I finish the session in a DEEPLY relaxed state

I’ve been using equisync first thing in the morning after I get up, and listen to all three tracks in a row. I again listen to all three tracks in the late afternoon. If I don’t have that much time available, I will start on Track 2 or 3, as necessary. I have really started to focus on my breathing, and notice the difference – I finish the session in a DEEPLY relaxed state.

Thank you for your wonderful product

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Hi there,

Just dropping you a line to say thanks. I am really pleased with my purchase. I was a bit skeptical and not really sure if this is what i wanted or if it would work at all but i am really pleased the product lived up to expectation.


[Name removed] uk

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thanks for the coupons, I had originally looked into these cd’s after my doctor recommended them, but my mom wound up buying them for me for Christmas (she didn’t know about the coupons I had!) Anyway just listened to Equisync II today for the first time, I was in such a state as to where I didn’t know if I’d fallen asleep or not! I hadn’t but was in such an amazing place.

Thank you so much!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

It’s barely a week since I downloaded EquiSync and I’m already seeing big changes! I’m sleeping more soundly and for longer. I used to wake up earlier than the alarm clock, now I want to sleep more, as I used years ago!

I feel more awake and sharper at work, can concentrate better, manage my tasks more efficiently and interact actively with my colleagues. I have even noticed a drastic reduction in my night trips to the bathroom! (quite normal for someone with BPH).

Not sure it is related but I am even facing the prospect of surgery to be had soon with a more positive attitude, while until a few days ago I was just frightened by the idea.

Thank you very, very much, EquiSync is definitely going to be my companion and a habit for many years to come…

Thank You & Best Wishes.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I have to say thank you because Equisync has made a big difference in my life and I’ve only been using it for six weeks.

Loving it!.. Smiles

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

To whom it may concern;

I just wanted to thank you guys for having such an outstanding product available. I used to meditate when I was younger but got away from it over the last 7-8 years. I had difficulty starting back up, but since I started using your cds I have no difficulties getting back into it; and am now meditating 2 hours per day and have never felt better. I have only been using them for a couple weeks but have already noticed a difference. Thanks again for creating such a wonderful product and I will be sure to recommend it to everyone.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I have recently started to meditate with the assistance of your program. I have found that I feel I can meditate much better whilst using the Equisync 2 rather than 1. Is it okay to go onto this level even though I have hardly done any meditation before using your program? …

I love the feeling whilst I am meditating… During my meditation is it okay to be almost “dreaming”? I do become very relaxed each time I meditate.

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Yes it [Equisync] is absolutely fantastic.

I laughed, I cried, I imagined the reality of the rain coming down from the ceiling into my room. I felt like someone was hugging me at times with reaffirming love, inner peace, happiness, and serene health.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Having purchased the download version of the 3rd Equisync set I must write back and let you know how amazed and satisfied I am with this incredible product. Thank you so much.

The physiological and psychological effect is like waking up again from a long sleep. Already after a short time my thinking has become more positive, more relaxed and effortless, while my clarity and decision making have quickly followed.

I will use this for the rest of my life. The wonderful relaxed state these recordings initiate is priceless!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

After writing my last email to you, I went shopping at the grocery store. I bought a few items and enjoyed the experience. I had an unexpected benefit from my first time listening to the EquiSync demo and I thought I would tell you about it.

I did note a lot of cracking going on in my back and by the time I got back home, the severe pain I had had in my neck at the base of the skull was almost gone. In fact there wasn’t any pain in the rest of my back either. I ate a little and became really sleepy. On my way to bed, I noticed that my spine was much straighter and was pain free.

After the 2 hour nap, I got up and walked back to the kitchen. My spine was straight, my gait was stable and I didn’t feel like I was about to tip over. In fact my body feels better than it has in 15-20 years.

These aren’t the benefits I was expecting from the single demo session. I’ll take it though. [Note: This is a highly unique experience. We make no promises of medical miracles.]

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I just wanted to say how brilliant your product is. I have tried many forms of meditation over 15 years but only Equisync has helped with my inability to sleep.

For certain, I have the odd night when sleep is difficult, but this happens only once every three months or so and during times of stress. Other times, I sleep like a baby. Even if I occasionally wake up, I am able to get back to sleep with ease.

Your product does everything it states on the packet – and more!

Thank you so much

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I must tell you this…(and you may use it in your marketing if you like)…I have never tried meditating before buying your product. I am currently suffering life altering physical problems and almost penniless at this point. I am looking for a new direction in my life…a new life.

For the past 3 days I have used EquiSync and meditated. But the most remarkable news is that for the past 3 nights, I have slept through the night each night without waking up once! I woke up earlier than usual in the morning and was ready to stay up! You may not think this news is remarkable but it very much is because I have not been able to sleep through any night for years!

I usually need to wake up to use the bathroom or my husband’s snoring wakes me. If this keeps up, the benefit for investing in your product will be worth every penny even if nothing better happens!

Thank you!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


A year or 2 ago, I ordered both the set of CD’s and also the downloads. I listen to these recordings everyday, and they have helped me tremendously in all areas of my life.

Can you send me a link so I can get these on my new iPad? Otherwise, I will not be able to listen to your fabulous recordings until late September! Can you help?

Thanks so much

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Right now I have been listening to the Cd’s only when going to bed…I have been using Equisync 1 and it is wonderful, it really helps my brain calm down and stops the chatter when I go off to sleep… so I listen every night.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thank you! I thoroughly enjoy your product and recommend it to friends & associates.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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