Results are astonishing & live up to the claims

First of all, thank you for a most remarkable achievement. I have tried products in the past that purported to synchronize meditation-level brain waves — usually overlain by sappy new-age music composed by non-composers — and was invariably disappointed. However, I have been using your Equisync II and Equisync III recordings for a few weeks now and the results are truly astonishing and live up to the claims on your website.

In any event, thanks again.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


Thank you SO much for your fast response AND great product. I have spent too much money on meditation techniques that frustrated me and I was unable to stick with them.

Your program is effortless, I will share your information with my clients!

Where other methods always seem to fall short of delivering the goods, thanks to EOC I am now able to meditate!

Thank you very very much!!!!!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I have had your Equisync CD’s for a little more than 2 years. Some recent stresses prompted me to start listening to them again. Wow……these cd’s are no joke. I have been playing them consistently for the past 2 weeks and they are a tremendous help. I have to ask about the Equisync III cds. Can this elicit a detox reaction? I played it in its entirety one night and the next morning I felt like I was having a healing crisis. I am not complaining ? I believe these particular cds allows tremendous amounts of healing light to enter the body through the higher chakras.


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I recently downloaded the entire program and have been enjoying it immensely for about 3 weeks now… I am very satisfied with EquiSync. The benefits are amazing. It is overall fantastic!

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I’ve been using equisync first thing in the morning after I get up, and listen to all three tracks in a row. I again listen to all three tracks in the late afternoon. If I don’t have that much time available, I will start on Track 2 or 3, as necessary. I have really started to focus on my breathing, and notice the difference – I finish the session in a DEEPLY relaxed state.

Thank you for your wonderful product

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


Just bought the system and love it. I chose it because the demo was lovely and so far have not been disappointed with the other tracks.

I have many years of meditation experience and have been in so called “enlightened” states of consciousness for short periods of time (but cannot mantain thse states)…

I am working on ways to keep a high state of consciounsess all the time, while still functioning well in the material world… A lofty goal I know.

So far your meditation tracks have been a real catalyst in this process.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***


Thank you for a great product.

Some years ago, I bought your programme -possibly around ’06. I’ve meditated for 25 years and have learned with many masters.

In my experience, your programme is useful for not only those just starting out, but also for the more experienced. It really helps me “drop into” higher awareness quickly and reliably, even when tired.

With the goal of helping people transform their lives, I work as both a healer and meditation teacher, instructing both beginners and advanced practitioners.

I am interested in promoting your programme for the reasons given above. Over the years I have recommended your CDs to hundreds of clients and students. Please let me know how to do this…

Thank you for your care and attention.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello! I think of you as my very good friends.

I am writing just to thank you for making such a marvelous thing (EquiSync) available. I had a great session today listening to disc 2-A, all three tracks.

I feel I reached a more basic level than ever before this date. I was wearing some magnetic finger rings I’ve long had, which I think enhanced EquiSync. I hope you will think this is O.K.

Also, a habit I have developed is: when I find my mind churning away at not very relaxing things, I think three words—Light (I get a sense of light, eyes closed and looking up), Space (I get a sense of space around me), Depth (depth of relaxation)— somehow this last word creates more relaxation, and helps me to cut the mental chatter and simply experience the sounds.

Your program is working for me!

(No response is necessary unless you want to say something).

Many thanks

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Customer Support Team at EOC Institute,

I ordered your product the day before yesterday, and used it for the first time on my birthday yesterday! It felt amazing. Thank you so much for creating this, and I’m looking forward to meditating with another track shortly.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

It’s barely a week since I downloaded EquiSync and I’m already seeing big changes! I’m sleeping more soundly and for longer. I used to wake up earlier than the alarm clock, now I want to sleep more, as I used years ago!

I feel more awake and sharper at work, can concentrate better, manage my tasks more efficiently and interact actively with my colleagues. I have even noticed a drastic reduction in my night trips to the bathroom! (quite normal for someone with BPH).

Not sure it is related but I am even facing the prospect of surgery to be had soon with a more positive attitude, while until a few days ago I was just frightened by the idea.

Thank you very, very much, EquiSync is definitely going to be my companion and a habit for many years to come…

Thank You & Best Wishes.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Of course, it’s very early but I have already seen some benefits. I used the EquiSync product while drifting off to sleep and I noticed that I slept very well and woke up refreshed and completely alert, which is unusual. I typically feel very tired and groggy in the morning upon waking, so this is a marked and welcome improvement.

I have also noticed that during my morning meditation session (I use the product twice daily – once in the morning and again at night), I’m able to almost instantly reach extremely deep levels of relaxation. In fact, within minutes I lose all sensation in my extremities. This is exactly like yogic meditation’s pratyahara, or sense withdrawal, state. It’s really quite remarkable that I could get that relaxed that quickly. This process usually takes me anywhere between a half an hour and an hour and a half. With EquiSync, I reach the same state in literally 2 to 5 minutes!

At any rate, I am enjoying the product immensely. I’m keeping a journal in which I’m recording my thoughts & observations as well as memory and cognition scores just as a sort of completely unscientific pet project, out of curiosity. So far, I’ve benefited from being better rested and more focused as a result of your product and that alone is worth the price of admission but I hope to be able to show that over an extended period of time, EquiSync can also improve working memory, cognition, &etc. I’ll be sure to share the data I collect with you if I get anything of statistical significance.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

To start with, I would like to mention that your EquiSync CDs have ‘shifted dimensions in my brain and mind’.

When I started listening to the recordings I could feel physically things happening in my brain…

I have done lots of work on myself over the years, but your product is just something else!

Thanking you and sending kind regards

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I must admit, I have listened to them all so far and I am finding an amazing difference. I feel very calm, relaxed and the little things that used to irritate me appear to have subsided. I have a lot more patience as well.

But one thing I have noticed a lot of improvement is my face. I am extremely chuffed about my eyes, they now look very deep blue and bright, with the whites extremely clear and my complexion really good.

I have even grown out my beard! Everyone compliments me on it, where as before they used to say no it really doesn’t suit you, when I used to grow one.

Anyway I will stop boring you (-: Equisync is an extremely effective product.


(-: Thank you all!

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I wanted to let you know that I think I am getting great results with your product!!

I used to meditate daily years ago and I knew it kept me more balanced and calmer. Those were the good ole days!

I started using the CD’s 3 weeks ago. I do one hour sessions once or twice a day. I try hard to do it twice. I’m happy to report that I am feeling better every day. The “negatives” are lighter in affect and my ability to focus and concentration is much improved. I’ve even lost some weight!!

I was searching for a starting point and EquiSync has served that for me.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Can I say I have been using your CDs now for a few weeks and have brought my blood pressure down quite a lot and my mind seems more clear. I seem to want to do more in my spare time and I have calmed down quite a lot, i now live in hope.

thank you once again

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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