I have become a NON SMOKER and loving it!

Hello again EOC,

I have been using my CD everyday and loving it ( I have become a NON SMOKER ! ) …[redacted]…the rain is beautiful

Kind regards

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Thank you SO much for your fast response AND great product. I have spent too much money on meditation techniques that frustrated me and I was unable to stick with them.

Your program is effortless, I will share your information with my clients!

Where other methods always seem to fall short of delivering the goods, thanks to EOC I am now able to meditate!

Thank you very very much!!!!!

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The tracks work amazingly well, and I wish to first thank you all for your effort to make such a beneficial product!

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I recently purchased the full system with the instant download and am enjoying it…[personal story removed]

It has so changed my life in just the short period that I have used it. I no longer think of suicide as the only option, I am now recommending it to a friend who is going through a horrible divorce.

Life is awesome, live it to the fullest.

Have a blessed day.

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Dear Team,

I would like to say that when compared to the other systems I have tried so far, after listening only once to the first Equisync download I feel a much deeper sense of relaxation. Thank you!

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I am an Exercise Physiologist from Australia; I specialise in Hydrotherapy (specific exercises in the water to heal patients pre and post surgery). I have started playing Equisync during my 30min Hydrotherapy sessions.

The patients love it, and I certainly see a change in their mood and attitude. I’d recommend EquiSync to any treating therapist dealing with patients who are in pain, anxious and stressed.

Yours in “Hydrotherapy”!

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Good morning…

I am a happy EOC institute customer for years now. I have been conducting academic research on sound and the brain and have found some connections using MRI, PET, and EEG technologies to show brain activity. I know from personal experience that this works…

Thanks for your help.

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Equisync makes me more relaxed and in tune with whatever I am doing. After about three weeks of daily 10-30 minute sessions with the CDs, I find myself frequently taking a deep breath and relaxing into the present moment as I slowly exhale.

My golf has improved as I focus helps me hit the shot that I envision more often.

Just a few minutes of Equisync II at bedtime takes me quickly into alpha—theta sleep state. It has become an integral part of my early morning routine at the start of each day.

I look forward to further improvements in the future.

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Wow, and double wow.

Received the download to my order. What wonderful, relaxing cds. I’m sold on it…

Thank you muchly

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I ordered CD’s a couple of years ago for Equisync 2 & 3 and just love them…

Thanks, I’ve recommended your products to many.

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I have recently started using your system, ive already noticed results, a full nite sleep without waking up. I look forward to more changes in my habits and the ways i deal with life.

I will keep you informed.

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I have practiced meditation for more than 2 years now, and I bought your cds in the hope that my meditation performance would improve in terms of stopping my mind from wandering, and the chattering.

I use the program twice a day, morning and before bedtime. At times, the 23 min recording would seem like an eternity; at others, it elapses quite normally….

The effect the sounds have on my body is simply incredible…

Thank you

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To whom it may concern,

I am an artist who has been practicing EQUISYNC for approximately two weeks now and as stated in your promotional material, I am experiencing what you have called a “runner’s high” or the high you get when totally engaged in the creative process.. Sometimes it gets to be so pleasurable it feels like it’s too good to be true…

Thanks again

P.S. I have been practicing TM since 1975

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Hello again,

I forgot to tell you, after using your meditation for a few weeks, I woke up one morning with the most vivid recollection of having an out of body experience […shortened…] I am hoping to experience this again and control myself the next time. Thank you for enabling me to remember this extraordinary experience. I never believed they were real until I used your program.


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My name is [name removed], I am 33yrs old, and just this last weekend I purchased the full EquiSync entrainment mp3s… b/c I’m a veteran meditator and felt sure that the introductory tracks were for beginners. As indeed they were but I listened to them anyway.

Admitted, I haven’t listened to all the tracks yet, but while listening to the demo alone over the course of a month-and-a-half I, too, had a transcendental experience that was amazing! So I determined pretty quickly to save the money and buy your product, even though I really can’t afford it. Yes, over the last 3 years meditation has become that important to me.

When I had this experience while using your product, I had been listening to the demo on repeat for around 3 hours or so. Thus, after purchasing your product and reading the material, I was a bit shocked to see the warning “Not to be used for more than 2 hours.”

So my question is: Why? When I read it, I had a bit of a fear of brain aneurysms. Therefore, 1. could someone contact me to tell me why use of your product shouldn’t continue past 2 hours? [I probably won’t heed the reason unless it’s a life or death warning: I love this product that much!] 2. Please feel free to post my letter in your testimonials, if you ever decide to post such customer comments.

Thanks a lot and ROCK ON EOC!!!!

A friend in the lotus position

a concise P.S. I was in a horrible car accident when I was 18 and had to learn to read and write and walk and talk all over again. It was long ago and I’m pretty well over it, but such an injury has lifetime repercussions. The neurological damage sustained causes my left arm to shake uncontrollably anytime I use it in a situation requiring precise coordination. From simply listening to the demo, the shake [though not disappearing completely in the last 2 months] has lessened dramatically. I had been wondering for years what kind of neurological exercises I could undergo to help it…

Well, now I’ve found it!

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