EquiSync shortens the learning curve by years!

Thank you for the downloads! I was initiated in 1974 with the famous Beatles meditation technique and I have to tell you, EquiSync’s products have done for me, what it took many years for TM to do.


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I am a Wellness Spa Owner and Transformational Author/Speaker in search of healing methods for my clients and audience. I ordered all of the CD’s from you last January, and started to use them in fall.

I love the personal results I am getting, and have read all of the information on your wonderful website…

Thanks for creating such an effective product!

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Your program is wonderful. I have been doing it for about 8 months and it has made a big difference in my life. I do at least a 1/2hr. per day sometimes more…


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I just received my EquiSync Cds and listened to the entire first CD. I’ve never had such an experience before. It was amazing feeling the different parts of my brain engaging with the sound tracks.

Literally, I felt at one point the corpus collosum connect both sides of my brain and create such a deep sense of stillness. I felt my pineal engage and my frontal lobe light up.

What fun! Thank You So Much!

I will be referring my clients to your products when they are in need of this type of healing assistance.

Have a blessed day!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Yes it [Equisync] is absolutely fantastic.

I laughed, I cried, I imagined the reality of the rain coming down from the ceiling into my room. I felt like someone was hugging me at times with reaffirming love, inner peace, happiness, and serene health.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear EOC Staff,

As you well know, the most effective form of marketing is word of mouth. I have a powerful testimony to the efficacy of EquiSync!

I have only been using the EquiSync cd’s for three weeks, and I haven’t even gotten to the Equisync III CDs yet. But I have had the most remarkable results. Please do read this in its entirety, although it is long, because I have a proposal for you in the end.

As somewhat of a modern mystic, I have studied altered states of consciousness, but due to my monkey mind, I have only been able to experience them to a very minor degree. I have tried so many methods of meditation to little avail. But I became aware that I would not be able to progress in my spiritual life if I could not achieve at least a modicum of success in meditation.

Then in my own research regarding my life-long hypertension and its resistance to medication, I became very concerned when I learned that 145/95 is the gateway to dementia. At that time my BP was consistently 145/95. Then, even worse, it started to become routinely 161/106. I was simply unwilling to take more medication with all its attendant side effects, so I started researching natural solutions. I became aware of a breathing apparatus which sold for $300 that would help me train myself to deep breathe, thereby reducing my blood pressure. $300 seemed like a lot, but not in the scheme of saving my life. I started thinking. I already knew how to breathe from my brief studies in Chi Gung. I simply needed something to help me focus my mind. I tried using the Chi Gung breathing while simply counting 200 breaths. It worked for a short while, but I quickly became far too bored, even though I knew it could be a lifesaving measure. I had been considering EquiSync for sometime, and realized it was much less expensive than a $300 breathing regulator, and that it might serve a dual purpose. So I purchased the entire suite.

I became aware of two things from the very first time I used Equisync I first, I could literally feel what was going on my brain. Second, I achieved a meditative state from the very first use. And third, my BP dropped to 116/76 immediately after use.

By the end of just a few short days (3 or 4 of use), my constant “on edge” feeling completely dissipated. I had changed my lifestyle drastically to a very low-stress environment. All feelings of anxiety disappeared rapidly, but I was still experiencing something “physical.” I had trouble explaining it to anyone. I lashed out immediately at the slightest frustration. I tried to explain to those around me that it was something physically happening in my brain, but they were skeptical. Within less than a week of using the EOC cd’s, I noticed my tolerance level for dealing with people and situations had increased tremendously.

At the end of just two weeks of use (I was now into the Equisync II cds), I experienced for the first time ever, what my partner described as Nirvana. I experienced a complete dissolution of individual consciousness, felt at one with everything, and felt the deepest peace, love, and complete bliss I had ever, ever experienced in my life. Since you do all the research on this, you know what I’m describing. Unfortunately, language does not express it. I have never experienced mind altering drugs, but I recall watching a documentary of LSD research, and one of the subjects described the exact same “feelings” as I had when she had received a micro amount of LSD.

I honestly believe, and I”m sure you do, too, that EquiSync can be a part of the next stage of psychological evolution for humanity.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I am a regular user of EquiSync. I frequently (not always) experience what “feels like” an “out of body” experience, meaning that I can “feel” my consciousness being lifted out of my body, and then in my dream I am floating or flying around the room.

NOTE: I do NOT “see myself” flying (since childhood, I have had dreams of myself flying around, but I’m watching myself, seeing myself fly in those dreams). In this experience I do NOT see myself. I just see everything else (the ceiling, the room) as though I were floating/flying.

Sometimes, this experience turns into an HD (high definition) dream in which I am flying around in another location (again, not seeing myself in the dream, but seeing everything else in the dream from the perspective of flying).

It’s fun, cool, and I always hope to have the experience. But I’m just wondering if you could tell me what’s going on in my brain from a scientific point of view. Are there any particular benefits from this type of dream experience?


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Two years ago I ordered from you… I am very happy with Equisync because it really changed me, I’m in awe…

Thank you for all!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I am an owner of your meditation mp3s and use them almost daily. I go to sleep with it playing most nights (using earphones of course). I try to keep my sessions to less than an hour, but it’s easy to go overboard…

I’ve started to notice a real positive difference in how I think and feel. My wife has also noticed that I am less reactive, calmer, and more focused (her pet name for me is scatterbrain!).

And this is just the beginning! Looking forward to the benefits waiting on down the road.

Sooooo love your product!

Kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

What is the new equivalent title to your old “Into The Deep” (Delta) title?

I wanted to order that particular one again, since (yea!!) I’ve used it to pieces.


Thanks and happy holidays.

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I have had pretty bad anxiety that developed only in the last few months. I have been using your CD’s for almost a week and have noticed significant reduction in my anxiety…

When “in session” it feels like my body starts to get numb then filled with some type of positive energy which then flows through it freely…[personal experience removed]

Thank you for such a powerful product!

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I live in the UK and purchased some tracks from you several years ago…

These have been an invaluable aid when I haven’t slept well and need to focus on the day. I always feel refreshed and raring to go, whatever time of day I use them…

I wholeheartedly believe in this product.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I wanted to thank you for completely changing my life!

I have been using self hypnosis recently and came across EquiSync when looking for info on meditation. I tried the demo version and immediately noticed that I got a much deeper trance as a result.

I have been suffering from stress and insomnia. I have to say to EquiSync has been the best thing ever and I am now sleeping deeply and wake up refreshed.

Thank you so much!

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I’ve been using the discs for about a month. So far so good. I am having some positive changes in my sleep. I sleep deeper and better…

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hi to all at EOC,

I applaud all the people involved in the sound wave healing world and in particular at EOC… I personally have already started seeing some benefits and I again thank you for bringing this into our world.

Thanks again

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