This is monumental to humanity’s transformation

Hey guys,

Sure do enjoy your cds’ and have definitely noticed a change. I believe that this process is monumental to the transformation that (hopefully) will happen to humanity.

Thank you again

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello EOC Institute!

First of all thank you very much for the amazing brain synchronization music! I bought EquiSync II as a download a couple of weeks ago, and I quickly experienced positive changes in my mood, thought patterns and energy level…

Kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


A year or 2 ago, I ordered both the set of CD’s and also the downloads. I listen to these recordings everyday, and they have helped me tremendously in all areas of my life.

Can you send me a link so I can get these on my new iPad? Otherwise, I will not be able to listen to your fabulous recordings until late September! Can you help?

Thanks so much

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You are awesome! Slept great and woke up refreshed. Will do 2 sessions a day. This is good stuff !!

My only regret I did not know about this years ago.

Telling my friends about EquiSync.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I bought the EquiSync 1 online the other day and I’ve used it 3-4 times. It makes me feel really relaxed which is wonderful since I’m really stressed out… I haven’t experienced anything this relaxing before and am totally going to tell everyone about it.

Thanks again! 🙂 glad

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Good morning,

I have been using your product for about a month and I feel like I am getting good and interesting results. I am sleeping better and have been able to generate really great ideas and deep thoughts while listening to EquiSync (~46 min in the morning and night)… I feel a kind of detoxification of the brain both during and after each meditation session.

Thank you!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hi EquiSync,

I am pleased to say that I have completed the program and I am feeling better than I have in quite a while. I can definitely feel that I am more relaxed and my positive perceptions of situations, circumstances and events are now free flowing.

So much so that I am continuing to meditate twice a day with 2 tracks that are randomly selected with the shuffle button on my iPhone. You have really created something special here and I would like to do whatever I can to expand awareness…

Thanks again

P.S. I am looking to start my own business in the next 12 months and I am a passionate believer in sound healing technology. I would certainly be interested in starting a conversation on how I may assist your efforts to establish an Australian distribution.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

My name is [name removed], I am 33yrs old, and just this last weekend I purchased the full EquiSync entrainment mp3s… b/c I’m a veteran meditator and felt sure that the introductory tracks were for beginners. As indeed they were but I listened to them anyway.

Admitted, I haven’t listened to all the tracks yet, but while listening to the demo alone over the course of a month-and-a-half I, too, had a transcendental experience that was amazing! So I determined pretty quickly to save the money and buy your product, even though I really can’t afford it. Yes, over the last 3 years meditation has become that important to me.

When I had this experience while using your product, I had been listening to the demo on repeat for around 3 hours or so. Thus, after purchasing your product and reading the material, I was a bit shocked to see the warning “Not to be used for more than 2 hours.”

So my question is: Why? When I read it, I had a bit of a fear of brain aneurysms. Therefore, 1. could someone contact me to tell me why use of your product shouldn’t continue past 2 hours? [I probably won’t heed the reason unless it’s a life or death warning: I love this product that much!] 2. Please feel free to post my letter in your testimonials, if you ever decide to post such customer comments.

Thanks a lot and ROCK ON EOC!!!!

A friend in the lotus position

a concise P.S. I was in a horrible car accident when I was 18 and had to learn to read and write and walk and talk all over again. It was long ago and I’m pretty well over it, but such an injury has lifetime repercussions. The neurological damage sustained causes my left arm to shake uncontrollably anytime I use it in a situation requiring precise coordination. From simply listening to the demo, the shake [though not disappearing completely in the last 2 months] has lessened dramatically. I had been wondering for years what kind of neurological exercises I could undergo to help it…

Well, now I’ve found it!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I ordered CD’s a couple of years ago for Equisync 2 & 3 and just love them…

Thanks, I’ve recommended your products to many.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Good day,

I hope you are very well.

I purchased the EquiSync MP3 about 2 weeks ago and I notice that it has a very calming and relaxing effect. I can also notice how my brain waves shift while using it, I really like it, it is enhancing my meditation experience and also how I feel beyond it.

Thank you so much.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I have been using the Equisync 2 program for my meditation every day for about 2 months now. I can definitely sense more of a calmness about me which is great…

During my meditations I do seem to receive little insights that tell me that I’m on the right path and that with persistence I will eventually receive all the great benefits of meditation…

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Equisync makes me more relaxed and in tune with whatever I am doing. After about three weeks of daily 10-30 minute sessions with the CDs, I find myself frequently taking a deep breath and relaxing into the present moment as I slowly exhale.

My golf has improved as I focus helps me hit the shot that I envision more often.

Just a few minutes of Equisync II at bedtime takes me quickly into alpha—theta sleep state. It has become an integral part of my early morning routine at the start of each day.

I look forward to further improvements in the future.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


My name is [name removed]. I recently purchased the program, and will first and foremost say that I am most impressed. It is a lot more advanced than I anticipated, having only been familiar with the brainwave audio options from other companies.

The Equisync program however, is the “real deal,” for sure. I will recommend it to anyone who simply wants to improve themselves in any fashion.

Be very well

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Having had experience with meditating in the past, I ordered Equisync II a few weeks ago. I listen to it with Bose Noise Canceling headphones and everything you claim on your web site is true!

I meditate in the morning (and get a wonderful start to my day) and at night (for a better night’s sleep). I look forward to both these sessions. It’s like floating in a pool of bliss!!

My only problem is when to know that I should graduate to Equisync III. Could you give me advice on that?

I don’t remember how I found your web site, but am so glad I did. Thanks for a wonderful product!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I am an owner of your meditation mp3s and use them almost daily. I go to sleep with it playing most nights (using earphones of course). I try to keep my sessions to less than an hour, but it’s easy to go overboard…

I’ve started to notice a real positive difference in how I think and feel. My wife has also noticed that I am less reactive, calmer, and more focused (her pet name for me is scatterbrain!).

And this is just the beginning! Looking forward to the benefits waiting on down the road.

Sooooo love your product!

Kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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