I am so impressed with your product!

Dear EOC Institute,

I am writing to you from New Zealand. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!

I have tried your CDs from a friend of mine and I have been so impressed! I am wondering if there could be potential for me to distribute this product for you throughout New Zealand?

Although my primary business is [business removed] another deep HUGE passion of mine is consciousness development. I teach a regular group on Thursday nights about this exact topic!

I would so love to be a part of bringing a “tool” to others that doesn’t require any particular effort on their part, but that will help to raise their consciousness and improve their health and wellbeing. I see this as a way that I could play a part in assisting to deliver/offer something else that could be of such benefit.

Thank you so much, I will look forward to your reply.

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Really love your products! Been referring them to all my clients!

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I was thrilled that you thought my intuition was “pretty impressive”!!! 🙂 I was excited!!!

What I was aiming to point out to you was this. Without your very special programs to work with — my intuition would not be anywhere near “pretty impressive”. It was never like that before I started using EquiSync.

I was giving credit where credit is due. You have developed an incredible program and with each successive upgrade, it just gets better all the time. And that is what life is about. Becoming the very best that you can be and if I may quote you and say that the EOC Institute really is living up to it’s calling.

Dedicated to helping people awaken to their true nature and infinite potential, this is our calling.

I will always be forever grateful that I found EOC Institute on the web and your wonderful programs.

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By the way you have an excellent product. 10 out of 10. Thank you

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I stumbled upon your highly informative website a couple of years ago. The service you provide is invaluable, the world needs more meditators and your info converts like no other resource. In fact, your inspirational articles were what lit a fire under my rear-end to pick up the practice myself!

I did end up buying your program last month. Needless to say, I had lofty expectations going in! I thought my two years of meditation experience were enough for me to not need an “aid” of any kind, but boy was I wrong!

With your tracks I have been able to get much deeper than before, much faster, with loads of benefits carrying over to the rest of my day and night (sleep is great!).

Your program really cleaned-house on the residual anxiety and depression that I had not yet fully cleared during my two years of meditation practice. And for that… I owe you the world!

I will drop a line from time to time letting you know about my progress.

P.S. Really looking forward to “diving” into your theta & delta tracks.

All my best

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear EOC,

I started with Equisync III and then Equisync I.

This experience is changing my life dramatically. I can not thank you enough.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Of course, it’s very early but I have already seen some benefits. I used the EquiSync product while drifting off to sleep and I noticed that I slept very well and woke up refreshed and completely alert, which is unusual. I typically feel very tired and groggy in the morning upon waking, so this is a marked and welcome improvement.

I have also noticed that during my morning meditation session (I use the product twice daily – once in the morning and again at night), I’m able to almost instantly reach extremely deep levels of relaxation. In fact, within minutes I lose all sensation in my extremities. This is exactly like yogic meditation’s pratyahara, or sense withdrawal, state. It’s really quite remarkable that I could get that relaxed that quickly. This process usually takes me anywhere between a half an hour and an hour and a half. With EquiSync, I reach the same state in literally 2 to 5 minutes!

At any rate, I am enjoying the product immensely. I’m keeping a journal in which I’m recording my thoughts & observations as well as memory and cognition scores just as a sort of completely unscientific pet project, out of curiosity. So far, I’ve benefited from being better rested and more focused as a result of your product and that alone is worth the price of admission but I hope to be able to show that over an extended period of time, EquiSync can also improve working memory, cognition, &etc. I’ll be sure to share the data I collect with you if I get anything of statistical significance.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I have purchased several brain entrainment CDs, all of which have cost far more than the one I am using from the EOC Institute. Without a doubt, your CD outperforms the other ones hands down. It is nice to know that there are companies out there that truly put the customer first instead of the “ALMIGHTY DOLLAR” Thank you so much for your excellent product. It is a big help.

I’ve been suffering from PTSD for more than 10 years and high blood pressure for more than 5 years, like most people listened to my doctor’s advice and took prescribed medication which routinely would’ve set me back quite a bit. At my worst, my blood pressure would’ve gone over 100 and it was impossible for me to work in that situation.

Out of sheer frustration, I’ve discovered an alternative approach to my predicament and turned my back to conventional thinking and beliefs and, above all, distanced myself away from my doctor. In fact, I’ve not seen him for well over 19 months.

Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been doing meditation with the help of audio-beat technology from a well-known brand, which I thought was a bit expensive. But, at least it gave me an insight into how the mind could and would give me an edge in solving most of my problems. From February, I decided to double the dosage to that which was recommended by the firm as I was desperate for a cure.

At the beginning of May, I decided to change over to EquiSync because it’s much cheaper and let me experience the deeper levels sooner. At best, my blood pressure has been down to 66 and after cups of tea and food, back up to 76-80 which is regarded as acceptable. I was able to achieve these wonderful results in less than 6 months of daily practice of meditation using audio-beat technology.

The beauty of it all is that now I’m not taking any medication which has its own unpleasant side-effect and cost factors. With the help of meditation I’ve discovered my other half with expanded awareness, thru’ which I come to realize and appreciate my special gift.

You see, it’s like magic when your mind is still and be able to see things unfolding before your very eyes.

Anyway, you have to experience it to truly appreciate it.

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Regarding your program, I am noticing some positive results. I feel more peaceful, clearer thinking, and a better sense of expression…

Thank you

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My name is [name removed]. I recently purchased the program, and will first and foremost say that I am most impressed. It is a lot more advanced than I anticipated, having only been familiar with the brainwave audio options from other companies.

The Equisync program however, is the “real deal,” for sure. I will recommend it to anyone who simply wants to improve themselves in any fashion.

Be very well

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Greetings EOC,

I have been meditating for decades, but so far, using the demo and now the full version of Equisync, I have already experienced mind awake/body asleep and it feels so good.

I would like to thank you for your dedication to your work and the level of caring for humanity. I don’t have a blog but I do email and I will be applying to join your affiliate program.

Again, thank you so much for allowing me to keep the extra CDs. I am overwhelmed by your most kind gesture.

I am very excited about your program and I look forward to journaling my results.

Kindest regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

After one month of using Equisync, I feel relaxed, calm and not stressed at all, despite that I am leaving my present job soon for an early retirement, I handle the situation very well. I have the feeling that I’m going to be ok and there is nothing to worry about. This is what I have gained so far from using Equisync and it’s really meaningful in the erratic world that we live in.

Best regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


Was wondering if you could give me a little more background on the suggested 2hr usage limit. I’m in LOVE with these CDs. Spent two months 2-3 times per day with ‘Equisync II’, and earlier this week shifted over to ‘Equisync III’. Since moving into Equisync III, I’m naturally drawn in my morning sitting to about 1 1/2 hrs with the tracks looping through my iPod. Then I sit again at night. I feel great. So is the 2hrs suggested for people with little prior meditative experience, is it a precaution for those whose psyche may be more fragile and prone to getting uber spacey and not managing their lives?


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Wow! You guys are so kind, and I don’t know that I deserve such kindness – I’m overwhelmed! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

One of my goals IS to help make this world a better place by exposing the truth about health, and helping people use meditation and quantum physics, in general, to their advantage in all areas of life.

I am not one to try something before I recommend it to someone else if I feel strongly intuitively about it. I have been telling some of my metaphysically minded friends about EquiSync, and my need to meditate deeply and powerfully.

I will be coauthoring a mind, body, and spirit book in the near future, and will recommend meditation to help free people from their dependence on the physical world, thereby experiencing true freedom…

I believe EquiSync is something I will be recommending to my future clients… Again, thank you very much for your thoughtfulness.

Best Wishes

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Equisync has been very effective – I now have two inventions in mind which I want to get started working on ASAP…

I wanted to know if you have a bumper sticker for your company or website EOC INSTITUTE.ORG? I want to tell the world to meditate starting with the impatient guy behind me stuck in traffic 🙂

Your product was also endorsed by a doctor I know who published two books on the BRAIN, by the way…

I am now purchasing an EquiSync 1 set of three for a friend…

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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