Your product has literally changed my life

While I’ve got your attention I’ve just gotta say… I LOVE your product.

It’s literally changed my life. I had a stroke a few years back and lost a lot of cognitive ability, a lot of which has returned after just a few weeks of using this technology!

[Note: We make no promises of medical miracles.]

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I live in the UK and purchased some tracks from you several years ago…

These have been an invaluable aid when I haven’t slept well and need to focus on the day. I always feel refreshed and raring to go, whatever time of day I use them…

I wholeheartedly believe in this product.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Friends at EOC Institute,

Hi i’m just writing to let you all know that your Equisync CD’s are amazing! Just last night i was meditating to “Equisync II”. The one that has mostly theta binaural beats in it. I gotta tell you i have never had a meditation like i experienced with this CD. At certain points during the meditation it felt like my whole damn body was vibrating! That very night when i went to sleep I also had lucid dreams! It was so relaxing! I’ve tried “Equisync I” too, that one is amazing as well! I haven’t tried “Equisync III” yet. I can only imagine what that is going to be like!

Looks like “EOC Institute” has a winner with the Equisync CD’s!

Well, I finally listened to “Equisync III” after listening to “Equisync I” & the “Equisync II” several times. Let me just say that this put me in another state of consciousness within 7 minutes(guessing) it was beautiful! I meditated throughout the entire 70 minute CD set! It didn’t feel like 70 minutes. I could feel energy in my neck, my solar plexus area and at the brow of my head! Definitely NOT for beginners!

Those DELTA binaural beats are very powerful! These CD’s are definitely working. I can feel myself becoming a new person as i listen to the different CD’s. Situations that i would normally lose control in don’t bother me at all anymore!

Peace & Harmony

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello EOC Institute!

First of all thank you very much for the amazing brain synchronization music! I bought EquiSync II as a download a couple of weeks ago, and I quickly experienced positive changes in my mood, thought patterns and energy level…

Kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

EOC Institute,

I recently acquired the EquiSync complete set, and though I have just started listening I have noticed an improvement in my mental state. The first day listening to the first disk induced a peaceful altered state. The next day I noticed I awoke with a better mood, better concentration, and clarity of thought.

In the past I have experimented with other products but did not seem to get much out of them, which was disheartening. I honestly had a doubt EquiSync would work for me and for very good reason; I lost the hearing in my left ear when I developed an infection at age 26.

Consequentially I did not have high expectations other than having something pleasant to listen to while writing. Even though stereo is a thing of the past; I can still feel sound pressure on my left eardrum. The partial tactile sensation does seem to impart some bi-directional sensation to the music. Even with my disability, I am getting something from listening and look forward to gradually working my way through the rest of the CD’s.

I have been a meditator for decades and follow a Yogic discipline, so my background has perhaps helped me to compensate a little better, even so the effects have been immediate and therefore I can imagine that anyone without my disability would respond very well to the entrainment technology so professionally reproduced in EquiSync.

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Thanks again for the prompt reply.

I have done the Monroe Institute program back in he early 80s but really like your program…

Sometimes I have tears of joy when I finish.

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Thank you very much for your comprehensive and detailed instructions/ recommendations. Extremely helpful. Thank you also for your incredible product. I found it when I really needed it.

I have serious health issues and through meditation I am beginning to re-align my thinking which was becoming extremely negative. I have been recommending Equisync to everyone I know.

Yours with thanks

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


Thank you for a great product.

Some years ago, I bought your programme -possibly around ’06. I’ve meditated for 25 years and have learned with many masters.

In my experience, your programme is useful for not only those just starting out, but also for the more experienced. It really helps me “drop into” higher awareness quickly and reliably, even when tired.

With the goal of helping people transform their lives, I work as both a healer and meditation teacher, instructing both beginners and advanced practitioners.

I am interested in promoting your programme for the reasons given above. Over the years I have recommended your CDs to hundreds of clients and students. Please let me know how to do this…

Thank you for your care and attention.


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By the way you have an excellent product. 10 out of 10. Thank you

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Good day,

I hope you are very well.

I purchased the EquiSync MP3 about 2 weeks ago and I notice that it has a very calming and relaxing effect. I can also notice how my brain waves shift while using it, I really like it, it is enhancing my meditation experience and also how I feel beyond it.

Thank you so much.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Greetings Customer Service,

Please know that I sincerely appreciate what you have done to rectify the problem that I had. I can’t thank you enough and I am very grateful for your most excellent customer service.

You can guarantee that I will be a life long customer of your Institute meaning that whenever you do another update, I will be at the top of the list to place my order with you. In fact, please email me to make sure I know about future updates as and when they occur! 🙂

Again, thank you so much! 🙂

Kindest regards always

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

The CDs did the trick, I experienced very deep “mind awake body asleep” on the second and third use of all three CDs.

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Hello Friends,

I have had the EquiSync CD’s now for a week. I totally believed that they did what you said because I had experienced the whole brainwave phenomena, sensory deprivation, mind expanding culture back in the 70’s and 80’s.

Needless to say life got in the way and I got distracted and sidetracked, you know how it goes. Lost track of who I was and was called to serve life in other ways.

Using your system I am sensing a redistribution of energy within my head. I am attracted to the comfortable chair, the ear buds, the disc player and the whole meditative experience. This was not so prior to your entrainment.

So far I am pleased at my body’s response to it all. There have been some impressive shifts in energy and frequency. I truly have a long way to go before I can say I have any mastery reaching my potential but thanks for the ‘leg up’.

Best regards

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Hi, had bought your meditation product back in 2012 and feel the need to tell you how many amazing experiences I have had using these powerful sounds throughout the years!
A big thank you!

Love & Light

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thank you! I thoroughly enjoy your product and recommend it to friends & associates.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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