
What is the new equivalent title to your old “Into The Deep” (Delta) title?

I wanted to order that particular one again, since (yea!!) I’ve used it to pieces.


Thanks and happy holidays.

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Really love your products! Been referring them to all my clients!

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I am extremely pleased with your product. The impact of Equisync on my life has been incredible. I have never felt better in my life. Thank you very much.

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Hi, I’m totally loving the meditations. I have previously used Holosync, but I find that I crave doing meditation now rather than it being a chore…

Many thanks.

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My name is [name removed], I am 33yrs old, and just this last weekend I purchased the full EquiSync entrainment mp3s… b/c I’m a veteran meditator and felt sure that the introductory tracks were for beginners. As indeed they were but I listened to them anyway.

Admitted, I haven’t listened to all the tracks yet, but while listening to the demo alone over the course of a month-and-a-half I, too, had a transcendental experience that was amazing! So I determined pretty quickly to save the money and buy your product, even though I really can’t afford it. Yes, over the last 3 years meditation has become that important to me.

When I had this experience while using your product, I had been listening to the demo on repeat for around 3 hours or so. Thus, after purchasing your product and reading the material, I was a bit shocked to see the warning “Not to be used for more than 2 hours.”

So my question is: Why? When I read it, I had a bit of a fear of brain aneurysms. Therefore, 1. could someone contact me to tell me why use of your product shouldn’t continue past 2 hours? [I probably won’t heed the reason unless it’s a life or death warning: I love this product that much!] 2. Please feel free to post my letter in your testimonials, if you ever decide to post such customer comments.

Thanks a lot and ROCK ON EOC!!!!

A friend in the lotus position

a concise P.S. I was in a horrible car accident when I was 18 and had to learn to read and write and walk and talk all over again. It was long ago and I’m pretty well over it, but such an injury has lifetime repercussions. The neurological damage sustained causes my left arm to shake uncontrollably anytime I use it in a situation requiring precise coordination. From simply listening to the demo, the shake [though not disappearing completely in the last 2 months] has lessened dramatically. I had been wondering for years what kind of neurological exercises I could undergo to help it…

Well, now I’ve found it!

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To whom it may concern,

I am an artist who has been practicing EQUISYNC for approximately two weeks now and as stated in your promotional material, I am experiencing what you have called a “runner’s high” or the high you get when totally engaged in the creative process.. Sometimes it gets to be so pleasurable it feels like it’s too good to be true…

Thanks again

P.S. I have been practicing TM since 1975

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Greetings from the Consumer Advocate.

I am sending you this because after reviewing your product. It’s an EPIC WIN?. I love it. I investigate disputes and review products and services. You are going on the consumer advocate “Buy With Confidence” list.


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I wanted to let you know that I think I am getting great results with your product!!

I used to meditate daily years ago and I knew it kept me more balanced and calmer. Those were the good ole days!

I started using the CD’s 3 weeks ago. I do one hour sessions once or twice a day. I try hard to do it twice. I’m happy to report that I am feeling better every day. The “negatives” are lighter in affect and my ability to focus and concentration is much improved. I’ve even lost some weight!!

I was searching for a starting point and EquiSync has served that for me.

Thank you

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Good morning,

I promised I would let you know how I am getting on with your discs. Well just wonderful. I am a very spiritual person and your system is helping me leap frog over years of deep seated subconscious baggage.

Perhaps the biggest change of all is what I believe to be my destiny but have struggled with for many many years: my unfinished book. Well, with my blockages now clear, I am back at it!

Thank you for your support and I will be back in touch to get permission to put your info in my book.

Kind regards

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I have to say thank you because Equisync has made a big difference in my life and I’ve only been using it for six weeks.

Loving it!.. Smiles

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I have used your products for a while and love them… Thanks

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I have had pretty bad anxiety that developed only in the last few months. I have been using your CD’s for almost a week and have noticed significant reduction in my anxiety…

When “in session” it feels like my body starts to get numb then filled with some type of positive energy which then flows through it freely…[personal experience removed]

Thank you for such a powerful product!

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Hello, I am [name removed], from [city, state removed]. I would like to say thank you for making the CDs. They’ve really helped my friend get over years of abuse and the sadness of loosing the only good friend he had after he moved to [city removed]. I plan on getting the cds for myself, once I get to working, and seeing if they will help me with my problems caused by [condition removed]. But, if you had seen my friend before, and compared it to now you would be amazed.

I am however feeling more alert, calm, focused, better thinking, so I love Equisync

Ever since I started using equisync, I no longer have to use [removed] to go to sleep. IT’S WONDERFUL! Thank you. Have recommended it to many of my friends.

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I bought your full product several months ago and have been using it off and on since… I have derived benefit from your audios and I will continue to use them. I have tried the teaser audios of other products out there and find yours much more to my liking.

The benefits I have noticed is a deeper clarity of thinking, less tension, more peace. The threshold at which I get irritated is much higher and I argue less with my wife. My life is improved by your product and I thank you.

If you come up with new products, let me know. Thanks again

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I have purchased many products from you in the past and have been delighted with the results! Most of the CD’s I have are old and not reliable anymore, so I would like to buy the fully updated meditation set. Please let me know the details.

Thank You!

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