Awesome product! Listen to them every night


I have the system, and listen to them every night usually listen before falling to sleep 🙂 Awesome product.

I would like to become an affiliate with you and promote the product from my blog and on social media.

What would be the procedure to do this?

Thanks and you are CERTAINLY AWESOME!

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I have been using your 9 CD set and have found them to be very helpful in my everyday life.

I am a cranial osteopath and have recommended your CDs to many of my patients. I plan to spend some more time navigating your website so I can recommend more precisely…

I have many different patients from stressed teenagers doing exams to chronic pain patients. My question is do you recommend a CD I can play in the clinic while treating patients? Most of your CDs require headphones to work…

Now that I have found your approach, I wish to play something in the clinic that will create a resonance to focus me and relax the patient. I know it is a big ask but do you have any suggestions?

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I’ve been using the discs for about a month. So far so good. I am having some positive changes in my sleep. I sleep deeper and better…

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Good morning,

I have been using your product for about a month and I feel like I am getting good and interesting results. I am sleeping better and have been able to generate really great ideas and deep thoughts while listening to EquiSync (~46 min in the morning and night)… I feel a kind of detoxification of the brain both during and after each meditation session.

Thank you!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

It’s barely a week since I downloaded EquiSync and I’m already seeing big changes! I’m sleeping more soundly and for longer. I used to wake up earlier than the alarm clock, now I want to sleep more, as I used years ago!

I feel more awake and sharper at work, can concentrate better, manage my tasks more efficiently and interact actively with my colleagues. I have even noticed a drastic reduction in my night trips to the bathroom! (quite normal for someone with BPH).

Not sure it is related but I am even facing the prospect of surgery to be had soon with a more positive attitude, while until a few days ago I was just frightened by the idea.

Thank you very, very much, EquiSync is definitely going to be my companion and a habit for many years to come…

Thank You & Best Wishes.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello again EOC,

I have been using my CD everyday and loving it ( I have become a NON SMOKER ! ) …[redacted]…the rain is beautiful

Kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Greetings EOC,

I have been meditating for decades, but so far, using the demo and now the full version of Equisync, I have already experienced mind awake/body asleep and it feels so good.

I would like to thank you for your dedication to your work and the level of caring for humanity. I don’t have a blog but I do email and I will be applying to join your affiliate program.

Again, thank you so much for allowing me to keep the extra CDs. I am overwhelmed by your most kind gesture.

I am very excited about your program and I look forward to journaling my results.

Kindest regards

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I was thrilled that you thought my intuition was “pretty impressive”!!! 🙂 I was excited!!!

What I was aiming to point out to you was this. Without your very special programs to work with — my intuition would not be anywhere near “pretty impressive”. It was never like that before I started using EquiSync.

I was giving credit where credit is due. You have developed an incredible program and with each successive upgrade, it just gets better all the time. And that is what life is about. Becoming the very best that you can be and if I may quote you and say that the EOC Institute really is living up to it’s calling.

Dedicated to helping people awaken to their true nature and infinite potential, this is our calling.

I will always be forever grateful that I found EOC Institute on the web and your wonderful programs.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Sirs,

I’m have been using your Equisync I for a few days and find myself sleeping better and more relaxed. Even though still not understanding how your technology works, but the results are awesome.

I have ADD (attention deficit disorder) along with GAD (general anxiety disorder), your product is helping me with the anxiety, however I will like to know if it will help for ADD as well.


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The tracks work amazingly well, and I wish to first thank you all for your effort to make such a beneficial product!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Your product is phenomenal!

I’ve never felt better. Will I experience better results listening to Equisync for the entire 2 hours/day as opposed to two sessions/day? I am retired and I have the time to spend on it.

Thank you again for Equisync!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

The only thing I have found lacking in using your product is that there is no place on your website to register my kudos to you for such an excellent product. I am not new to meditation, nor to brain entrainment products, and I found your product to be really outstanding. I’m completely hooked, love listening to the tracks and they are the best way ever to treat monkey mind. Bada boom, bada bing, in just a few minutes any aggravation I’m experiencing in the outside world, melts away and I am one very blissful and happy camper.

Many thanks for offering such an outstanding product. I’m very grateful to have found you.

I have listened to all 3 and fell asleep soon after the beginning. I must admit my emotions were at a different place than ever experienced before… calmer more focused.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Having purchased the download version of the 3rd Equisync set I must write back and let you know how amazed and satisfied I am with this incredible product. Thank you so much.

The physiological and psychological effect is like waking up again from a long sleep. Already after a short time my thinking has become more positive, more relaxed and effortless, while my clarity and decision making have quickly followed.

I will use this for the rest of my life. The wonderful relaxed state these recordings initiate is priceless!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

First of all, thank you for a most remarkable achievement. I have tried products in the past that purported to synchronize meditation-level brain waves — usually overlain by sappy new-age music composed by non-composers — and was invariably disappointed. However, I have been using your Equisync II and Equisync III recordings for a few weeks now and the results are truly astonishing and live up to the claims on your website.

In any event, thanks again.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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