I really love your product!

I bought your program last night and so far love it. If it’s as good as it seems expect an endorsement for sure…

I really love your product!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I recently purchased the full system with the instant download and am enjoying it…[personal story removed]

It has so changed my life in just the short period that I have used it. I no longer think of suicide as the only option, I am now recommending it to a friend who is going through a horrible divorce.

Life is awesome, live it to the fullest.

Have a blessed day.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Can I say I have been using your CDs now for a few weeks and have brought my blood pressure down quite a lot and my mind seems more clear. I seem to want to do more in my spare time and I have calmed down quite a lot, i now live in hope.

thank you once again

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Friends,

Please forgive me for my much too tardy response. I did not have a headset until yesterday when my daughter gave me a set for my birthday (which was yesterday, incidently).

Last night I did my first session and my mind chatter was like a pinball game. However, this morning my brain felt calmer. I concentrated on the undertone which at first sounded like a persistent major 5th then seemed to be a low octave.

I was unable to completely stop the mind chatter but I concluded my session and went forth and had a joyful and productive day.

I am thrilled even after just two sessions!

I am still stunned by your generosity. I haven’t a clue as to how I stumbled on to your website so it seems that it was simply a case of providence.

I have been telling everyone I know about your program. Before long I should be sending business your way.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

First of all, thank you for a most remarkable achievement. I have tried products in the past that purported to synchronize meditation-level brain waves — usually overlain by sappy new-age music composed by non-composers — and was invariably disappointed. However, I have been using your Equisync II and Equisync III recordings for a few weeks now and the results are truly astonishing and live up to the claims on your website.

In any event, thanks again.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I have purchased many products from you in the past and have been delighted with the results! Most of the CD’s I have are old and not reliable anymore, so I would like to buy the fully updated meditation set. Please let me know the details.

Thank You!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

After writing my last email to you, I went shopping at the grocery store. I bought a few items and enjoyed the experience. I had an unexpected benefit from my first time listening to the EquiSync demo and I thought I would tell you about it.

I did note a lot of cracking going on in my back and by the time I got back home, the severe pain I had had in my neck at the base of the skull was almost gone. In fact there wasn’t any pain in the rest of my back either. I ate a little and became really sleepy. On my way to bed, I noticed that my spine was much straighter and was pain free.

After the 2 hour nap, I got up and walked back to the kitchen. My spine was straight, my gait was stable and I didn’t feel like I was about to tip over. In fact my body feels better than it has in 15-20 years.

These aren’t the benefits I was expecting from the single demo session. I’ll take it though. [Note: This is a highly unique experience. We make no promises of medical miracles.]

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

The CD’s are great and we listen to them all the time. Very special program.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello! I think of you as my very good friends.

I am writing just to thank you for making such a marvelous thing (EquiSync) available. I had a great session today listening to disc 2-A, all three tracks.

I feel I reached a more basic level than ever before this date. I was wearing some magnetic finger rings I’ve long had, which I think enhanced EquiSync. I hope you will think this is O.K.

Also, a habit I have developed is: when I find my mind churning away at not very relaxing things, I think three words—Light (I get a sense of light, eyes closed and looking up), Space (I get a sense of space around me), Depth (depth of relaxation)— somehow this last word creates more relaxation, and helps me to cut the mental chatter and simply experience the sounds.

Your program is working for me!

(No response is necessary unless you want to say something).

Many thanks

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Customer Support,

Firstly I would like to let you know that I am loving the new program even though I have only used two tracks to date.

It is very different to your previous program. I have already noticed the effects of the design upgrades with my thoughts becoming easier and clearer…

I would like to point out that during my use of EquiSync for over 4 years, the programs have become more powerful with each upgrade. I deeply appreciate your dilligence.

Kindest regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I have to say thank you because Equisync has made a big difference in my life and I’ve only been using it for six weeks.

Loving it!.. Smiles

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Just some feedback:

I downloaded the demo to see how our son would take to the sounds etc as having [medical condition removed] there are certain noises he can’t tolerate. But 2 nights in a row now he has been asleep within 2 minutes of me putting the headphones on him – this is a child that hardly sleeps!

This morning I woke up to find he had got himself up and changed, we have been trying to get him to do this for a year now. He had made his own breakfast without being prompted, and was in front of the telly practicing taekwondo patterns that he hasn’t been taught but was copying from the DVD he’s got. It is documented by pediatricians that he can’t mimic movement from visual instruction alone or understand verbal instructions.

I am amazed, it can’t be coincidence…”

[Note: This is a very unique experience. We make no medical miracle promises.]

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

My name is [removed].

I have a deep emotional connection with EquiSync, it has an amazing (!) effect on me and I am really glad to have found it. I really believe that this will be the 21st century’s greatest healing tool!…

Best regards and many thanks

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


Greetings from the Consumer Advocate.

I am sending you this because after reviewing your product. It’s an EPIC WIN?. I love it. I investigate disputes and review products and services. You are going on the consumer advocate “Buy With Confidence” list.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I bought the basic package and I am listening to it every day. Sure takes the work out of meditation, which makes it easy and fun…

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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