I affectionately call it Meditation for Dummies

I have been using the Equisync CDs at least 24 minutes 5 days a week. It instantly relaxes me, helps get rid of headaches and even hiccups! I have a stressful job and it helps prevent anxiety; I have not had a chance to check my blood pressure but I feel calmer. I have used other products before but I like the Equisync CDs much better; it is deeper and more relaxing.

In March I started using the CDs that I affectionately call “Meditation for Dummies” and am very pleased with the results so far. My blood pressure has dropped, I am sleeping better and notice that I feel much more calm and less stressed. Instead of feeling that I need to “find the time” in my schedule to meditate, I look forward to that totally relaxing half hour–that peaceful feeling of floating.

I highly recommend this product.

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Hi everyone!

I feel it is time to make a few statements! Regarding your company, your customer service, and last but by no means least, your wonderful products!

Regarding the CD’s that you have developed, is a big “WOW” factor with me. They do everything that you say they will do! For brain entrainment, I personally rate them very highly indeed.

I am no novice to this type of technology! I have been using for the last several years what I call my “meditation machine,” [from another company] that also uses binaural/isochronic beats, tones, etc…

Now I must admit that the development of your CD’s isochronic/binaural brain wave entrainment programs, in my honest opinion, is not only cheaper on my pocket, (big time), but superior!

Lastly, to me you do not appear to be a company that just wishes to sell your goods! Your customer service team in my humble opinion is second to none!

Very caring and knowledgeable, you listen to your customers. What more can I say but a big thank you for doing what you do, and how well you do it.

A very happy customer indeed.


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Hi there,

I’ve just started listening to the wonderful EquiSync CD’s we purchased. The EquiSync 2 program is working nicely with my healing. Thank you very much – so far the experience is wonderful…

Kind regards

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Hello! I think of you as my very good friends.

I am writing just to thank you for making such a marvelous thing (EquiSync) available. I had a great session today listening to disc 2-A, all three tracks.

I feel I reached a more basic level than ever before this date. I was wearing some magnetic finger rings I’ve long had, which I think enhanced EquiSync. I hope you will think this is O.K.

Also, a habit I have developed is: when I find my mind churning away at not very relaxing things, I think three words—Light (I get a sense of light, eyes closed and looking up), Space (I get a sense of space around me), Depth (depth of relaxation)— somehow this last word creates more relaxation, and helps me to cut the mental chatter and simply experience the sounds.

Your program is working for me!

(No response is necessary unless you want to say something).

Many thanks

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The tracks work amazingly well, and I wish to first thank you all for your effort to make such a beneficial product!

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Good morning!

I am writing to you because i want to let you know that . . . i love your product !!!!!!!!

Yes . . . the concept is quite believable . . . especially with all the scientific studies done to confirm that “waves” have a lot to do with how we feel . . . how we perceive our world.

there’s nothing like being balanced!!

i love your product .

Thank you.

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I was recently working with your profound meditation program… it has excellent use of technology which allows me to reach the “mind awake body asleep” state. Your program is great for someone like myself who wants a peaceful meditation relaxation without any further noise added in.

I also appreciate that your program has an alpha focus in the beginning, I noticed that I am energetically sensitive to alpha.

Attempting to push delta is like pushing a rock. It’s hard work. It doesn’t have to be, however, if someone creates a bridge to those deeper layers which your program has done very well without skipping the best parts in between…

It’s amazing and created well. Love ur product. It’s very exciting!

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I just received my EquiSync Cds and listened to the entire first CD. I’ve never had such an experience before. It was amazing feeling the different parts of my brain engaging with the sound tracks.

Literally, I felt at one point the corpus collosum connect both sides of my brain and create such a deep sense of stillness. I felt my pineal engage and my frontal lobe light up.

What fun! Thank You So Much!

I will be referring my clients to your products when they are in need of this type of healing assistance.

Have a blessed day!

*** Results may vary from person to person ***


First and foremost I like to say that although, I’ve had in my possession all three CDs, which I had purchased from you sometime ago, I recently for the first time, in the last month (December), started to listen to Equisync I.

I thought that if I listened to Equisync I continuously for a period of three weeks or one month, I would understand and retain more information. However, enthusiastically, I must honestly report that from my very first session I was able to focus without the mental chatter (you know, disturbances and/or interruptions).

It’s been approximately one month now, and the results from listening to Equisync I have been nothing short of phenomenal!


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This is all new to me and I want to get my health back…[personal question removed] I’m giving it a chance to try this meditation series that I just purchased.

Yesterday, I did listen to equisync 3, in my mind I saw purple and deep blues, this felt very nice…


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Thank you for your support and outstanding service. It has helped me immensely with the panic attacks I’ve had and I am so truly grateful for this.


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Thanks for the great answer.

I really do notice a big difference after meditating with EquiSync. Not sure how to describe it quite yet but it’s good! I have a home studio and a recording studio I go to so I might have to try adding some affirmations after I get familiar with all the tracks. I’m actually reading “Think And Grow Rich” now. I’m halfway through. My goal is to get my health back to normal.

EquiSync rocks!

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Dear EquiSync People (the “Compassionate” Ones):

Well, I have to say it. I love your new product and program. It is my guiltless pleasure. I so love these CD’s!

Since using your program, I like to wake up about 5 a.m. to meditate as well as before I go to sleep. Meditation is now the most special thing in my life.

Over the years, I have purchased many CD’s with healing sounds such as bi-neural (sp), drums, nature, frequencies, etc. I have never seen anything put together in such a positive and caring way with respect to the overrall meditative ambiance and deep mind environment. I have to admit I am “awed!”

I am truly inspired by your willingness to speak to each and every person who visits your website. For me, it all began with EquiSync (the best ever!).

Thanks for all the emails you have been sending, I am always paying particular attention to the things you write. Nothing less will do!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Your #1 Fan

God bless every single one of you who had the”collective gumption” to even approach such a task. You make our world a great place to live.


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Hi, had bought your meditation product back in 2012 and feel the need to tell you how many amazing experiences I have had using these powerful sounds throughout the years!
A big thank you!

Love & Light

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Dear Friends at EOC Institute,

Hi i’m just writing to let you all know that your Equisync CD’s are amazing! Just last night i was meditating to “Equisync II”. The one that has mostly theta binaural beats in it. I gotta tell you i have never had a meditation like i experienced with this CD. At certain points during the meditation it felt like my whole damn body was vibrating! That very night when i went to sleep I also had lucid dreams! It was so relaxing! I’ve tried “Equisync I” too, that one is amazing as well! I haven’t tried “Equisync III” yet. I can only imagine what that is going to be like!

Looks like “EOC Institute” has a winner with the Equisync CD’s!

Well, I finally listened to “Equisync III” after listening to “Equisync I” & the “Equisync II” several times. Let me just say that this put me in another state of consciousness within 7 minutes(guessing) it was beautiful! I meditated throughout the entire 70 minute CD set! It didn’t feel like 70 minutes. I could feel energy in my neck, my solar plexus area and at the brow of my head! Definitely NOT for beginners!

Those DELTA binaural beats are very powerful! These CD’s are definitely working. I can feel myself becoming a new person as i listen to the different CD’s. Situations that i would normally lose control in don’t bother me at all anymore!

Peace & Harmony

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