You have an excellent product. 10 out of 10!

By the way you have an excellent product. 10 out of 10. Thank you

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Please feel free to post the following product review on your website:

EquiSync is representative of cutting edge entrainment technology, and while some believe it may take a week or more to realize the beneficial results of Equisync use; in my case I began seeing noticeable changes in my attitude, behavior, responsiveness and an increase in retention within a matter of days.

If you truly desire to reach your full potential; than I highly recommend you join the EquiSync family by purchasing the product and utilizing it to the fullest; and your success is virtually guaranteed.” [Note: We do not solicit endoresements but appreciate all that come our way.]

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LOVE this!

I own Equisync 1. Listen to it nearly every night as I’m falling asleep… Your site is extremely rich with information and I find it extremely interesting…


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Two years ago I ordered from you… I am very happy with Equisync because it really changed me, I’m in awe…

Thank you for all!

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I am a physician and recommend your product frequently to my patients.

I have found it useful myself as have many of my patients. I am interested in having more professional looking materials than a photocopy of my original brochure I received many years ago with my original CDs…

What would be the most appropriate way to provide the CD’s directly to patients? I would like to facilitate access to your product more quickly and at a lower overall cost (ie without patients each paying for shipping).

Thank you for your assistance.

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To whom it may concern,

I have to say that thus far I am really impressed with the results. I am having better sleeping nights and feel a lot more relaxed than I did prior to using this product. I intend to continue using it for a very long time.

Thank you again, I am very excited to be a customer of this technology.

Kind regards

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Thank you for your support of my personal growth. I am a long time user of Equisync and a total subscriber to the benefits.

Additionally, your emails consistently reset my perspective and remind me to get my mindset right.

Very Best Regards

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I am so proud to say I am progressing myself both physically and mentally at a path so fast that I could never imagine it would be possible.

…I got curious about the Equisync II CDs and it was the 2nd track that started giving me some body signs that revealed me I was in the alpha state. I never practiced meditation before, however, I follow the Gurdjieff and Ouspensky teachings which, if you are not aware, tell us how to do quite the same thing as meditation in our everyday lives while performing our daily tasks. I also believe that Equisync II was more appropriate for me because my life is also dedicated to collective causes, my personal life is totally under control, but your CDs were able to relieve my severe depression after only 3 days of practicing, my chronic insomnia condition which had been lasting for over 27 years seemed to be finally healed. I am truly amazed, really.

I will be more than happy to spread these wonderful news in some blogs as I noticed there is no concrete input so far about the effectiveness of your product.

Last, let me compliment you on the low price of your product which allowed me to purchase it and be healed already from depression and insomnia in three sessions basically, two things that prevented me to attain emotional control because both interfere with our neurological system.

Thank you again. You have my permission to post my input (pls correct my English wherever it’s necessary) and my email address. I will be more than happy to testify the effectiveness of your CDs.

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I purchased the EquiSync Series CDs several years ago… I’ve used many brainwave meditation tapes and CDs over the years, and can say without hesitation that EquiSync is the very best!…

Thank you

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I have been using the product since last May. I am having some wonderful results. I would like to promote Equisync. Can someone contact me about how to do this? Thank you

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I have purchased several brain entrainment CDs, all of which have cost far more than the one I am using from the EOC Institute. Without a doubt, your CD outperforms the other ones hands down. It is nice to know that there are companies out there that truly put the customer first instead of the “ALMIGHTY DOLLAR” Thank you so much for your excellent product. It is a big help.

I’ve been suffering from PTSD for more than 10 years and high blood pressure for more than 5 years, like most people listened to my doctor’s advice and took prescribed medication which routinely would’ve set me back quite a bit. At my worst, my blood pressure would’ve gone over 100 and it was impossible for me to work in that situation.

Out of sheer frustration, I’ve discovered an alternative approach to my predicament and turned my back to conventional thinking and beliefs and, above all, distanced myself away from my doctor. In fact, I’ve not seen him for well over 19 months.

Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been doing meditation with the help of audio-beat technology from a well-known brand, which I thought was a bit expensive. But, at least it gave me an insight into how the mind could and would give me an edge in solving most of my problems. From February, I decided to double the dosage to that which was recommended by the firm as I was desperate for a cure.

At the beginning of May, I decided to change over to EquiSync because it’s much cheaper and let me experience the deeper levels sooner. At best, my blood pressure has been down to 66 and after cups of tea and food, back up to 76-80 which is regarded as acceptable. I was able to achieve these wonderful results in less than 6 months of daily practice of meditation using audio-beat technology.

The beauty of it all is that now I’m not taking any medication which has its own unpleasant side-effect and cost factors. With the help of meditation I’ve discovered my other half with expanded awareness, thru’ which I come to realize and appreciate my special gift.

You see, it’s like magic when your mind is still and be able to see things unfolding before your very eyes.

Anyway, you have to experience it to truly appreciate it.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I am a regular user of EquiSync. I frequently (not always) experience what “feels like” an “out of body” experience, meaning that I can “feel” my consciousness being lifted out of my body, and then in my dream I am floating or flying around the room.

NOTE: I do NOT “see myself” flying (since childhood, I have had dreams of myself flying around, but I’m watching myself, seeing myself fly in those dreams). In this experience I do NOT see myself. I just see everything else (the ceiling, the room) as though I were floating/flying.

Sometimes, this experience turns into an HD (high definition) dream in which I am flying around in another location (again, not seeing myself in the dream, but seeing everything else in the dream from the perspective of flying).

It’s fun, cool, and I always hope to have the experience. But I’m just wondering if you could tell me what’s going on in my brain from a scientific point of view. Are there any particular benefits from this type of dream experience?


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Dear Equisnyc,

Thank you so much for all your wonderful emails. I am happy to report that I treated myself to your Equisync product for Christmas.

I purchased the first two, and just finished listening to the introduction, very informative and very promising, I am am truly excited. Then I tuned in to the first twenty three minutes of meditation – what a lovely pleasant experience. I left it at that not wanting to do too much too soon…

I would like to sincerely thank you for putting together a fantastic program, and making it available to us all by keeping the cost so affordable.

Happy New Year,

With Kind Regards

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Hi, had bought your meditation product back in 2012 and feel the need to tell you how many amazing experiences I have had using these powerful sounds throughout the years!
A big thank you!

Love & Light

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First, you have a good product and great service. I’ve noticed that I can easily enter the alpha state, and my body is heavy, mind relaxed, very pleasurable feelings. Happened every time…


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