Achieve deep meditative states in just minutes

I have been trying to figure out the words to thank you, so it’s been a couple of days. Thank you so much for the downloads that you sent to me that I could not afford…

When using your CDs I achieve deep meditative states within just minutes. I have experienced a variety of dream states, “mystical” states, with my awareness having a kind of ebb and flow.

Thank you so much again. I do have a B.A. in psych and a masters in social work. If you ever need to use my words or to write a bit to praise your cds, please let me know.

P.S. These cds remind me very much of Tart and Ornstein and their research on interior experiences.

I often recommend EOC for those seeking a superior meditative experience.

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Dear EOC,

I started with Equisync III and then Equisync I.

This experience is changing my life dramatically. I can not thank you enough.


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This is all new to me and I want to get my health back…[personal question removed] I’m giving it a chance to try this meditation series that I just purchased.

Yesterday, I did listen to equisync 3, in my mind I saw purple and deep blues, this felt very nice…


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I’ve used the demo twice now, the first time I had a bad headache which disappeared, the second time I felt much calmer and more positive. Now looking forward to receiving the package.


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Good morning,

I have been using your product for about a month and I feel like I am getting good and interesting results. I am sleeping better and have been able to generate really great ideas and deep thoughts while listening to EquiSync (~46 min in the morning and night)… I feel a kind of detoxification of the brain both during and after each meditation session.

Thank you!

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I live in the UK and purchased some tracks from you several years ago…

These have been an invaluable aid when I haven’t slept well and need to focus on the day. I always feel refreshed and raring to go, whatever time of day I use them…

I wholeheartedly believe in this product.

Thank you

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I purchased 1 & 2 and have used them for over a year. I enter very deep meditative states and so I’m very happy.

Thank you

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I have the system, and listen to them every night usually listen before falling to sleep 🙂 Awesome product.

I would like to become an affiliate with you and promote the product from my blog and on social media.

What would be the procedure to do this?

Thanks and you are CERTAINLY AWESOME!

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I ordered all the mp3 downloads and have started listening and they are fantastic!… I discovered I can work much more effectively while listening to the level 1 mp3s (for tasks requiring focus/concentration)…

Thank you

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Dear Customer Support Team at EOC Institute,

I ordered your product the day before yesterday, and used it for the first time on my birthday yesterday! It felt amazing. Thank you so much for creating this, and I’m looking forward to meditating with another track shortly.

Thank you

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It is my pleasure to say that EquiSync is an amazing product. I enjoy it a lot.


From the deepest, sincere, compassionate, and loving part of my soul; I offer thank you. : ) By saving me, I believe your organization did a service to society as a whole, for now I am like a ripple in a pond that will reverberate good vibes to all who I come into contact with. I express compassion, understanding, and knowledge to all who I see need your life saving, and healing product. Like a missionary I desire to spread it; for it is pure, good and loving to my fellow man.

Thank you and God bless you all!

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By the way you have an excellent product. 10 out of 10. Thank you

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The only thing I have found lacking in using your product is that there is no place on your website to register my kudos to you for such an excellent product. I am not new to meditation, nor to brain entrainment products, and I found your product to be really outstanding. I’m completely hooked, love listening to the tracks and they are the best way ever to treat monkey mind. Bada boom, bada bing, in just a few minutes any aggravation I’m experiencing in the outside world, melts away and I am one very blissful and happy camper.

Many thanks for offering such an outstanding product. I’m very grateful to have found you.

I have listened to all 3 and fell asleep soon after the beginning. I must admit my emotions were at a different place than ever experienced before… calmer more focused.


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I wanted to let you know that I think I am getting great results with your product!!

I used to meditate daily years ago and I knew it kept me more balanced and calmer. Those were the good ole days!

I started using the CD’s 3 weeks ago. I do one hour sessions once or twice a day. I try hard to do it twice. I’m happy to report that I am feeling better every day. The “negatives” are lighter in affect and my ability to focus and concentration is much improved. I’ve even lost some weight!!

I was searching for a starting point and EquiSync has served that for me.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Equisync makes me more relaxed and in tune with whatever I am doing. After about three weeks of daily 10-30 minute sessions with the CDs, I find myself frequently taking a deep breath and relaxing into the present moment as I slowly exhale.

My golf has improved as I focus helps me hit the shot that I envision more often.

Just a few minutes of Equisync II at bedtime takes me quickly into alpha—theta sleep state. It has become an integral part of my early morning routine at the start of each day.

I look forward to further improvements in the future.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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