Your product is phenomenal!

Your product is phenomenal!

I’ve never felt better. Will I experience better results listening to Equisync for the entire 2 hours/day as opposed to two sessions/day? I am retired and I have the time to spend on it.

Thank you again for Equisync!

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Two years ago I ordered from you… I am very happy with Equisync because it really changed me, I’m in awe…

Thank you for all!

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I love your tapes! I bought them a few weeks ago and have greatly benefited. I’m also a holistic practitioner and have recommended them to a number of patients. And today when I made my last referral to your website for them to purchase from, it occurred to me that perhaps you have referral discounts, or wholesale prices for practitioners, and that I should ask?


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Please feel free to post the following product review on your website:

EquiSync is representative of cutting edge entrainment technology, and while some believe it may take a week or more to realize the beneficial results of Equisync use; in my case I began seeing noticeable changes in my attitude, behavior, responsiveness and an increase in retention within a matter of days.

If you truly desire to reach your full potential; than I highly recommend you join the EquiSync family by purchasing the product and utilizing it to the fullest; and your success is virtually guaranteed.” [Note: We do not solicit endoresements but appreciate all that come our way.]

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I really love these CDs.

I get into the “body asleep, mind awake mode” very easily. I’ve been looking for something like this for years, and these are the best I’ve found!

Thank you!

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I just wanted to say a big “Thank You” for the inner peace that your products have brought me. I bought all nine of the sound files (27 in all I guess) and I listen to them every day. It has only been about a month but I am already a very different person than what I used to be.

I have a difficult and demanding job which does not pay me very much – yet I am happy now. I don’t seem to ever feel overwhelmed anymore and I have come to the point in my life where I can finally live in the moment.

Nothing seems too difficult for me and I can take things in stride like I never used to. I think I may even be able to wean myself off of what I call my “mood enhancers”, something which I never believed possible until now.

I think that you may have the very thing that will change the whole world for the better. You guys rock!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I started your Equisync program about three and a half weeks ago. I decided to take each section and spend a week with it for the whole 27 weeks. A slow and steady approach. I listen to each program at least two times. Three times if I am falling asleep. But basically I am doing two sessions a day with very little falling asleep now…

First a couple notes. I know the whole purpose is to achieve an altered state. And I know that the ability to do that increases in both depth and intensity over time. I figure if I get into a good state, then I am doing it right and will trust that over time the desired results will occur.

And I have been getting into some good states since the beginning. There were only a couple days where a good, deep altered state did not occur. But even then, something did happen.

And I am taking my time and working through the whole series. That is the only way that it will work for me. So that is what I am doing. And I am getting some significant results already.

I have a history with trouble sleeping. Now, I am not sleeping longer just yet, but I seem to be sleeping deeper. So I am a bit more rested when I get up. I did not expect miracles in a week or so. Slow and steady wins the race.

I am presently doing Equisync 1. I have been doing this for 4 days now. Through the first three sessions over the last three weeks, I have been experiencing some good results in terms of getting into a much deeper meditative state.

This is where it gets a little weird. Ever since I started the Equisync 1 session, the responses have become extreme… [sensitive personal experience removed]

These sessions are knocking me on my rear end!.. Any ideas? Any suggestions?


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I have been using your meditation tracks for over a week now and my sleep has already improved and the fear/anxiety I was feeling has lessened.

Thank you!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

To whom it may concern,

I am an artist who has been practicing EQUISYNC for approximately two weeks now and as stated in your promotional material, I am experiencing what you have called a “runner’s high” or the high you get when totally engaged in the creative process.. Sometimes it gets to be so pleasurable it feels like it’s too good to be true…

Thanks again

P.S. I have been practicing TM since 1975

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear EOC,

I started with Equisync III and then Equisync I.

This experience is changing my life dramatically. I can not thank you enough.


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Thank you, thank you so much…

I wish I could tell everyone that just after listening I slept for the first time in months without aid.

Have been taking everything that my doctor could think of and had very bad experiences from them all. My main sleep med left me sleepwalking and scared I could have hurt others and myself, another med worked some but had to take high dosages, others just left me not sleeping and zombiefied all day.

This is just a blessing for me… Now going to try and get off of everything bad so that I can live a good, clean life.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello EOC Institute Customer Support,

Thank you for sending the replacement CDs. Have listened to some and absolutely love them. Thank you so much for bringing such a brilliant thing into my life and for all the work that has gone into producing this meditation system. Hooray!

Best regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

It has been both a pleasure and an enlightening experience listening to the Equisync II CDs for the past month. As a 15 year stroke survivor, daily meditation has become a part of my life. Listening to these CDs reminds me of sitting alone in a forest during periods of rain, whether they be light, heavy, or in between. I am able to access my right hemisphere more readily and experience the feeling of nirvana that we all have within us. When I reach this point, my system reminds itself of all the compassion and connectedness we each have.

Thank you for this great product.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thank you so much for your amazing cds.

I firstly bought your Equisync 1 and it changed my life. I used it every day and it really helped. I sadly however lost it. I have ordered the new Equisync 1 set which is very different from the first but is still fantastic…

Many many thanks

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I purchased 1 & 2 and have used them for over a year. I enter very deep meditative states and so I’m very happy.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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