Everyday I seem to uncover another buried gem

Hi, I have a question about usage…

I have been meditating for about 30 years, and after using it about one week for an hour in the morning, and sometimes at night, I am experiencing [personal detox experience removed]…

I love using the program to go deep and to uncover the cause of stuck issues and beliefs. Everyday I seem to uncover another gem which has been buried at the subconscious level for so long…

Thank you very much for a wonderful product

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Hello again,

I forgot to tell you, after using your meditation for a few weeks, I woke up one morning with the most vivid recollection of having an out of body experience […shortened…] I am hoping to experience this again and control myself the next time. Thank you for enabling me to remember this extraordinary experience. I never believed they were real until I used your program.


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Dear Sirs,

I’m have been using your Equisync I for a few days and find myself sleeping better and more relaxed. Even though still not understanding how your technology works, but the results are awesome.

I have ADD (attention deficit disorder) along with GAD (general anxiety disorder), your product is helping me with the anxiety, however I will like to know if it will help for ADD as well.


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I have had the pleasure of your tapes for 9 days now, and I am pleased to report that the benefits are incredible. My major issues have been for years the lack of quality sleep. Resorted to sleep aids 12 years ago and the depth of sleep has not been there.

With Equisync as my partner, I have some hope to get off of this stuff and sleep deeply and naturally, eventually. So far I am far more relaxed while awake. I notice more pleasant dreams, but have a long way to go.

Do you recommend emphasizing EII and EIII since they go into the deeper brainwaves? So far, EI has apparently been the best one for me overall.

I deeply respect your business and will also spread the word for purchases.

Thank you for what you have created.

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I have been using the Equisync 2 program for my meditation every day for about 2 months now. I can definitely sense more of a calmness about me which is great…

During my meditations I do seem to receive little insights that tell me that I’m on the right path and that with persistence I will eventually receive all the great benefits of meditation…

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear EquiSync People (the “Compassionate” Ones):

Well, I have to say it. I love your new product and program. It is my guiltless pleasure. I so love these CD’s!

Since using your program, I like to wake up about 5 a.m. to meditate as well as before I go to sleep. Meditation is now the most special thing in my life.

Over the years, I have purchased many CD’s with healing sounds such as bi-neural (sp), drums, nature, frequencies, etc. I have never seen anything put together in such a positive and caring way with respect to the overrall meditative ambiance and deep mind environment. I have to admit I am “awed!”

I am truly inspired by your willingness to speak to each and every person who visits your website. For me, it all began with EquiSync (the best ever!).

Thanks for all the emails you have been sending, I am always paying particular attention to the things you write. Nothing less will do!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Your #1 Fan

God bless every single one of you who had the”collective gumption” to even approach such a task. You make our world a great place to live.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

To whom it may concern:

I have experienced a huge benefit from using Equisync. And, as a therapist I witness fast improvement in my clients who use your program.

Some of my clients, however, do not sign up for one reason or another. They don’t even visit the website to learn about meditation’s many benefits!

Would you be willing to send me 20 copies of the small booklet (that comes with the CD pack)? I would hand these out to people who could be persuaded to then purchase the program.

Let me know if you can do this.


[Name removed], LICSW

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

My name is [removed].

I have a deep emotional connection with EquiSync, it has an amazing (!) effect on me and I am really glad to have found it. I really believe that this will be the 21st century’s greatest healing tool!…

Best regards and many thanks

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello, my name is [name removed]. I just downloaded the equisync theta meditation mp3 last night….and WOW.

I tried other companies the last few years or so….among the likes that mainly used binaural audio and the deepest I was really ever to achieve was alpha state….maybe theta once or twice over the last few years. It takes incredible dedication and practice to achieve the deep, renewing states of meditation that are most sought after…..I listened to the theta meditation mp3 last night and within what seemed like a few minutes my mind was flooded with imagery…memories long gone…my body was sleeping, heavy as lead, but my mind was crystal clear, aware of my surroundings. I could barely even open my eyes!

Just my FIRST session I felt like I successfully achieved a theta state of meditation….I came out of it feeling extraordinarily renewed and with this profound insight of “everything is going to be ok”….this was all from my FIRST session. I cant wait to continue this on a regular basis to see where it leads….one day I hope to achieve the deeper delta states…

I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Team,

I would like to say that when compared to the other systems I have tried so far, after listening only once to the first Equisync download I feel a much deeper sense of relaxation. Thank you!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I wanted to tell you how much I LOVE the audios.

I have listened to other frequencies a lot in the past. I felt relaxed but I never could tell if they actually did anything.

The first day I got these I didn’t know to listen only a couple of times. I listened 3 hours.

The second day, I listened to only 2 tracks. I felt relaxed, and aware of what was going thru my head.

The third day, WOW… I discovered that issues in my life that seemed unsettled, or that needed attention, came to the forefront, and I could easily access all issues that needed to be looked at.

Same thing happened on the fourth day.

These are really helping me so much… I have told so many people about EquiSync, I am thrilled to have found you!! I can’t imagine ever living without EquiSync.

I love it!!

Thank you so much

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

While I’ve got your attention I’ve just gotta say… I LOVE your product.

It’s literally changed my life. I had a stroke a few years back and lost a lot of cognitive ability, a lot of which has returned after just a few weeks of using this technology!

[Note: We make no promises of medical miracles.]

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

My recently ordered CD set arrived sooner than promised, in good shape, downloaded easily to my iTunes and sounds excellent. All for so much less than what I was paying for your high priced competitor. I feel good listening and I look forward to enjoying this technology over and over again.

Thank you for your good work

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Your program is excellent, just as you advertise it. I am a combat vet and it is helping me very much. Thank you again for your help.

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Wow! You guys are so kind, and I don’t know that I deserve such kindness – I’m overwhelmed! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

One of my goals IS to help make this world a better place by exposing the truth about health, and helping people use meditation and quantum physics, in general, to their advantage in all areas of life.

I am not one to try something before I recommend it to someone else if I feel strongly intuitively about it. I have been telling some of my metaphysically minded friends about EquiSync, and my need to meditate deeply and powerfully.

I will be coauthoring a mind, body, and spirit book in the near future, and will recommend meditation to help free people from their dependence on the physical world, thereby experiencing true freedom…

I believe EquiSync is something I will be recommending to my future clients… Again, thank you very much for your thoughtfulness.

Best Wishes

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