Thank you for creating such a fantastic program

Dear Equisnyc,

Thank you so much for all your wonderful emails. I am happy to report that I treated myself to your Equisync product for Christmas.

I purchased the first two, and just finished listening to the introduction, very informative and very promising, I am am truly excited. Then I tuned in to the first twenty three minutes of meditation – what a lovely pleasant experience. I left it at that not wanting to do too much too soon…

I would like to sincerely thank you for putting together a fantastic program, and making it available to us all by keeping the cost so affordable.

Happy New Year,

With Kind Regards

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Hi There EOC Team,

Thank you for your support, U Folks Rock! I will pass on the integrity of your company. I love the CDs, they have enhanced my shaman journeying practice. I will definitely tell others about the EOC Institute!

Look forward to the future.


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I bought the basic package and I am listening to it every day. Sure takes the work out of meditation, which makes it easy and fun…

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My name is [name removed] and I purchased the full Equisync set about 2 years ago and I’m very happy with this product. I still feel and notice euphoric and life changing effects to this day and I’m so grateful for this fact. I continue to follow the research on this subject and know that as science and technology advances a more quality product can be produced.

Thanks for your time.


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Dear EOC Staff,

As you well know, the most effective form of marketing is word of mouth. I have a powerful testimony to the efficacy of EquiSync!

I have only been using the EquiSync cd’s for three weeks, and I haven’t even gotten to the Equisync III CDs yet. But I have had the most remarkable results. Please do read this in its entirety, although it is long, because I have a proposal for you in the end.

As somewhat of a modern mystic, I have studied altered states of consciousness, but due to my monkey mind, I have only been able to experience them to a very minor degree. I have tried so many methods of meditation to little avail. But I became aware that I would not be able to progress in my spiritual life if I could not achieve at least a modicum of success in meditation.

Then in my own research regarding my life-long hypertension and its resistance to medication, I became very concerned when I learned that 145/95 is the gateway to dementia. At that time my BP was consistently 145/95. Then, even worse, it started to become routinely 161/106. I was simply unwilling to take more medication with all its attendant side effects, so I started researching natural solutions. I became aware of a breathing apparatus which sold for $300 that would help me train myself to deep breathe, thereby reducing my blood pressure. $300 seemed like a lot, but not in the scheme of saving my life. I started thinking. I already knew how to breathe from my brief studies in Chi Gung. I simply needed something to help me focus my mind. I tried using the Chi Gung breathing while simply counting 200 breaths. It worked for a short while, but I quickly became far too bored, even though I knew it could be a lifesaving measure. I had been considering EquiSync for sometime, and realized it was much less expensive than a $300 breathing regulator, and that it might serve a dual purpose. So I purchased the entire suite.

I became aware of two things from the very first time I used Equisync I first, I could literally feel what was going on my brain. Second, I achieved a meditative state from the very first use. And third, my BP dropped to 116/76 immediately after use.

By the end of just a few short days (3 or 4 of use), my constant “on edge” feeling completely dissipated. I had changed my lifestyle drastically to a very low-stress environment. All feelings of anxiety disappeared rapidly, but I was still experiencing something “physical.” I had trouble explaining it to anyone. I lashed out immediately at the slightest frustration. I tried to explain to those around me that it was something physically happening in my brain, but they were skeptical. Within less than a week of using the EOC cd’s, I noticed my tolerance level for dealing with people and situations had increased tremendously.

At the end of just two weeks of use (I was now into the Equisync II cds), I experienced for the first time ever, what my partner described as Nirvana. I experienced a complete dissolution of individual consciousness, felt at one with everything, and felt the deepest peace, love, and complete bliss I had ever, ever experienced in my life. Since you do all the research on this, you know what I’m describing. Unfortunately, language does not express it. I have never experienced mind altering drugs, but I recall watching a documentary of LSD research, and one of the subjects described the exact same “feelings” as I had when she had received a micro amount of LSD.

I honestly believe, and I”m sure you do, too, that EquiSync can be a part of the next stage of psychological evolution for humanity.


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Thank you for the downloads! I was initiated in 1974 with the famous Beatles meditation technique and I have to tell you, EquiSync’s products have done for me, what it took many years for TM to do.


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I would like to share with you my experience after using EquiSync for three weeks. First of all, I am so amazed how fast I can put myself in a meditation state. During meditation, I feel some kind of a sensation I could not explain. I feel the rain dropping on my face and sometimes my legs. I feel the breeze of a tropical weather as if I was in the forest. I always sleep for a very short time at night and I have a very high sense of smell all my life. Using equisync I still sleep less, but am more relaxed when I wake up. During meditation, I can also smell the forest as if I am in the forest.

Today, September 10, I woke up at 5:00am (after 4 hours sleep) and started meditating from half way to the end of the Equisync III program. Woke up to cook breakfast and run by 10:30am. I cannot believe how I ran with so much energy. Run again at 7:00pm and still have lots of energy.

I also suffer with migraine for the last 15 years of my life. So, when I know I am going to have a headache I will start meditating and headache suddenly subsided. What an amazing thing you have created here. This is only three weeks of my experience. How much more what I can do after…………By the way I am 49 years old. I just want to thank you so very much for sharing this amazing tape with me. It is so worth it in all aspect. I wish you all the best. How I wish that our paths will cross one day.

Thank you for sharing the great experience and benefits of these successful effort.

Respectfully yours

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Thank you, thank you so much…

I wish I could tell everyone that just after listening I slept for the first time in months without aid.

Have been taking everything that my doctor could think of and had very bad experiences from them all. My main sleep med left me sleepwalking and scared I could have hurt others and myself, another med worked some but had to take high dosages, others just left me not sleeping and zombiefied all day.

This is just a blessing for me… Now going to try and get off of everything bad so that I can live a good, clean life.


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I purchased the mp3 version of all three cds and was wondering — when I burn a copy to share with my husband, will any of the effects be lost in translation? 🙂

I love these tracks!! I was wondering, I’m addicted (in a good way) to Equisync 3. I did work my way up going through the first 2, I can go back to the others, right? I really love the “visions” from using this program.


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To Whom It May Concern,

I teach math to 8th grade students in a public school in [removed]. Last year I talked to a student about ordering your CDs and listening to it while he sat in my class. He was allowed to have his headphones on during the lesson, while doing his homework, and while he was testing. He got 98% on his end-of-level test.

I would like to experiment with a whole class this year. If it works like I think it will, the entire class should be at the top of the district when the scores are in and they very likely would want all students being taught math using your CDs….

I would love to talk with you about this pilot program.

I am one of the fortunate ones who received a free demo of your product. I do believe your product corrected damage to my brain from a childhood concussion. Immediately upon use, I became aware of sounds, drainage and even discomfort behind my right eye and the lower right side of my skull. This continued for a week of using the product daily. I was about to give up using the product when all discomfort stopped, and has not returned. I do believe your product should be used for childhood head trauma. Even though the brain is only bruised, a life can be altered immensely. I love my Equisync II and will use it daily and with confidence.

Blessings on you and Equisync.

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It has been both a pleasure and an enlightening experience listening to the Equisync II CDs for the past month. As a 15 year stroke survivor, daily meditation has become a part of my life. Listening to these CDs reminds me of sitting alone in a forest during periods of rain, whether they be light, heavy, or in between. I am able to access my right hemisphere more readily and experience the feeling of nirvana that we all have within us. When I reach this point, my system reminds itself of all the compassion and connectedness we each have.

Thank you for this great product.

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Hi everyone!

I feel it is time to make a few statements! Regarding your company, your customer service, and last but by no means least, your wonderful products!

Regarding the CD’s that you have developed, is a big “WOW” factor with me. They do everything that you say they will do! For brain entrainment, I personally rate them very highly indeed.

I am no novice to this type of technology! I have been using for the last several years what I call my “meditation machine,” [from another company] that also uses binaural/isochronic beats, tones, etc…

Now I must admit that the development of your CD’s isochronic/binaural brain wave entrainment programs, in my honest opinion, is not only cheaper on my pocket, (big time), but superior!

Lastly, to me you do not appear to be a company that just wishes to sell your goods! Your customer service team in my humble opinion is second to none!

Very caring and knowledgeable, you listen to your customers. What more can I say but a big thank you for doing what you do, and how well you do it.

A very happy customer indeed.


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My name is [name removed]. I recently purchased the program, and will first and foremost say that I am most impressed. It is a lot more advanced than I anticipated, having only been familiar with the brainwave audio options from other companies.

The Equisync program however, is the “real deal,” for sure. I will recommend it to anyone who simply wants to improve themselves in any fashion.

Be very well

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I want to thank the EOC Institute for your EQUISYNC. My spiritual development has been my goal now for 30 years, what a journey.

Two years studying with the Monroe Institute. Three years with CenterPointe just prior to EOC Institute.

The CDs are helping daily. All of my training has lead me to this point in time. Will stay tuned for the alignment to come.


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I purchased your Equisync Meditation program quite a while ago (can’t remember exactly when but it would be about 3 years I think). I used it regularly, loved it, and found that it really helped me with my anxiety issues…

Thank you

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