All my training has lead me to this point in time

I want to thank the EOC Institute for your EQUISYNC. My spiritual development has been my goal now for 30 years, what a journey.

Two years studying with the Monroe Institute. Three years with CenterPointe just prior to EOC Institute.

The CDs are helping daily. All of my training has lead me to this point in time. Will stay tuned for the alignment to come.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Equisync makes me more relaxed and in tune with whatever I am doing. After about three weeks of daily 10-30 minute sessions with the CDs, I find myself frequently taking a deep breath and relaxing into the present moment as I slowly exhale.

My golf has improved as I focus helps me hit the shot that I envision more often.

Just a few minutes of Equisync II at bedtime takes me quickly into alpha—theta sleep state. It has become an integral part of my early morning routine at the start of each day.

I look forward to further improvements in the future.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I tried your demo product last night and was so amazed that I did it twice!

It was such a calming session, like floating almost. I experienced an array of vivid visuals, and then afterwards slept great – so much so that I had a surreal vivid dream where there was so much laughter that I’ve never felt anything like it in my life… Hard to describe the experience really.

I woke up thinking that I was laughing out loud… I have to say the vivid dream of the laughter was the happiest I think I’ve been in my entire life. I was excited to wake up this morning and I haven’t had that excitement in months!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I am a physician and recommend your product frequently to my patients.

I have found it useful myself as have many of my patients. I am interested in having more professional looking materials than a photocopy of my original brochure I received many years ago with my original CDs…

What would be the most appropriate way to provide the CD’s directly to patients? I would like to facilitate access to your product more quickly and at a lower overall cost (ie without patients each paying for shipping).

Thank you for your assistance.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Sirs,

I have Equisync and I LOVE it! I have only been listening for a few weeks…but I certainly could tell a difference immediately!

Here are the benefits for me:

I am able to experience a deeper meditation state, faster. I use it get to sleep when I have had too much caffeine, sugar or other stimulation before bed. When my brain is tired and I still need to go to class, I listen to the middle section and it energizes my brain again so that I can focus in class.

What a coup!!! Thank you so very much for your tool to help me through this energy changing process that we are experiencing right here, right now!!!

In Gratitude!

Please print this as a testimony for your program and services.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

My recently ordered CD set arrived sooner than promised, in good shape, downloaded easily to my iTunes and sounds excellent. All for so much less than what I was paying for your high priced competitor. I feel good listening and I look forward to enjoying this technology over and over again.

Thank you for your good work

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hi there,

Just dropping you a line to say thanks. I am really pleased with my purchase. I was a bit skeptical and not really sure if this is what i wanted or if it would work at all but i am really pleased the product lived up to expectation.


[Name removed] uk

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

First of all, thank you for a most remarkable achievement. I have tried products in the past that purported to synchronize meditation-level brain waves — usually overlain by sappy new-age music composed by non-composers — and was invariably disappointed. However, I have been using your Equisync II and Equisync III recordings for a few weeks now and the results are truly astonishing and live up to the claims on your website.

In any event, thanks again.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Good morning,

I have been using your product for about a month and I feel like I am getting good and interesting results. I am sleeping better and have been able to generate really great ideas and deep thoughts while listening to EquiSync (~46 min in the morning and night)… I feel a kind of detoxification of the brain both during and after each meditation session.

Thank you!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I purchased the mp3 version of all three cds and was wondering — when I burn a copy to share with my husband, will any of the effects be lost in translation? 🙂

I love these tracks!! I was wondering, I’m addicted (in a good way) to Equisync 3. I did work my way up going through the first 2, I can go back to the others, right? I really love the “visions” from using this program.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I have recently started using your system, ive already noticed results, a full nite sleep without waking up. I look forward to more changes in my habits and the ways i deal with life.

I will keep you informed.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I purchased 1 & 2 and have used them for over a year. I enter very deep meditative states and so I’m very happy.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


Just bought the system and love it. I chose it because the demo was lovely and so far have not been disappointed with the other tracks.

I have many years of meditation experience and have been in so called “enlightened” states of consciousness for short periods of time (but cannot mantain thse states)…

I am working on ways to keep a high state of consciounsess all the time, while still functioning well in the material world… A lofty goal I know.

So far your meditation tracks have been a real catalyst in this process.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Sirs,

I’m have been using your Equisync I for a few days and find myself sleeping better and more relaxed. Even though still not understanding how your technology works, but the results are awesome.

I have ADD (attention deficit disorder) along with GAD (general anxiety disorder), your product is helping me with the anxiety, however I will like to know if it will help for ADD as well.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I just wanted to say a big “Thank You” for the inner peace that your products have brought me. I bought all nine of the sound files (27 in all I guess) and I listen to them every day. It has only been about a month but I am already a very different person than what I used to be.

I have a difficult and demanding job which does not pay me very much – yet I am happy now. I don’t seem to ever feel overwhelmed anymore and I have come to the point in my life where I can finally live in the moment.

Nothing seems too difficult for me and I can take things in stride like I never used to. I think I may even be able to wean myself off of what I call my “mood enhancers”, something which I never believed possible until now.

I think that you may have the very thing that will change the whole world for the better. You guys rock!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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