Physician who recommends the program to patients


I am a physician and recommend your product frequently to my patients.

I have found it useful myself as have many of my patients. I am interested in having more professional looking materials than a photocopy of my original brochure I received many years ago with my original CDs…

What would be the most appropriate way to provide the CD’s directly to patients? I would like to facilitate access to your product more quickly and at a lower overall cost (ie without patients each paying for shipping).

Thank you for your assistance.

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I’m working as a consultant for a new and growing holistic wellness company. I am responsible for determining which products would be the most advantageous for both our patients and for retail sales. I have personally purchased the Equisync I CDs to test them. My daughter suffers from major anxiety. The CDs helps her to relax and be less anxious. I tried it myself one time and it was very effective at putting me into a deep meditative state. I believe that your product works and I would like the wellness company to carry Equisync for patients to use and purchase.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

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I bought your program last night and so far love it. If it’s as good as it seems expect an endorsement for sure…

I really love your product!

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Thanks again for the prompt reply.

I have done the Monroe Institute program back in he early 80s but really like your program…

Sometimes I have tears of joy when I finish.

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By the way you have an excellent product. 10 out of 10. Thank you

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I received my order today. I especially appreciate the download, I was able to get started right away. I’ve been very stressed out at work, stuck in the ‘irritable / negative thinking’ mode. After using Equisync for just 3 days I’ve noticed real improvement.

Also, I’m a musician. I’m already seeing increased focus and feeling more relaxed. I’m hoping this helps improve my creativity.

Thanks again!

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Good morning,

I promised I would let you know how I am getting on with your discs. Well just wonderful. I am a very spiritual person and your system is helping me leap frog over years of deep seated subconscious baggage.

Perhaps the biggest change of all is what I believe to be my destiny but have struggled with for many many years: my unfinished book. Well, with my blockages now clear, I am back at it!

Thank you for your support and I will be back in touch to get permission to put your info in my book.

Kind regards

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Just some feedback:

I downloaded the demo to see how our son would take to the sounds etc as having [medical condition removed] there are certain noises he can’t tolerate. But 2 nights in a row now he has been asleep within 2 minutes of me putting the headphones on him – this is a child that hardly sleeps!

This morning I woke up to find he had got himself up and changed, we have been trying to get him to do this for a year now. He had made his own breakfast without being prompted, and was in front of the telly practicing taekwondo patterns that he hasn’t been taught but was copying from the DVD he’s got. It is documented by pediatricians that he can’t mimic movement from visual instruction alone or understand verbal instructions.

I am amazed, it can’t be coincidence…”

[Note: This is a very unique experience. We make no medical miracle promises.]

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Customer Support,

Firstly I would like to let you know that I am loving the new program even though I have only used two tracks to date.

It is very different to your previous program. I have already noticed the effects of the design upgrades with my thoughts becoming easier and clearer…

I would like to point out that during my use of EquiSync for over 4 years, the programs have become more powerful with each upgrade. I deeply appreciate your dilligence.

Kindest regards

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Dear EOC support team,

I want to thank you so much for your generous gift of the “Equisync” CDs.

My phone and computer internet were interrupted for a little while, so I didn’t get a chance to let you know right away when I got them.

So I’ve been playing the 1st one, and because I’m on so many pain killers, I looking forward to having to use less of that, and already don’t have to use any sleep aids most nights.

Very cool!!!

Getting my monkey brain to settle down. Thank you again for the gift.

The Universe is always full of gifts.


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I have been using the Equisync CDs at least 24 minutes 5 days a week. It instantly relaxes me, helps get rid of headaches and even hiccups! I have a stressful job and it helps prevent anxiety; I have not had a chance to check my blood pressure but I feel calmer. I have used other products before but I like the Equisync CDs much better; it is deeper and more relaxing.

In March I started using the CDs that I affectionately call “Meditation for Dummies” and am very pleased with the results so far. My blood pressure has dropped, I am sleeping better and notice that I feel much more calm and less stressed. Instead of feeling that I need to “find the time” in my schedule to meditate, I look forward to that totally relaxing half hour–that peaceful feeling of floating.

I highly recommend this product.

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I am an owner of your meditation mp3s and use them almost daily. I go to sleep with it playing most nights (using earphones of course). I try to keep my sessions to less than an hour, but it’s easy to go overboard…

I’ve started to notice a real positive difference in how I think and feel. My wife has also noticed that I am less reactive, calmer, and more focused (her pet name for me is scatterbrain!).

And this is just the beginning! Looking forward to the benefits waiting on down the road.

Sooooo love your product!

Kind regards

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Your program is wonderful. I have been doing it for about 8 months and it has made a big difference in my life. I do at least a 1/2hr. per day sometimes more…


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The CD’s are great and we listen to them all the time. Very special program.

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Thank you for the downloads! I was initiated in 1974 with the famous Beatles meditation technique and I have to tell you, EquiSync’s products have done for me, what it took many years for TM to do.


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