I’m getting tremendous results, so grateful!


I just wanted to know if it’s ok to do my meditation at night? Some days due to work obligations I’m not able to meditate in the morning.

I’m still getting tremendous results. I AM Grateful!


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Thank you. This was very helpful. My mind chatter was better last night and I am sleeping better. I now do my morning meditation sitting.


[Name removed]

P.S. I absolutely love, love EquiSync!

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Just a quick note – this new offering is simply outstanding!

Working my way through and love everything. Well done…the sounds on level II, CD II are simply mesmerizing. Currently my favorite.

Thank you for your excellent products!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hi there,

I’ve just started listening to the wonderful EquiSync CD’s we purchased. The EquiSync 2 program is working nicely with my healing. Thank you very much – so far the experience is wonderful…

Kind regards

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I bought your program last night and so far love it. If it’s as good as it seems expect an endorsement for sure…

I really love your product!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I would like to share with you my experience after using EquiSync for three weeks. First of all, I am so amazed how fast I can put myself in a meditation state. During meditation, I feel some kind of a sensation I could not explain. I feel the rain dropping on my face and sometimes my legs. I feel the breeze of a tropical weather as if I was in the forest. I always sleep for a very short time at night and I have a very high sense of smell all my life. Using equisync I still sleep less, but am more relaxed when I wake up. During meditation, I can also smell the forest as if I am in the forest.

Today, September 10, I woke up at 5:00am (after 4 hours sleep) and started meditating from half way to the end of the Equisync III program. Woke up to cook breakfast and run by 10:30am. I cannot believe how I ran with so much energy. Run again at 7:00pm and still have lots of energy.

I also suffer with migraine for the last 15 years of my life. So, when I know I am going to have a headache I will start meditating and headache suddenly subsided. What an amazing thing you have created here. This is only three weeks of my experience. How much more what I can do after…………By the way I am 49 years old. I just want to thank you so very much for sharing this amazing tape with me. It is so worth it in all aspect. I wish you all the best. How I wish that our paths will cross one day.

Thank you for sharing the great experience and benefits of these successful effort.

Respectfully yours

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Just some feedback:

I downloaded the demo to see how our son would take to the sounds etc as having [medical condition removed] there are certain noises he can’t tolerate. But 2 nights in a row now he has been asleep within 2 minutes of me putting the headphones on him – this is a child that hardly sleeps!

This morning I woke up to find he had got himself up and changed, we have been trying to get him to do this for a year now. He had made his own breakfast without being prompted, and was in front of the telly practicing taekwondo patterns that he hasn’t been taught but was copying from the DVD he’s got. It is documented by pediatricians that he can’t mimic movement from visual instruction alone or understand verbal instructions.

I am amazed, it can’t be coincidence…”

[Note: This is a very unique experience. We make no medical miracle promises.]

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I recently downloaded the entire program and have been enjoying it immensely for about 3 weeks now… I am very satisfied with EquiSync. The benefits are amazing. It is overall fantastic!

Thank you

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To start with, I would like to mention that your EquiSync CDs have ‘shifted dimensions in my brain and mind’.

When I started listening to the recordings I could feel physically things happening in my brain…

I have done lots of work on myself over the years, but your product is just something else!

Thanking you and sending kind regards

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Thanks again for the prompt reply.

I have done the Monroe Institute program back in he early 80s but really like your program…

Sometimes I have tears of joy when I finish.

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The CD’s are great and we listen to them all the time. Very special program.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I must tell you this…(and you may use it in your marketing if you like)…I have never tried meditating before buying your product. I am currently suffering life altering physical problems and almost penniless at this point. I am looking for a new direction in my life…a new life.

For the past 3 days I have used EquiSync and meditated. But the most remarkable news is that for the past 3 nights, I have slept through the night each night without waking up once! I woke up earlier than usual in the morning and was ready to stay up! You may not think this news is remarkable but it very much is because I have not been able to sleep through any night for years!

I usually need to wake up to use the bathroom or my husband’s snoring wakes me. If this keeps up, the benefit for investing in your product will be worth every penny even if nothing better happens!

Thank you!

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I ordered all the mp3 downloads and have started listening and they are fantastic!… I discovered I can work much more effectively while listening to the level 1 mp3s (for tasks requiring focus/concentration)…

Thank you

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My boyfriend bought the whole set I, II, & III EquiSync for me and I am loving it!!!! I’m a student and I am listening to EquiSync every time I do school work and reading. I used to get distracted very easily and could only study or do school work in quiet places.

But now, I can study anywhere with EquiSync. I’m also listening during breaks at work and have been noticing a sense of centeredness and rejuvenation even in just 15 minutes.

I REALLY LIKE EQUISYNC!!! Thank you for creating such an amazing product!

So I’m listening to EquiSync WAY MORE than your recommendation times which I understand is 23-46 min/day. I would like to know if it is safe for me to do so? Please explain in details why yes or no.

By the way, I also enjoy reading your emails too, I find them educational and inspirational.

Keep up your great work and thank you again.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***


My name is [name removed]. I recently purchased the program, and will first and foremost say that I am most impressed. It is a lot more advanced than I anticipated, having only been familiar with the brainwave audio options from other companies.

The Equisync program however, is the “real deal,” for sure. I will recommend it to anyone who simply wants to improve themselves in any fashion.

Be very well

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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