Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Wow! You guys are so kind, and I don’t know that I deserve such kindness – I’m overwhelmed! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

One of my goals IS to help make this world a better place by exposing the truth about health, and helping people use meditation and quantum physics, in general, to their advantage in all areas of life.

I am not one to try something before I recommend it to someone else if I feel strongly intuitively about it. I have been telling some of my metaphysically minded friends about EquiSync, and my need to meditate deeply and powerfully.

I will be coauthoring a mind, body, and spirit book in the near future, and will recommend meditation to help free people from their dependence on the physical world, thereby experiencing true freedom…

I believe EquiSync is something I will be recommending to my future clients… Again, thank you very much for your thoughtfulness.

Best Wishes

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Hi to all at EOC,

I applaud all the people involved in the sound wave healing world and in particular at EOC… I personally have already started seeing some benefits and I again thank you for bringing this into our world.

Thanks again

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Can I say I have been using your CDs now for a few weeks and have brought my blood pressure down quite a lot and my mind seems more clear. I seem to want to do more in my spare time and I have calmed down quite a lot, i now live in hope.

thank you once again

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To whom it may concern,

I am an artist who has been practicing EQUISYNC for approximately two weeks now and as stated in your promotional material, I am experiencing what you have called a “runner’s high” or the high you get when totally engaged in the creative process.. Sometimes it gets to be so pleasurable it feels like it’s too good to be true…

Thanks again

P.S. I have been practicing TM since 1975

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I spoke too soon, it came just hours after sending the email. And after my busy day yesterday I went into a dark room to listen with my stereo headphones. It was GREAT and by the time the CD was finished my body/mind were completely relaxed. I will use these CD’s daily!

We are all on this planet together; therefore, any positive changes you make in your life will indeed affect those around you…

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

My name is [name removed], I am 33yrs old, and just this last weekend I purchased the full EquiSync entrainment mp3s… b/c I’m a veteran meditator and felt sure that the introductory tracks were for beginners. As indeed they were but I listened to them anyway.

Admitted, I haven’t listened to all the tracks yet, but while listening to the demo alone over the course of a month-and-a-half I, too, had a transcendental experience that was amazing! So I determined pretty quickly to save the money and buy your product, even though I really can’t afford it. Yes, over the last 3 years meditation has become that important to me.

When I had this experience while using your product, I had been listening to the demo on repeat for around 3 hours or so. Thus, after purchasing your product and reading the material, I was a bit shocked to see the warning “Not to be used for more than 2 hours.”

So my question is: Why? When I read it, I had a bit of a fear of brain aneurysms. Therefore, 1. could someone contact me to tell me why use of your product shouldn’t continue past 2 hours? [I probably won’t heed the reason unless it’s a life or death warning: I love this product that much!] 2. Please feel free to post my letter in your testimonials, if you ever decide to post such customer comments.

Thanks a lot and ROCK ON EOC!!!!

A friend in the lotus position

a concise P.S. I was in a horrible car accident when I was 18 and had to learn to read and write and walk and talk all over again. It was long ago and I’m pretty well over it, but such an injury has lifetime repercussions. The neurological damage sustained causes my left arm to shake uncontrollably anytime I use it in a situation requiring precise coordination. From simply listening to the demo, the shake [though not disappearing completely in the last 2 months] has lessened dramatically. I had been wondering for years what kind of neurological exercises I could undergo to help it…

Well, now I’ve found it!

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Greetings EOC,

I have been meditating for decades, but so far, using the demo and now the full version of Equisync, I have already experienced mind awake/body asleep and it feels so good.

I would like to thank you for your dedication to your work and the level of caring for humanity. I don’t have a blog but I do email and I will be applying to join your affiliate program.

Again, thank you so much for allowing me to keep the extra CDs. I am overwhelmed by your most kind gesture.

I am very excited about your program and I look forward to journaling my results.

Kindest regards

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I purchased the EquiSync Series CDs several years ago… I’ve used many brainwave meditation tapes and CDs over the years, and can say without hesitation that EquiSync is the very best!…

Thank you

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I am glad that I have bought from you meditative music, it really is worth the time spent and gives me much energy and refreshing feelings, my worries go away and am left with a great sense of fullness and enlightenment…


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I tried your demo product last night and was so amazed that I did it twice!

It was such a calming session, like floating almost. I experienced an array of vivid visuals, and then afterwards slept great – so much so that I had a surreal vivid dream where there was so much laughter that I’ve never felt anything like it in my life… Hard to describe the experience really.

I woke up thinking that I was laughing out loud… I have to say the vivid dream of the laughter was the happiest I think I’ve been in my entire life. I was excited to wake up this morning and I haven’t had that excitement in months!

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I bought the Equisync II program. I have already become calmer and more confident. I also went into a euphoric state many times….

thank you

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I have your Equisync II and can feel a difference after only a couple of weeks. I feel calmer and more settled within myself and at the same time less willing to be imposed upon.


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Oh my God!

I’m having tears and goose bumps all over and a lump in my throat.

Wow how incredibly generous and beautiful you are to feel where I’m coming from and to understand and care enough to do this for me. I pray it goes through me, bares fruit and that I will bloom and be of far greater capacity to give and to help as my full potential emerges finally.

Am still having waves of good chills all over my arms and legs.

Maybe its like “when the student becomes available, present and ready, the Master appears…

Thank you with all of my heart!!!

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Thanks for the great answer.

I really do notice a big difference after meditating with EquiSync. Not sure how to describe it quite yet but it’s good! I have a home studio and a recording studio I go to so I might have to try adding some affirmations after I get familiar with all the tracks. I’m actually reading “Think And Grow Rich” now. I’m halfway through. My goal is to get my health back to normal.

EquiSync rocks!

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Well it’s only been 48hrs of purchasing this product and has already had a positive impact on my life in terms of; a decrease in smoking, a feeling of being destressed, and an improved quality of sleep. I now feel a much more positive approach to life.

It’s been a revelation as I lead a busy schedule and find myself absolutely shattered, mentally and emotionally, at the end of the day. Although I am on a 2 week break, I will continue the programme religously.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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