The program is working nicely with my healing

Hi there,

I’ve just started listening to the wonderful EquiSync CD’s we purchased. The EquiSync 2 program is working nicely with my healing. Thank you very much – so far the experience is wonderful…

Kind regards

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I am an Exercise Physiologist from Australia; I specialise in Hydrotherapy (specific exercises in the water to heal patients pre and post surgery). I have started playing Equisync during my 30min Hydrotherapy sessions.

The patients love it, and I certainly see a change in their mood and attitude. I’d recommend EquiSync to any treating therapist dealing with patients who are in pain, anxious and stressed.

Yours in “Hydrotherapy”!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Equisnyc,

Thank you so much for all your wonderful emails. I am happy to report that I treated myself to your Equisync product for Christmas.

I purchased the first two, and just finished listening to the introduction, very informative and very promising, I am am truly excited. Then I tuned in to the first twenty three minutes of meditation – what a lovely pleasant experience. I left it at that not wanting to do too much too soon…

I would like to sincerely thank you for putting together a fantastic program, and making it available to us all by keeping the cost so affordable.

Happy New Year,

With Kind Regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

To whom it may concern:

I have experienced a huge benefit from using Equisync. And, as a therapist I witness fast improvement in my clients who use your program.

Some of my clients, however, do not sign up for one reason or another. They don’t even visit the website to learn about meditation’s many benefits!

Would you be willing to send me 20 copies of the small booklet (that comes with the CD pack)? I would hand these out to people who could be persuaded to then purchase the program.

Let me know if you can do this.


[Name removed], LICSW

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I stumbled upon your highly informative website a couple of years ago. The service you provide is invaluable, the world needs more meditators and your info converts like no other resource. In fact, your inspirational articles were what lit a fire under my rear-end to pick up the practice myself!

I did end up buying your program last month. Needless to say, I had lofty expectations going in! I thought my two years of meditation experience were enough for me to not need an “aid” of any kind, but boy was I wrong!

With your tracks I have been able to get much deeper than before, much faster, with loads of benefits carrying over to the rest of my day and night (sleep is great!).

Your program really cleaned-house on the residual anxiety and depression that I had not yet fully cleared during my two years of meditation practice. And for that… I owe you the world!

I will drop a line from time to time letting you know about my progress.

P.S. Really looking forward to “diving” into your theta & delta tracks.

All my best

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My mother, who suffers from insomnia was recommended to try your products by her primary provider, Dr. [name removed]. Which one is best for sleep?

Thank you very much!

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I bought the basic package and I am listening to it every day. Sure takes the work out of meditation, which makes it easy and fun…

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Your program is excellent, just as you advertise it. I am a combat vet and it is helping me very much. Thank you again for your help.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Just a quick note – this new offering is simply outstanding!

Working my way through and love everything. Well done…the sounds on level II, CD II are simply mesmerizing. Currently my favorite.

Thank you for your excellent products!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Your product is phenomenal!

I’ve never felt better. Will I experience better results listening to Equisync for the entire 2 hours/day as opposed to two sessions/day? I am retired and I have the time to spend on it.

Thank you again for Equisync!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


Greetings from the Consumer Advocate.

I am sending you this because after reviewing your product. It’s an EPIC WIN?. I love it. I investigate disputes and review products and services. You are going on the consumer advocate “Buy With Confidence” list.


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I bought your program several years ago. Maybe 3 to 5 years if I recall correctly.

Your website and product are very elegant. I can tell it is a labor of love.

I did use the program at first (but not enough) and then life happened. I’m now back now with a real need to get back into it.

I have it all on my mp3 player. I got in bed yesterday and had a session… Yahooooo!!! 🙂 )

Thanks so much for creating the website and for all of the wonderful and inspirational articles on it. It should win an award!

All the Best!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I am extremely pleased with your product. The impact of Equisync on my life has been incredible. I have never felt better in my life. Thank you very much.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I am a yoga/mindfulness meditation teacher in [city removed].

I have been experimenting with sound in my classes and have been using plain old binaural beats as well as Equisync.

The students in my classes really love Equisync and I was wondering if they get a discount if they buy your product from me? Thanks

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Many thanks for your prompt and direct answer… Based on my experience with you so far you can expect me to recommend your services to other people…

For your integrity, of course, I cannot reward you with anything that could possibly pay for that in any way, except to say, feebly, thank you!!

Again, many thanks.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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