or do I focus only on my breathing and emptying the mind completely? Friends who practice meditation via traditional disciplines talk about “tethering the elephant mind.

Of note: The very first time I used Equisync 3 I had what felt like a timeless, almost out of body experience, with my cells feeling like what I can only describe as “pure vibrational energy.” Suffice to say, this wonderful state of pure relaxation is not easily replicated but I have gotten close since then…

Yours sincerely

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello Friends,

I have had the EquiSync CD’s now for a week. I totally believed that they did what you said because I had experienced the whole brainwave phenomena, sensory deprivation, mind expanding culture back in the 70’s and 80’s.

Needless to say life got in the way and I got distracted and sidetracked, you know how it goes. Lost track of who I was and was called to serve life in other ways.

Using your system I am sensing a redistribution of energy within my head. I am attracted to the comfortable chair, the ear buds, the disc player and the whole meditative experience. This was not so prior to your entrainment.

So far I am pleased at my body’s response to it all. There have been some impressive shifts in energy and frequency. I truly have a long way to go before I can say I have any mastery reaching my potential but thanks for the ‘leg up’.

Best regards

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I wanted to tell you how much I LOVE the audios.

I have listened to other frequencies a lot in the past. I felt relaxed but I never could tell if they actually did anything.

The first day I got these I didn’t know to listen only a couple of times. I listened 3 hours.

The second day, I listened to only 2 tracks. I felt relaxed, and aware of what was going thru my head.

The third day, WOW… I discovered that issues in my life that seemed unsettled, or that needed attention, came to the forefront, and I could easily access all issues that needed to be looked at.

Same thing happened on the fourth day.

These are really helping me so much… I have told so many people about EquiSync, I am thrilled to have found you!! I can’t imagine ever living without EquiSync.

I love it!!

Thank you so much

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Sirs,

I’m have been using your Equisync I for a few days and find myself sleeping better and more relaxed. Even though still not understanding how your technology works, but the results are awesome.

I have ADD (attention deficit disorder) along with GAD (general anxiety disorder), your product is helping me with the anxiety, however I will like to know if it will help for ADD as well.


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