The CD’s are great, very special program

The CD’s are great and we listen to them all the time. Very special program.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


First and foremost I like to say that although, I’ve had in my possession all three CDs, which I had purchased from you sometime ago, I recently for the first time, in the last month (December), started to listen to Equisync I.

I thought that if I listened to Equisync I continuously for a period of three weeks or one month, I would understand and retain more information. However, enthusiastically, I must honestly report that from my very first session I was able to focus without the mental chatter (you know, disturbances and/or interruptions).

It’s been approximately one month now, and the results from listening to Equisync I have been nothing short of phenomenal!


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

EOC Institute,

I recently acquired the EquiSync complete set, and though I have just started listening I have noticed an improvement in my mental state. The first day listening to the first disk induced a peaceful altered state. The next day I noticed I awoke with a better mood, better concentration, and clarity of thought.

In the past I have experimented with other products but did not seem to get much out of them, which was disheartening. I honestly had a doubt EquiSync would work for me and for very good reason; I lost the hearing in my left ear when I developed an infection at age 26.

Consequentially I did not have high expectations other than having something pleasant to listen to while writing. Even though stereo is a thing of the past; I can still feel sound pressure on my left eardrum. The partial tactile sensation does seem to impart some bi-directional sensation to the music. Even with my disability, I am getting something from listening and look forward to gradually working my way through the rest of the CD’s.

I have been a meditator for decades and follow a Yogic discipline, so my background has perhaps helped me to compensate a little better, even so the effects have been immediate and therefore I can imagine that anyone without my disability would respond very well to the entrainment technology so professionally reproduced in EquiSync.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thank you! I thoroughly enjoy your product and recommend it to friends & associates.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello EOC Institute!

First of all thank you very much for the amazing brain synchronization music! I bought EquiSync II as a download a couple of weeks ago, and I quickly experienced positive changes in my mood, thought patterns and energy level…

Kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I recently purchased the Equisync 1, 2, & 3 programs from your website. I have to say that after 1 day I feel immediate benefits…

Last night I did two 30 minute sessions spaced about 4 hours apart of the Alpha session. The benefits were immediate after about 20 minutes into it.

Today I started with an Equisync 1 session for 30 minutes, about 15 minutes later I started a 30 minute E2 session then immediately following I went and shifted the plane of awareness to Delta with a 30 minute E3 session.

Since it was the weekend and I am fortunate to have Sunday off from work I was able to experiment with that mixture of sessions before I went to sleep. I awoke still in the Delta state and have been feeling absolutely fantastic throughout the day.

Again, I really appreciate your work in this field. My only complaint is that the tracks are too short!… I already feel smarter with this product.

Thank you so much for this, I am glad I found out about your products through random web browsing.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I must tell you this…(and you may use it in your marketing if you like)…I have never tried meditating before buying your product. I am currently suffering life altering physical problems and almost penniless at this point. I am looking for a new direction in my life…a new life.

For the past 3 days I have used EquiSync and meditated. But the most remarkable news is that for the past 3 nights, I have slept through the night each night without waking up once! I woke up earlier than usual in the morning and was ready to stay up! You may not think this news is remarkable but it very much is because I have not been able to sleep through any night for years!

I usually need to wake up to use the bathroom or my husband’s snoring wakes me. If this keeps up, the benefit for investing in your product will be worth every penny even if nothing better happens!

Thank you!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I wanted to let you know that I think I am getting great results with your product!!

I used to meditate daily years ago and I knew it kept me more balanced and calmer. Those were the good ole days!

I started using the CD’s 3 weeks ago. I do one hour sessions once or twice a day. I try hard to do it twice. I’m happy to report that I am feeling better every day. The “negatives” are lighter in affect and my ability to focus and concentration is much improved. I’ve even lost some weight!!

I was searching for a starting point and EquiSync has served that for me.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thank you for your support and outstanding service. It has helped me immensely with the panic attacks I’ve had and I am so truly grateful for this.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thanks for quick response… your product is really great! love it!

Money well spent 🙂

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hi Guys,

Love the messages. Food for thought and positive reinforcement.

Having purchased Equisync, I find E3 most useful at the present time… Do I process my thoughts as they arise, or do I focus only on my breathing and emptying the mind completely? Friends who practice meditation via traditional disciplines talk about “tethering the elephant mind.

Of note: The very first time I used Equisync 3 I had what felt like a timeless, almost out of body experience, with my cells feeling like what I can only describe as “pure vibrational energy.” Suffice to say, this wonderful state of pure relaxation is not easily replicated but I have gotten close since then…

Yours sincerely

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear friends at EOC Institute,

Just letting you know that I received my order yesterday, and am very pleased with the prompt service and also the beautiful presentation of your product, EquiSync I,II, and III. I ordered all the downloads also, and have just finished listening to all of the 3 tracks on the first disc.

I absolutely love listening to the EquiSync meditation tracks. The results are immediate – a state of calmness, clarity, and inner joyfulness. I have been feeling refreshed with lots of energy while needing less sleep than usual. I can feel a sense of openness and connectedness with people at the heart level. That’s just to mention a few benefits off the top of my head.

I have been practising meditation and following a spiritual path for over 40 years now, and have also tried other brainwave entrainment products in the past with beneficial results, but not as pleasant, powerful, immediate and effective as Equisync.

I would also like to thank you for your service to humanity in helping to bring about improved inner peace, harmony, spiritual awakening, physical and emotional health, and so on to those who have been drawn to practicing meditation. Your website and product make it so easy.

So I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for your beautiful product, at such an affordable price. You are truly under the radar with your contribution to real peace and goodwill on this planet.

I would say that Equisync is compatible with any spiritual or non-spiritual path, because it is in itself neutral. It stands alone as a simple, easy to use powerful meditation tool.

So thank you again, with much appreciation and gratitude

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thank you for your support of my personal growth. I am a long time user of Equisync and a total subscriber to the benefits.

Additionally, your emails consistently reset my perspective and remind me to get my mindset right.

Very Best Regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Good morning,

I promised I would let you know how I am getting on with your discs. Well just wonderful. I am a very spiritual person and your system is helping me leap frog over years of deep seated subconscious baggage.

Perhaps the biggest change of all is what I believe to be my destiny but have struggled with for many many years: my unfinished book. Well, with my blockages now clear, I am back at it!

Thank you for your support and I will be back in touch to get permission to put your info in my book.

Kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Equisnyc,

Thank you so much for all your wonderful emails. I am happy to report that I treated myself to your Equisync product for Christmas.

I purchased the first two, and just finished listening to the introduction, very informative and very promising, I am am truly excited. Then I tuned in to the first twenty three minutes of meditation – what a lovely pleasant experience. I left it at that not wanting to do too much too soon…

I would like to sincerely thank you for putting together a fantastic program, and making it available to us all by keeping the cost so affordable.

Happy New Year,

With Kind Regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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