Experiencing loads of benefits which last all day

I stumbled upon your highly informative website a couple of years ago. The service you provide is invaluable, the world needs more meditators and your info converts like no other resource. In fact, your inspirational articles were what lit a fire under my rear-end to pick up the practice myself!

I did end up buying your program last month. Needless to say, I had lofty expectations going in! I thought my two years of meditation experience were enough for me to not need an “aid” of any kind, but boy was I wrong!

With your tracks I have been able to get much deeper than before, much faster, with loads of benefits carrying over to the rest of my day and night (sleep is great!).

Your program really cleaned-house on the residual anxiety and depression that I had not yet fully cleared during my two years of meditation practice. And for that… I owe you the world!

I will drop a line from time to time letting you know about my progress.

P.S. Really looking forward to “diving” into your theta & delta tracks.

All my best

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear EquiSync People (the “Compassionate” Ones):

Well, I have to say it. I love your new product and program. It is my guiltless pleasure. I so love these CD’s!

Since using your program, I like to wake up about 5 a.m. to meditate as well as before I go to sleep. Meditation is now the most special thing in my life.

Over the years, I have purchased many CD’s with healing sounds such as bi-neural (sp), drums, nature, frequencies, etc. I have never seen anything put together in such a positive and caring way with respect to the overrall meditative ambiance and deep mind environment. I have to admit I am “awed!”

I am truly inspired by your willingness to speak to each and every person who visits your website. For me, it all began with EquiSync (the best ever!).

Thanks for all the emails you have been sending, I am always paying particular attention to the things you write. Nothing less will do!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Your #1 Fan

God bless every single one of you who had the”collective gumption” to even approach such a task. You make our world a great place to live.


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I’m working as a consultant for a new and growing holistic wellness company. I am responsible for determining which products would be the most advantageous for both our patients and for retail sales. I have personally purchased the Equisync I CDs to test them. My daughter suffers from major anxiety. The CDs helps her to relax and be less anxious. I tried it myself one time and it was very effective at putting me into a deep meditative state. I believe that your product works and I would like the wellness company to carry Equisync for patients to use and purchase.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I can’t thank you guys enough for saving my life. I tell everybody I know about your guys. I love you guys. I word of mouth advertise and give my testimony to the power of your technology almost everyday. I am only 30 years old, but since I was 17 teen years old my life was a miserable roller coaster ride. I ended up being diagnosed with fibromyalsia, bipolar disorder, adhd, manic depression, sever anxiety, severe depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and you name it. Because of your product, I have never felt better in my entire life. I can cope and manage and more. I can finally sleep a full night without tossing and turning waking to knots in my back and stomach. I can finally stand straight and tall without feeling like I have a pinched nerve in my neck. I have energy again, and a renewed passion for life!

Thank you for giving me my life back! ?

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hey guys,

Sure do enjoy your cds’ and have definitely noticed a change. I believe that this process is monumental to the transformation that (hopefully) will happen to humanity.

Thank you again

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

To whom it may concern,

The results of using EquiSync for only 3 months have been phenomenal! Profound and positive changes have occurred , and continue to occur, in my being. These transformations have become obvious to family and friends as well. I am 71 yrs old and feel better than when I was in my thirties. My energy levels remain high with less sleep. I work out at the gym vigorously five days a week – bicycling and swimming are part of the regimen as well. I volunteer services at Hospice and nursing homes. My short term memory has improved to the point that others remark on my remembering their names after meeting them only once several weeks in the past. Sometimes I find that I’m reading fine print without my glasses. I spent the greater portion of my “productive” years as a monk but had lost the ability to meditate due to the development of A.D.D. Now my ability to stay focused and concentrate has remarkably returned and am reaching meditative states that I’ve not reached in years. Each new day is now seen as another opportunity to serve.

Because of others observing all of this I have been able to send you several customers and will very likely be sending you more… I am part of a large spiritual community and this would help tremendously in spreading the word of EquiSync. I also believe your product would be of great benefit to Hospice and nursing home patients of which there is a very large number here in Florida -aka- God’s waiting room.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I just wanted to share with you my initial experiences with Equisync.

I like it. I like the fact that I can just sit there and observe my thoughts and feelings and then go back to watching my breathing. It really does teach me to be centered and balanced. I look forward to the next several weeks. By the way, what I am doing now is meditating for 23 minutes in the early morning and again 23 minutes in the early evening. I’ll check back with you.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

To start with, I would like to mention that your EquiSync CDs have ‘shifted dimensions in my brain and mind’.

When I started listening to the recordings I could feel physically things happening in my brain…

I have done lots of work on myself over the years, but your product is just something else!

Thanking you and sending kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I love your tapes! I bought them a few weeks ago and have greatly benefited. I’m also a holistic practitioner and have recommended them to a number of patients. And today when I made my last referral to your website for them to purchase from, it occurred to me that perhaps you have referral discounts, or wholesale prices for practitioners, and that I should ask?


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

My recently ordered CD set arrived sooner than promised, in good shape, downloaded easily to my iTunes and sounds excellent. All for so much less than what I was paying for your high priced competitor. I feel good listening and I look forward to enjoying this technology over and over again.

Thank you for your good work

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Yes it [Equisync] is absolutely fantastic.

I laughed, I cried, I imagined the reality of the rain coming down from the ceiling into my room. I felt like someone was hugging me at times with reaffirming love, inner peace, happiness, and serene health.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I bought the EquiSync 1 online the other day and I’ve used it 3-4 times. It makes me feel really relaxed which is wonderful since I’m really stressed out… I haven’t experienced anything this relaxing before and am totally going to tell everyone about it.

Thanks again! 🙂 glad

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Your program is wonderful. I have been doing it for about 8 months and it has made a big difference in my life. I do at least a 1/2hr. per day sometimes more…


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What is the new equivalent title to your old “Into The Deep” (Delta) title?

I wanted to order that particular one again, since (yea!!) I’ve used it to pieces.


Thanks and happy holidays.

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Dear Equisnyc,

Thank you so much for all your wonderful emails. I am happy to report that I treated myself to your Equisync product for Christmas.

I purchased the first two, and just finished listening to the introduction, very informative and very promising, I am am truly excited. Then I tuned in to the first twenty three minutes of meditation – what a lovely pleasant experience. I left it at that not wanting to do too much too soon…

I would like to sincerely thank you for putting together a fantastic program, and making it available to us all by keeping the cost so affordable.

Happy New Year,

With Kind Regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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