Your CDs are a big “WOW” factor for me

Hi everyone!

I feel it is time to make a few statements! Regarding your company, your customer service, and last but by no means least, your wonderful products!

Regarding the CD’s that you have developed, is a big “WOW” factor with me. They do everything that you say they will do! For brain entrainment, I personally rate them very highly indeed.

I am no novice to this type of technology! I have been using for the last several years what I call my “meditation machine,” [from another company] that also uses binaural/isochronic beats, tones, etc…

Now I must admit that the development of your CD’s isochronic/binaural brain wave entrainment programs, in my honest opinion, is not only cheaper on my pocket, (big time), but superior!

Lastly, to me you do not appear to be a company that just wishes to sell your goods! Your customer service team in my humble opinion is second to none!

Very caring and knowledgeable, you listen to your customers. What more can I say but a big thank you for doing what you do, and how well you do it.

A very happy customer indeed.


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I spoke too soon, it came just hours after sending the email. And after my busy day yesterday I went into a dark room to listen with my stereo headphones. It was GREAT and by the time the CD was finished my body/mind were completely relaxed. I will use these CD’s daily!

We are all on this planet together; therefore, any positive changes you make in your life will indeed affect those around you…

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I can’t thank you guys enough for saving my life. I tell everybody I know about your guys. I love you guys. I word of mouth advertise and give my testimony to the power of your technology almost everyday. I am only 30 years old, but since I was 17 teen years old my life was a miserable roller coaster ride. I ended up being diagnosed with fibromyalsia, bipolar disorder, adhd, manic depression, sever anxiety, severe depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and you name it. Because of your product, I have never felt better in my entire life. I can cope and manage and more. I can finally sleep a full night without tossing and turning waking to knots in my back and stomach. I can finally stand straight and tall without feeling like I have a pinched nerve in my neck. I have energy again, and a renewed passion for life!

Thank you for giving me my life back! ?

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I am a physician and recommend your product frequently to my patients.

I have found it useful myself as have many of my patients. I am interested in having more professional looking materials than a photocopy of my original brochure I received many years ago with my original CDs…

What would be the most appropriate way to provide the CD’s directly to patients? I would like to facilitate access to your product more quickly and at a lower overall cost (ie without patients each paying for shipping).

Thank you for your assistance.

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Greetings Customer Service,

Please know that I sincerely appreciate what you have done to rectify the problem that I had. I can’t thank you enough and I am very grateful for your most excellent customer service.

You can guarantee that I will be a life long customer of your Institute meaning that whenever you do another update, I will be at the top of the list to place my order with you. In fact, please email me to make sure I know about future updates as and when they occur! 🙂

Again, thank you so much! 🙂

Kindest regards always

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Thank you, thank you so much…

I wish I could tell everyone that just after listening I slept for the first time in months without aid.

Have been taking everything that my doctor could think of and had very bad experiences from them all. My main sleep med left me sleepwalking and scared I could have hurt others and myself, another med worked some but had to take high dosages, others just left me not sleeping and zombiefied all day.

This is just a blessing for me… Now going to try and get off of everything bad so that I can live a good, clean life.


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First and foremost I like to say that although, I’ve had in my possession all three CDs, which I had purchased from you sometime ago, I recently for the first time, in the last month (December), started to listen to Equisync I.

I thought that if I listened to Equisync I continuously for a period of three weeks or one month, I would understand and retain more information. However, enthusiastically, I must honestly report that from my very first session I was able to focus without the mental chatter (you know, disturbances and/or interruptions).

It’s been approximately one month now, and the results from listening to Equisync I have been nothing short of phenomenal!


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I just had to let you folks know how impressed I am with your Equisync CD’s, (Equisync I, Equisync II, & Equisync III). I just received the last two yesterday. I tried them both with amazing results. Especially the final CD, Equisync III. It creates a tone that is like a plane of sound that exists between the eyes all the way through your brain to the back of your head in the center. It is a tone, that if concentrated on purely, is the most amazing thing I have ever felt. I firmly believe it is some kind of door the the other side. It is like walking into a Lucid Dream. I am amazed many do not or know not about your technology and it’s wealth and value in understanding the self as well as our place in the Cosmos. I have recommended your product to others and will continue to do so. It is the first product, that has literally blown me away, and without the usual hype of products, such as these. It is it’s pureness, and it’s simplicity, that enables one to help oneself and others in this life. Using the CDs, at least initially, as almost entirely eradicated the intense pain I have felt for years. I have many forms of arthritis, all of which are degenerative, and incredibly intense. I have been able to work in my garden almost all day, without the usual restriction of pain and fatigue. I truly applaud you folks, you are definitely a Godsend….


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The only thing I have found lacking in using your product is that there is no place on your website to register my kudos to you for such an excellent product. I am not new to meditation, nor to brain entrainment products, and I found your product to be really outstanding. I’m completely hooked, love listening to the tracks and they are the best way ever to treat monkey mind. Bada boom, bada bing, in just a few minutes any aggravation I’m experiencing in the outside world, melts away and I am one very blissful and happy camper.

Many thanks for offering such an outstanding product. I’m very grateful to have found you.

I have listened to all 3 and fell asleep soon after the beginning. I must admit my emotions were at a different place than ever experienced before… calmer more focused.


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I have recently started using your system, ive already noticed results, a full nite sleep without waking up. I look forward to more changes in my habits and the ways i deal with life.

I will keep you informed.

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I’m so glad you wrote to me because now I can add to your many testimonials. Since I’ve been using your product which is about three months now, I have been absolutely transformed. I have reached my peak.

I have never been more creative, productive, more loving to all people nor have I ever been happier in my life. All the wisdom I have found in my pursuit of happiness was somewhere in my intellect. Now it is a part of me. I am using it. I now consider myself a model for younger people to let them see how it is possible to function and be everything they’ve wanted to be. I just celebrated my 85th birthday and I am as young as when I was 25. Thank you for giving me the gift of my true self.

Incidentally, I have sent the three C.D.’s directly to my son in New Mexico and I have just purchased three more to give as a gift to a friend who suffers with depression. I teach classes in Life-writing. Last Wednesday I announced to one of my classes the incredible effects I am having as a result of listening to Equisync.

My profoundest thanks

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Hello, guys, do you remember me? I did promise you that I will inform you about my experiment with your Equisync, and after two weeks, I listened every day, with very interesting results:

After only two days, my body sent me signs that my libido (smile!!!) is returning! Maybe it’s time that I tell you about my age (almost 60), so that was some how … funny!!!

Thank you for all!

Best regards, [name removed], PhD

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Hello! I think of you as my very good friends.

I am writing just to thank you for making such a marvelous thing (EquiSync) available. I had a great session today listening to disc 2-A, all three tracks.

I feel I reached a more basic level than ever before this date. I was wearing some magnetic finger rings I’ve long had, which I think enhanced EquiSync. I hope you will think this is O.K.

Also, a habit I have developed is: when I find my mind churning away at not very relaxing things, I think three words—Light (I get a sense of light, eyes closed and looking up), Space (I get a sense of space around me), Depth (depth of relaxation)— somehow this last word creates more relaxation, and helps me to cut the mental chatter and simply experience the sounds.

Your program is working for me!

(No response is necessary unless you want to say something).

Many thanks

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Hi, I’m totally loving the meditations. I have previously used Holosync, but I find that I crave doing meditation now rather than it being a chore…

Many thanks.

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What is the new equivalent title to your old “Into The Deep” (Delta) title?

I wanted to order that particular one again, since (yea!!) I’ve used it to pieces.


Thanks and happy holidays.

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