Conducted academic research: It works!

Good morning…

I am a happy EOC institute customer for years now. I have been conducting academic research on sound and the brain and have found some connections using MRI, PET, and EEG technologies to show brain activity. I know from personal experience that this works…

Thanks for your help.

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Please feel free to post the following product review on your website:

EquiSync is representative of cutting edge entrainment technology, and while some believe it may take a week or more to realize the beneficial results of Equisync use; in my case I began seeing noticeable changes in my attitude, behavior, responsiveness and an increase in retention within a matter of days.

If you truly desire to reach your full potential; than I highly recommend you join the EquiSync family by purchasing the product and utilizing it to the fullest; and your success is virtually guaranteed.” [Note: We do not solicit endoresements but appreciate all that come our way.]

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I must admit, I have listened to them all so far and I am finding an amazing difference. I feel very calm, relaxed and the little things that used to irritate me appear to have subsided. I have a lot more patience as well.

But one thing I have noticed a lot of improvement is my face. I am extremely chuffed about my eyes, they now look very deep blue and bright, with the whites extremely clear and my complexion really good.

I have even grown out my beard! Everyone compliments me on it, where as before they used to say no it really doesn’t suit you, when I used to grow one.

Anyway I will stop boring you (-: Equisync is an extremely effective product.


(-: Thank you all!

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Hi everyone!

I feel it is time to make a few statements! Regarding your company, your customer service, and last but by no means least, your wonderful products!

Regarding the CD’s that you have developed, is a big “WOW” factor with me. They do everything that you say they will do! For brain entrainment, I personally rate them very highly indeed.

I am no novice to this type of technology! I have been using for the last several years what I call my “meditation machine,” [from another company] that also uses binaural/isochronic beats, tones, etc…

Now I must admit that the development of your CD’s isochronic/binaural brain wave entrainment programs, in my honest opinion, is not only cheaper on my pocket, (big time), but superior!

Lastly, to me you do not appear to be a company that just wishes to sell your goods! Your customer service team in my humble opinion is second to none!

Very caring and knowledgeable, you listen to your customers. What more can I say but a big thank you for doing what you do, and how well you do it.

A very happy customer indeed.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Your program is excellent, just as you advertise it. I am a combat vet and it is helping me very much. Thank you again for your help.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

First of all, thank you for a most remarkable achievement. I have tried products in the past that purported to synchronize meditation-level brain waves — usually overlain by sappy new-age music composed by non-composers — and was invariably disappointed. However, I have been using your Equisync II and Equisync III recordings for a few weeks now and the results are truly astonishing and live up to the claims on your website.

In any event, thanks again.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hi there,

Just dropping you a line to say thanks. I am really pleased with my purchase. I was a bit skeptical and not really sure if this is what i wanted or if it would work at all but i am really pleased the product lived up to expectation.


[Name removed] uk

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Hi Guys,

Love the messages. Food for thought and positive reinforcement.

Having purchased Equisync, I find E3 most useful at the present time… Do I process my thoughts as they arise, or do I focus only on my breathing and emptying the mind completely? Friends who practice meditation via traditional disciplines talk about “tethering the elephant mind.

Of note: The very first time I used Equisync 3 I had what felt like a timeless, almost out of body experience, with my cells feeling like what I can only describe as “pure vibrational energy.” Suffice to say, this wonderful state of pure relaxation is not easily replicated but I have gotten close since then…

Yours sincerely

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Thanks for the coupons, I had originally looked into these cd’s after my doctor recommended them, but my mom wound up buying them for me for Christmas (she didn’t know about the coupons I had!) Anyway just listened to Equisync II today for the first time, I was in such a state as to where I didn’t know if I’d fallen asleep or not! I hadn’t but was in such an amazing place.

Thank you so much!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I just listened to your demo; but I measured my blood pressure before and after listening to the demo.

Before; 152/92


I thought that you might find this interesting.

Best Regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello again,

I just want to write another email about how happy I am with your product, Equisync I, or the alpha waves. I dont think I have never been so relaxed in my entire life. When I get sink into the state, it feels like a huge electric blanket is pulsing through my body, a really warm, swirling feeling, and my mind is very inactive. I am a meditator without your product. I am able to enter witness consciousness fairly easy on my own sometimes during the day in activity. This isnt the heart oriented feeling of bliss or expansion, but it still is great for the body/mind. This is great though, as it seems to fully relax me. I still believe, that for one to really see dramatic results, meditation should be a way of life. Considering how many of us, spend most of our day unconscious, not aware of the witness or the self, an hour a day is better than nothing, but would be best to be proactive during the day, watching. Keep up the great work and thank you for your product and research.

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I’ve been using equisync first thing in the morning after I get up, and listen to all three tracks in a row. I again listen to all three tracks in the late afternoon. If I don’t have that much time available, I will start on Track 2 or 3, as necessary. I have really started to focus on my breathing, and notice the difference – I finish the session in a DEEPLY relaxed state.

Thank you for your wonderful product

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Thank you, thank you so much…

I wish I could tell everyone that just after listening I slept for the first time in months without aid.

Have been taking everything that my doctor could think of and had very bad experiences from them all. My main sleep med left me sleepwalking and scared I could have hurt others and myself, another med worked some but had to take high dosages, others just left me not sleeping and zombiefied all day.

This is just a blessing for me… Now going to try and get off of everything bad so that I can live a good, clean life.


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A year or 2 ago, I ordered both the set of CD’s and also the downloads. I listen to these recordings everyday, and they have helped me tremendously in all areas of my life.

Can you send me a link so I can get these on my new iPad? Otherwise, I will not be able to listen to your fabulous recordings until late September! Can you help?

Thanks so much

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Your product is phenomenal!

I’ve never felt better. Will I experience better results listening to Equisync for the entire 2 hours/day as opposed to two sessions/day? I am retired and I have the time to spend on it.

Thank you again for Equisync!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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