Just one week of using Equisync, I’m amazed!


I’m amazed at what just one week of using the equisync tracks has done for my focus!

Thank you!

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I have been trying to figure out the words to thank you, so it’s been a couple of days. Thank you so much for the downloads that you sent to me that I could not afford…

When using your CDs I achieve deep meditative states within just minutes. I have experienced a variety of dream states, “mystical” states, with my awareness having a kind of ebb and flow.

Thank you so much again. I do have a B.A. in psych and a masters in social work. If you ever need to use my words or to write a bit to praise your cds, please let me know.

P.S. These cds remind me very much of Tart and Ornstein and their research on interior experiences.

I often recommend EOC for those seeking a superior meditative experience.

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I just wanted to share with you my initial experiences with Equisync.

I like it. I like the fact that I can just sit there and observe my thoughts and feelings and then go back to watching my breathing. It really does teach me to be centered and balanced. I look forward to the next several weeks. By the way, what I am doing now is meditating for 23 minutes in the early morning and again 23 minutes in the early evening. I’ll check back with you.

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I would like to share with you my experience after using EquiSync for three weeks. First of all, I am so amazed how fast I can put myself in a meditation state. During meditation, I feel some kind of a sensation I could not explain. I feel the rain dropping on my face and sometimes my legs. I feel the breeze of a tropical weather as if I was in the forest. I always sleep for a very short time at night and I have a very high sense of smell all my life. Using equisync I still sleep less, but am more relaxed when I wake up. During meditation, I can also smell the forest as if I am in the forest.

Today, September 10, I woke up at 5:00am (after 4 hours sleep) and started meditating from half way to the end of the Equisync III program. Woke up to cook breakfast and run by 10:30am. I cannot believe how I ran with so much energy. Run again at 7:00pm and still have lots of energy.

I also suffer with migraine for the last 15 years of my life. So, when I know I am going to have a headache I will start meditating and headache suddenly subsided. What an amazing thing you have created here. This is only three weeks of my experience. How much more what I can do after…………By the way I am 49 years old. I just want to thank you so very much for sharing this amazing tape with me. It is so worth it in all aspect. I wish you all the best. How I wish that our paths will cross one day.

Thank you for sharing the great experience and benefits of these successful effort.

Respectfully yours

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To whom it may concern,

I have to say that thus far I am really impressed with the results. I am having better sleeping nights and feel a lot more relaxed than I did prior to using this product. I intend to continue using it for a very long time.

Thank you again, I am very excited to be a customer of this technology.

Kind regards

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I can’t thank you guys enough for saving my life. I tell everybody I know about your guys. I love you guys. I word of mouth advertise and give my testimony to the power of your technology almost everyday. I am only 30 years old, but since I was 17 teen years old my life was a miserable roller coaster ride. I ended up being diagnosed with fibromyalsia, bipolar disorder, adhd, manic depression, sever anxiety, severe depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and you name it. Because of your product, I have never felt better in my entire life. I can cope and manage and more. I can finally sleep a full night without tossing and turning waking to knots in my back and stomach. I can finally stand straight and tall without feeling like I have a pinched nerve in my neck. I have energy again, and a renewed passion for life!

Thank you for giving me my life back! ?

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My doctor actually recommendeded I check out TM and your program. Looks very inviting.

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I purchased your Equisync Meditation program quite a while ago (can’t remember exactly when but it would be about 3 years I think). I used it regularly, loved it, and found that it really helped me with my anxiety issues…

Thank you

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Many thanks for your prompt and direct answer… Based on my experience with you so far you can expect me to recommend your services to other people…

For your integrity, of course, I cannot reward you with anything that could possibly pay for that in any way, except to say, feebly, thank you!!

Again, many thanks.

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I am a physician and recommend your product frequently to my patients.

I have found it useful myself as have many of my patients. I am interested in having more professional looking materials than a photocopy of my original brochure I received many years ago with my original CDs…

What would be the most appropriate way to provide the CD’s directly to patients? I would like to facilitate access to your product more quickly and at a lower overall cost (ie without patients each paying for shipping).

Thank you for your assistance.

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First, you have a good product and great service. I’ve noticed that I can easily enter the alpha state, and my body is heavy, mind relaxed, very pleasurable feelings. Happened every time…


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello, my name is [name removed]. I just downloaded the equisync theta meditation mp3 last night….and WOW.

I tried other companies the last few years or so….among the likes that mainly used binaural audio and the deepest I was really ever to achieve was alpha state….maybe theta once or twice over the last few years. It takes incredible dedication and practice to achieve the deep, renewing states of meditation that are most sought after…..I listened to the theta meditation mp3 last night and within what seemed like a few minutes my mind was flooded with imagery…memories long gone…my body was sleeping, heavy as lead, but my mind was crystal clear, aware of my surroundings. I could barely even open my eyes!

Just my FIRST session I felt like I successfully achieved a theta state of meditation….I came out of it feeling extraordinarily renewed and with this profound insight of “everything is going to be ok”….this was all from my FIRST session. I cant wait to continue this on a regular basis to see where it leads….one day I hope to achieve the deeper delta states…

I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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Dear Friends,

Please forgive me for my much too tardy response. I did not have a headset until yesterday when my daughter gave me a set for my birthday (which was yesterday, incidently).

Last night I did my first session and my mind chatter was like a pinball game. However, this morning my brain felt calmer. I concentrated on the undertone which at first sounded like a persistent major 5th then seemed to be a low octave.

I was unable to completely stop the mind chatter but I concluded my session and went forth and had a joyful and productive day.

I am thrilled even after just two sessions!

I am still stunned by your generosity. I haven’t a clue as to how I stumbled on to your website so it seems that it was simply a case of providence.

I have been telling everyone I know about your program. Before long I should be sending business your way.


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Dear EOC Institute,

I am writing to you from New Zealand. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!

I have tried your CDs from a friend of mine and I have been so impressed! I am wondering if there could be potential for me to distribute this product for you throughout New Zealand?

Although my primary business is [business removed] another deep HUGE passion of mine is consciousness development. I teach a regular group on Thursday nights about this exact topic!

I would so love to be a part of bringing a “tool” to others that doesn’t require any particular effort on their part, but that will help to raise their consciousness and improve their health and wellbeing. I see this as a way that I could play a part in assisting to deliver/offer something else that could be of such benefit.

Thank you so much, I will look forward to your reply.

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I spoke too soon, it came just hours after sending the email. And after my busy day yesterday I went into a dark room to listen with my stereo headphones. It was GREAT and by the time the CD was finished my body/mind were completely relaxed. I will use these CD’s daily!

We are all on this planet together; therefore, any positive changes you make in your life will indeed affect those around you…

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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