The happiest I’ve been in my entire life!

I tried your demo product last night and was so amazed that I did it twice!

It was such a calming session, like floating almost. I experienced an array of vivid visuals, and then afterwards slept great – so much so that I had a surreal vivid dream where there was so much laughter that I’ve never felt anything like it in my life… Hard to describe the experience really.

I woke up thinking that I was laughing out loud… I have to say the vivid dream of the laughter was the happiest I think I’ve been in my entire life. I was excited to wake up this morning and I haven’t had that excitement in months!

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I have purchased many products from you in the past and have been delighted with the results! Most of the CD’s I have are old and not reliable anymore, so I would like to buy the fully updated meditation set. Please let me know the details.

Thank You!

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Thank you so much for your amazing cds.

I firstly bought your Equisync 1 and it changed my life. I used it every day and it really helped. I sadly however lost it. I have ordered the new Equisync 1 set which is very different from the first but is still fantastic…

Many many thanks

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Hello, I bought Equisync two years ago, and I like it so much but don’t listen everyday, only when I feel I need my brain entertained :).

Last month I visited my mom who has headaches almost everyday, CT scan and MRI turned out good, thank God.

I let her listen to Equisync and she liked it so much. The thing is now she wants to listen all day or whenever her headache comes!

Please advise.

Thank you very much.!!!!


[Note: We recommend keeping total daily listening time to 1-2 tracks, which is 23-48 minutes.]

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I purchased 1 & 2 and have used them for over a year. I enter very deep meditative states and so I’m very happy.

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I have your Equisync II and can feel a difference after only a couple of weeks. I feel calmer and more settled within myself and at the same time less willing to be imposed upon.


*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I started your Equisync program about three and a half weeks ago. I decided to take each section and spend a week with it for the whole 27 weeks. A slow and steady approach. I listen to each program at least two times. Three times if I am falling asleep. But basically I am doing two sessions a day with very little falling asleep now…

First a couple notes. I know the whole purpose is to achieve an altered state. And I know that the ability to do that increases in both depth and intensity over time. I figure if I get into a good state, then I am doing it right and will trust that over time the desired results will occur.

And I have been getting into some good states since the beginning. There were only a couple days where a good, deep altered state did not occur. But even then, something did happen.

And I am taking my time and working through the whole series. That is the only way that it will work for me. So that is what I am doing. And I am getting some significant results already.

I have a history with trouble sleeping. Now, I am not sleeping longer just yet, but I seem to be sleeping deeper. So I am a bit more rested when I get up. I did not expect miracles in a week or so. Slow and steady wins the race.

I am presently doing Equisync 1. I have been doing this for 4 days now. Through the first three sessions over the last three weeks, I have been experiencing some good results in terms of getting into a much deeper meditative state.

This is where it gets a little weird. Ever since I started the Equisync 1 session, the responses have become extreme… [sensitive personal experience removed]

These sessions are knocking me on my rear end!.. Any ideas? Any suggestions?


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Thank you! I thoroughly enjoy your product and recommend it to friends & associates.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I purchased the EquiSync Series CDs several years ago… I’ve used many brainwave meditation tapes and CDs over the years, and can say without hesitation that EquiSync is the very best!…

Thank you

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


I recently purchased the Equisync 1, 2, & 3 programs from your website. I have to say that after 1 day I feel immediate benefits…

Last night I did two 30 minute sessions spaced about 4 hours apart of the Alpha session. The benefits were immediate after about 20 minutes into it.

Today I started with an Equisync 1 session for 30 minutes, about 15 minutes later I started a 30 minute E2 session then immediately following I went and shifted the plane of awareness to Delta with a 30 minute E3 session.

Since it was the weekend and I am fortunate to have Sunday off from work I was able to experiment with that mixture of sessions before I went to sleep. I awoke still in the Delta state and have been feeling absolutely fantastic throughout the day.

Again, I really appreciate your work in this field. My only complaint is that the tracks are too short!… I already feel smarter with this product.

Thank you so much for this, I am glad I found out about your products through random web browsing.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hey guys,

Sure do enjoy your cds’ and have definitely noticed a change. I believe that this process is monumental to the transformation that (hopefully) will happen to humanity.

Thank you again

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Hello, guys, do you remember me? I did promise you that I will inform you about my experiment with your Equisync, and after two weeks, I listened every day, with very interesting results:

After only two days, my body sent me signs that my libido (smile!!!) is returning! Maybe it’s time that I tell you about my age (almost 60), so that was some how … funny!!!

Thank you for all!

Best regards, [name removed], PhD

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

I am extremely pleased with your product. The impact of Equisync on my life has been incredible. I have never felt better in my life. Thank you very much.

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

Dear Friends at EOC Institute,

Hi i’m just writing to let you all know that your Equisync CD’s are amazing! Just last night i was meditating to “Equisync II”. The one that has mostly theta binaural beats in it. I gotta tell you i have never had a meditation like i experienced with this CD. At certain points during the meditation it felt like my whole damn body was vibrating! That very night when i went to sleep I also had lucid dreams! It was so relaxing! I’ve tried “Equisync I” too, that one is amazing as well! I haven’t tried “Equisync III” yet. I can only imagine what that is going to be like!

Looks like “EOC Institute” has a winner with the Equisync CD’s!

Well, I finally listened to “Equisync III” after listening to “Equisync I” & the “Equisync II” several times. Let me just say that this put me in another state of consciousness within 7 minutes(guessing) it was beautiful! I meditated throughout the entire 70 minute CD set! It didn’t feel like 70 minutes. I could feel energy in my neck, my solar plexus area and at the brow of my head! Definitely NOT for beginners!

Those DELTA binaural beats are very powerful! These CD’s are definitely working. I can feel myself becoming a new person as i listen to the different CD’s. Situations that i would normally lose control in don’t bother me at all anymore!

Peace & Harmony

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Hello! I think of you as my very good friends.

I am writing just to thank you for making such a marvelous thing (EquiSync) available. I had a great session today listening to disc 2-A, all three tracks.

I feel I reached a more basic level than ever before this date. I was wearing some magnetic finger rings I’ve long had, which I think enhanced EquiSync. I hope you will think this is O.K.

Also, a habit I have developed is: when I find my mind churning away at not very relaxing things, I think three words—Light (I get a sense of light, eyes closed and looking up), Space (I get a sense of space around me), Depth (depth of relaxation)— somehow this last word creates more relaxation, and helps me to cut the mental chatter and simply experience the sounds.

Your program is working for me!

(No response is necessary unless you want to say something).

Many thanks

*** Results may vary from person to person ***

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