I am beginning to re-align my thinking

Thank you very much for your comprehensive and detailed instructions/ recommendations. Extremely helpful. Thank you also for your incredible product. I found it when I really needed it.

I have serious health issues and through meditation I am beginning to re-align my thinking which was becoming extremely negative. I have been recommending Equisync to everyone I know.

Yours with thanks

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Hi, had bought your meditation product back in 2012 and feel the need to tell you how many amazing experiences I have had using these powerful sounds throughout the years!
A big thank you!

Love & Light

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I just wanted to say how brilliant your product is. I have tried many forms of meditation over 15 years but only Equisync has helped with my inability to sleep.

For certain, I have the odd night when sleep is difficult, but this happens only once every three months or so and during times of stress. Other times, I sleep like a baby. Even if I occasionally wake up, I am able to get back to sleep with ease.

Your product does everything it states on the packet – and more!

Thank you so much

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Wow, and double wow.

Received the download to my order. What wonderful, relaxing cds. I’m sold on it…

Thank you muchly

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I purchased the mp3 version of all three cds and was wondering — when I burn a copy to share with my husband, will any of the effects be lost in translation? 🙂

I love these tracks!! I was wondering, I’m addicted (in a good way) to Equisync 3. I did work my way up going through the first 2, I can go back to the others, right? I really love the “visions” from using this program.


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I am glad that I have bought from you meditative music, it really is worth the time spent and gives me much energy and refreshing feelings, my worries go away and am left with a great sense of fullness and enlightenment…


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Dear Customer Support Team at EOC Institute,

I ordered your product the day before yesterday, and used it for the first time on my birthday yesterday! It felt amazing. Thank you so much for creating this, and I’m looking forward to meditating with another track shortly.

Thank you

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Good morning…

I am a happy EOC institute customer for years now. I have been conducting academic research on sound and the brain and have found some connections using MRI, PET, and EEG technologies to show brain activity. I know from personal experience that this works…

Thanks for your help.

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I must tell you this…(and you may use it in your marketing if you like)…I have never tried meditating before buying your product. I am currently suffering life altering physical problems and almost penniless at this point. I am looking for a new direction in my life…a new life.

For the past 3 days I have used EquiSync and meditated. But the most remarkable news is that for the past 3 nights, I have slept through the night each night without waking up once! I woke up earlier than usual in the morning and was ready to stay up! You may not think this news is remarkable but it very much is because I have not been able to sleep through any night for years!

I usually need to wake up to use the bathroom or my husband’s snoring wakes me. If this keeps up, the benefit for investing in your product will be worth every penny even if nothing better happens!

Thank you!

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Having had experience with meditating in the past, I ordered Equisync II a few weeks ago. I listen to it with Bose Noise Canceling headphones and everything you claim on your web site is true!

I meditate in the morning (and get a wonderful start to my day) and at night (for a better night’s sleep). I look forward to both these sessions. It’s like floating in a pool of bliss!!

My only problem is when to know that I should graduate to Equisync III. Could you give me advice on that?

I don’t remember how I found your web site, but am so glad I did. Thanks for a wonderful product!

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Regarding your program, I am noticing some positive results. I feel more peaceful, clearer thinking, and a better sense of expression…

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

To whom it may concern,

The results of using EquiSync for only 3 months have been phenomenal! Profound and positive changes have occurred , and continue to occur, in my being. These transformations have become obvious to family and friends as well. I am 71 yrs old and feel better than when I was in my thirties. My energy levels remain high with less sleep. I work out at the gym vigorously five days a week – bicycling and swimming are part of the regimen as well. I volunteer services at Hospice and nursing homes. My short term memory has improved to the point that others remark on my remembering their names after meeting them only once several weeks in the past. Sometimes I find that I’m reading fine print without my glasses. I spent the greater portion of my “productive” years as a monk but had lost the ability to meditate due to the development of A.D.D. Now my ability to stay focused and concentrate has remarkably returned and am reaching meditative states that I’ve not reached in years. Each new day is now seen as another opportunity to serve.

Because of others observing all of this I have been able to send you several customers and will very likely be sending you more… I am part of a large spiritual community and this would help tremendously in spreading the word of EquiSync. I also believe your product would be of great benefit to Hospice and nursing home patients of which there is a very large number here in Florida -aka- God’s waiting room.


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You are awesome! Slept great and woke up refreshed. Will do 2 sessions a day. This is good stuff !!

My only regret I did not know about this years ago.

Telling my friends about EquiSync.

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Hello again,

I just want to write another email about how happy I am with your product, Equisync I, or the alpha waves. I dont think I have never been so relaxed in my entire life. When I get sink into the state, it feels like a huge electric blanket is pulsing through my body, a really warm, swirling feeling, and my mind is very inactive. I am a meditator without your product. I am able to enter witness consciousness fairly easy on my own sometimes during the day in activity. This isnt the heart oriented feeling of bliss or expansion, but it still is great for the body/mind. This is great though, as it seems to fully relax me. I still believe, that for one to really see dramatic results, meditation should be a way of life. Considering how many of us, spend most of our day unconscious, not aware of the witness or the self, an hour a day is better than nothing, but would be best to be proactive during the day, watching. Keep up the great work and thank you for your product and research.

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First, you have a good product and great service. I’ve noticed that I can easily enter the alpha state, and my body is heavy, mind relaxed, very pleasurable feelings. Happened every time…


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