The change has been totally fantastic!

I really had to write to tell you how Absolutely Delighted and Thrilled I am with your Equisync CDs.

I have had mild to moderate bouts of depression and low self-esteem coupled with constant “mind-chatter” on and off for years and despite trying lots of things nothing really did the job.

Your CDs arrived at a potentially devastating, traumatic and emotionally upsetting time ….[personal information removed]…

I was not looking forward to returning back to my house as I live on my own so was very pleased to see that the “equisync” CDs had arrived in my absence. Ever since I have been back I put a CD on each evening and the change has been totally fantastic. The meditation is unbelievably calming and soothing, the inner-voice has been silenced and quite often I just put it on to drop off to sleep with the sound of gently falling rain. I can feel each day starting calmly and things like organising the memorial service have not been the strain and upset I would normally have expected. I could wax lyrical for hours because the benefits are truly and utterly fantastic. Never did I think I would find anything that would lift my spirits, clear my mind, calm the inner space but Equi-Sync has done that, and more.

I thought I was heading for the shrink’s couch ! When I get my web-page I would be honoured to carry a banner/ become an affiliate for Equi-Sync because you have produced something that I believe in 600px and it works brilliantly. Thank you for making me a kinder, more thoughtful and happier person.

With very appreciative thanks.
Kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear EOC support team,

I want to thank you so much for your generous gift of the “Equisync” CDs.

My phone and computer internet were interrupted for a little while, so I didn’t get a chance to let you know right away when I got them.

So I’ve been playing the 1st one, and because I’m on so many pain killers, I looking forward to having to use less of that, and already don’t have to use any sleep aids most nights.

Very cool!!!

Getting my monkey brain to settle down. Thank you again for the gift.

The Universe is always full of gifts.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I have been using the Equisync CDs at least 24 minutes 5 days a week. It instantly relaxes me, helps get rid of headaches and even hiccups! I have a stressful job and it helps prevent anxiety; I have not had a chance to check my blood pressure but I feel calmer. I have used other products before but I like the Equisync CDs much better; it is deeper and more relaxing.

In March I started using the CDs that I affectionately call “Meditation for Dummies” and am very pleased with the results so far. My blood pressure has dropped, I am sleeping better and notice that I feel much more calm and less stressed. Instead of feeling that I need to “find the time” in my schedule to meditate, I look forward to that totally relaxing half hour–that peaceful feeling of floating.

I highly recommend this product.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


Just wanted to chime in my results on your program so far.

When I am using equisync I feel kind of like it is “pushing me” – I guess this is the right way to say it- to achieve better results, which I really like. I fall asleep quickly, and sleep all night and even wake up before my alarm goes off. I feel noticeably calm during the workday- which is very helpful for what I do. I really like the warm feeling (my whole body gets really warm during my equisync meditation sessions) and I feel kind of like Im floating while listening. The soothing rainfall is also very nice.

anyway enough rambling for now

thank you for a great product!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I am glad that I have bought from you meditative music, it really is worth the time spent and gives me much energy and refreshing feelings, my worries go away and am left with a great sense of fullness and enlightenment…


*** Results may vary from person to person ***


A year or 2 ago, I ordered both the set of CD’s and also the downloads. I listen to these recordings everyday, and they have helped me tremendously in all areas of my life.

Can you send me a link so I can get these on my new iPad? Otherwise, I will not be able to listen to your fabulous recordings until late September! Can you help?

Thanks so much

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

To start with, I would like to mention that your EquiSync CDs have ‘shifted dimensions in my brain and mind’.

When I started listening to the recordings I could feel physically things happening in my brain…

I have done lots of work on myself over the years, but your product is just something else!

Thanking you and sending kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I’m very impressed with your organization. I did not expect the response I received. You are obviously a company that actually cares about your clients/users and your product.

Based on responses from other companies that have similar products you blow them out of the water out at taking care of those you service. Thank you…

I know full well that the cost of your gesture, monetarily, was minimal but the thought, quick response to my query and the gesture itself were well beyond my expectations, even after having read your reviews before purchase.

Please feel free to use any portions of my messages as quotes for your own promotion. Your response made my day.

Thanks again.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I must admit, I have listened to them all so far and I am finding an amazing difference. I feel very calm, relaxed and the little things that used to irritate me appear to have subsided. I have a lot more patience as well.

But one thing I have noticed a lot of improvement is my face. I am extremely chuffed about my eyes, they now look very deep blue and bright, with the whites extremely clear and my complexion really good.

I have even grown out my beard! Everyone compliments me on it, where as before they used to say no it really doesn’t suit you, when I used to grow one.

Anyway I will stop boring you (-: Equisync is an extremely effective product.


(-: Thank you all!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I would like to share with you my experience after using EquiSync for three weeks. First of all, I am so amazed how fast I can put myself in a meditation state. During meditation, I feel some kind of a sensation I could not explain. I feel the rain dropping on my face and sometimes my legs. I feel the breeze of a tropical weather as if I was in the forest. I always sleep for a very short time at night and I have a very high sense of smell all my life. Using equisync I still sleep less, but am more relaxed when I wake up. During meditation, I can also smell the forest as if I am in the forest.

Today, September 10, I woke up at 5:00am (after 4 hours sleep) and started meditating from half way to the end of the Equisync III program. Woke up to cook breakfast and run by 10:30am. I cannot believe how I ran with so much energy. Run again at 7:00pm and still have lots of energy.

I also suffer with migraine for the last 15 years of my life. So, when I know I am going to have a headache I will start meditating and headache suddenly subsided. What an amazing thing you have created here. This is only three weeks of my experience. How much more what I can do after…………By the way I am 49 years old. I just want to thank you so very much for sharing this amazing tape with me. It is so worth it in all aspect. I wish you all the best. How I wish that our paths will cross one day.

Thank you for sharing the great experience and benefits of these successful effort.

Respectfully yours

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I just wanted to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude and appreciation for your amazing system.

I can’t begin to tell you how this series of meditations has changed my life. I am happy, I have joy, I have peace.

The doubt and fear in my thought patterns have been removed in a relatively short period of time.

I especially enjoy the emails you have forwarded about remaining calm etc.

I am so grateful that you cared enough about others to keep this system at a rate that anyone can afford. God and the Universe will continue to bless you for this act of kindness.

I would appreciate it so much if this email can be forwarded to the person or persons responsible for creating this awesome gift, along with a reply so I may know you are in receipt of this correspondence.

Again, I AM grateful! Namaste!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Can I say I have been using your CDs now for a few weeks and have brought my blood pressure down quite a lot and my mind seems more clear. I seem to want to do more in my spare time and I have calmed down quite a lot, i now live in hope.

thank you once again

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Greetings Customer Service,

Please know that I sincerely appreciate what you have done to rectify the problem that I had. I can’t thank you enough and I am very grateful for your most excellent customer service.

You can guarantee that I will be a life long customer of your Institute meaning that whenever you do another update, I will be at the top of the list to place my order with you. In fact, please email me to make sure I know about future updates as and when they occur! 🙂

Again, thank you so much! 🙂

Kindest regards always

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hi, I’m totally loving the meditations. I have previously used Holosync, but I find that I crave doing meditation now rather than it being a chore…

Many thanks.

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Wow! You guys are so kind, and I don’t know that I deserve such kindness – I’m overwhelmed! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

One of my goals IS to help make this world a better place by exposing the truth about health, and helping people use meditation and quantum physics, in general, to their advantage in all areas of life.

I am not one to try something before I recommend it to someone else if I feel strongly intuitively about it. I have been telling some of my metaphysically minded friends about EquiSync, and my need to meditate deeply and powerfully.

I will be coauthoring a mind, body, and spirit book in the near future, and will recommend meditation to help free people from their dependence on the physical world, thereby experiencing true freedom…

I believe EquiSync is something I will be recommending to my future clients… Again, thank you very much for your thoughtfulness.

Best Wishes

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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